Wanneer: 29/04/2016 - 14:21
April 27, 2016 r. To prison for a period of three months hit Lukasz Bukowski, a participant in Poznan Anarchist Federation. Convicted of attacking a police officer at the blockade of the evictions in Poznan.
The eviction of Richard and Catherine Jenczów (seriously ill, for years in a wheelchair women) occurred on October 25, 2011. Despite the evidence of Mrs. Catherine's disease the court, didn't give them rights to social housing.
Lukasz comment (video)
We call on the authorities of the city of Poznan, which announced, to carry out 250 evictions until november. We must stop them and ensure everyone in our city has the right to "shelter".
The brutal eviction of a woman in a wheelchair
Send letter to Łukasza he reads english
Łukasz Bukowski s. Zbigniewa
Areszt Śledczy w Poznaniu
ul. Młyńska 1
61-729 Poznań
Tags: represion prison blockade eviction Poznan anrchist Lukasz Bukowski