Waar: Ende Gelände, Proschim, Germany
Wanneer: 29/03/2016 - 20:58
Ende Gelände! - Protect the climate, block coal diggers! 13th.-16th May 2016, in the lignite coal fields Lusatia (near Berlin)
Newsletter #5
* Five things you can do to push Ende Gelände
* Cycle to Ende Gelände
* Press release about the sale
* BreakFree and global support
* Blockadia in Wales and France
* Forest occupation in Lusatia
* Solidarity with Norwegian activists
Warm and sunny May is approaching and thus our little, or not quite so
little, revolt is coming closer. We at least are itching with excitement
for it to happen. But now is still the time to prepare, to inspire
people and get them to put the weekend 13th to 16th in their diaries, to
"draw a line in the sand". But not without the help of our friends:
let's say, if every person receiving this newsletter puts on the iconic
white suit and brings a friend along too, then we will carry out an act
of civil disobedience of a dimension that I have never experienced. But
no pressure, even if you can’t come this year, Ende Gelände will be
grand. Promise!
Clearly, the more people there will be in Lusatia the stronger our
message - that the road of fossil fuel extraction leads to nowhere, that
the time is up for coal and all other climate destructive industries.
Ende Gelände will be a moment for a diverse, global movement and a
worldwide pledge to block the infrastructure of climate change –and we
will be the ones doing it.
We are counting on you!
Five things you can do to push Ende Gelände
1. Flyers, posters and stickers
New flyers, posters and even stickers are coming hot of the press and
will be distributed over the whole of Europe. The logistics behind this
are not always straight forward, so bear with us if it takes more than
just a few days to get your Ende Gelände material......we’re working
hard on it, but a team of volunteers does have its limits. Order here:
mobimaterial@ende-gelaende.org (mailto:mobimaterial@ende-gelaende.org)
2. Newsletter – spread it far and wide!
With the newsletter we try to do two things: convince those interested
that it’s time to make their voice heard and provide information to
those who’ve already started planning and preparing for the action (more
of that to come in the next few weeks). Feel kindly invited to let us
know how this is working out (newsletter@ende-gelaende.org
(mailto:newsletter@ende-gelaende.org) ).
We are thinking you might be able to help us to reach a few hundred more
people by just forwarding this newsletter to groups and people you know
This could be the mailing list of the people on your degree course, a
political group on campus, an anti-racist or anti-fascist group, the
youth wing of a political party, environmental groups (e.g. FoE) as well
as climate-concerned religious people. There’s space for everyone!
Resisting the [drivers of] climate change is an opportunity to put our
critiques of the system into practice.
Also, Ende Gelände is on Twitter
(https://twitter.com/ende__gelaende?lang=en) and Facebook
(https://www.facebook.com/BaggerStoppen/) , do give us a like/follow.
3. Info Events
Interest in Ende Gelände is increasing. Many local groups are organising
info events to put like-minded people together, answer their questions
and start organising the practicalities. So do pop in! There are
meetings in Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Leipzig and many other places –
not to mention our friends in the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Poland,
Czech Republic, Belgium, France and the UK, who are also organising
event. All the dates can be found here
(https://www.ende-gelaende.org/en/get-involved/dates/?pk_campaign=nl5) .
Is some place missing? Definatly! We’ll help you with organising an info
event in your city, just let us know if you’re interested:
4. Action training
In the past we’ve experienced that the success of an action depends
heavily on the preparation of its participants. So we are asking every
current and aspiring Ende Geländista, to attend one of our action
training days that will take place over the next few weeks. You will
find the dates on our website.
At those training events we’ll teach you the basics of how to set up a
successful blockade and get you to try it out. We’ll set up affinity
groups and practise how to communicate within the groups and across the
whole event. We practise dealing with the police in a calm but resolute
way and how to behave if they evict us. We’ll also answer your legal
questions. We’ll explain the idea action concept of Ende Gelände and
tell you about the specifics on site.
And by the way those skills are not just handy for Ende Gelände....
Ideally you’d just organise training locally [and adapt it to the people
and place]. If interested just email us:
5. Organise a bus from your city
Most stuff can be sorted out in weeks before the action, but buses
should be booked as early as possible. So far already some 15 buses from
different countries are being planned. If you make a superb contribution
to our mobilisation, then do think about organising a bus from your
region to Lusatia. If interested email: busmobi@ende-gelaende.org
(mailto:busmobi@ende-gelaende.org) . We can help in many ways.
We also wrote a bus guide
that explains step by step how to organise a bus. On our homepage you
can find a link to a page about getting there. We have a map
(https://www.ende-gelaende.org/en/getting-there-2/?pk_campaign=nl5) that
can be used as a transport sharing tool. You can find information on
buses planned, cycling tours and other ways of getting there.
Cycle to Ende Gelände
Leaving from different places in Europe, we will cycle in groups and
connect along the way, showing the feasibility of long distance cycling,
a mode of transport that isn’t heavily based on fossil fuels. The
intention is to promote clean and slow travel, providing space to learn
and discover our land and those who inhabit it. At each stop, we will
meet, discover and show solidarity with communities promoting positive
social change. Workshops and trainings will prepare us for Ende Gelände
and beyond. As bees on bikes, we hope to connect our movements and
pollinate change in order to strengthen our community fighting for
global justice.
Rides are leaving from Sweden, France, the Netherlands, Germany and
maybe more, reaching the Lausitz Climate Camp all together on the 12th
May. The community spirit is one of our main focuses that is leading us
to take action for a more just and sustainable world. We will draw Red
Lines along the way at ”places of interest” that do not fit those
criteria. United, we will stand up for what we believe in, and shut down
what we don’t.
More information can be found on the website: www.cycleeg2016.org
And you can get in touch via info@cycleeg2016.org
Get on board for part of the ride or the whole bloody thing!
Ende Gelände press release about the sale of the mine
The period for tenders for Vattenfall's lignite coal mining business has
closed – with a positive result. We’ve done a press release about it.
You can find it here
(https://www.ende-gelaende.org/en/press/?pk_campaign=nl5) .
Start of the BreakFree Homepage and our global call for support
On 9th March the global campaign “Break Free from Fossil Fuels”, which
Ende Gelände is part of was relaunched (breakfree2016.org
(http://breakfree2016.org/) ). You should check it out. There’s quite a
bit going on with actions in 11 countries.
We also drafted a Global Call for Support, which you can find here
. We wish to provide the opportunity for our international friends to
express their support for our action and the BreakFree campaign. If you
happen to be in contact with international climate networks,
organisations or groups, let them know about this.
Camps & Blockades in Great Britain and France
Climate justice is not just coming to Lusatia this May. In Wales a big
action against new coal mines is planned for the period of 30th April
and 4th May – and we are happy to have been cited as an inspiration for
the activism. On their website
they write:
We’ll build a camp and use this as a base to host a programme of
workshops and trainings, and to build the kind of community we want to
see – just, democratic and sustainable. We will also be taking mass
action to shut down Ffos-y-fran. (…) For nearly a decade, the
11-million-tonne Ffos-y-fran mine has scarred the landscape and the
community in South Wales. Now the corporation responsible for
Ffos-y-fran – Miller Argent – wants to crush local democracy
and resistance, and dig another vast coal mine just next door at Nant
Llesg. Coal is the dirtiest fossil fuel and we cannot transition to a
just, democratic and clean energy system while we continue to dig it up
and burn it. We want to build on the strong tradition of mass action
Climate Camps in the UK, and the success of the Reclaim the Power camps
over the last few years. We have also been inspired by Ende Gelände
(https://www.ende-gelaende.org/en/?pk_campaign=nl5) and other
international coal resistance movements. (…) Let’s make leaving fossil
fuels in the ground a defining political issue in Wales and the UK.
So if you happen to have no plans for early May, Wales is pretty you
know....and for those who prefer to go south; in a couple of weeks, from
2nd to 7th April, a climate camp will take place in the south of France,
in Pau near the Pyrenees. There the Blockade
(http://anv-cop21.org/appel-de-pau-stop-aux-forages-eaux-profondes/) of
a economic summit is planned: the big oil companies will meet to push
for the madness of „Deepwater Development“ – We say: Stop aux forages en
eaux profondes! And Blockadia is happening.
LAUtonomia, new forest occupation in Lusatia
On Saturday 5th March a forest occupation in Lusatia took place. Under
the name of „LAUtonomia“ several platforms were erected in the trees
surrounding the Nochten open cast mine . Here is an extract from their
first press release:
“The trees which people were occupying about 8 metres up are right on
the clearing frontier at Nochten mine. (…) Nochten mine lies south west
of the city of Weisswasser and an extension called Nochten II is
planned. The extention and approaching sale of the lignite coal fields
by the energy company Vattenfall have made the mining in Lusatia a topic
of particular public interest this year.
(…) For decades local initiatives in Lusatia have been trying to stop
mining continuing. The action coalition Ende Gelände has also announced
activities in the area. The activists of LAUtonomia have said that they
wish to support and broaden this resistance. So diverse tactics can be
expected throughout this summer.”
We wish them great success, to quote the German broadcasting company
WDR: maybe not legal, but legitimate!
You can find more information in German on the LAUtonomia blog.
Solidarity with accused Norwegian activists
For three weeks local and environmental activists shut down the
exploration mining on top of Engebø mountain in the west of Norway. The
Norwegian government has given Nordic Mining permission for a open-pit
mine, that will dump more than 250 million tonnes of mining waste,
including chemicals and heavy metals, in the Førde fjord.
The blockade started on the 1st of February, and lasted until the 20th
of February. (…) The activists blocked the entry road to the mountain
and the exploration machinery through non-violent direct actions. The
second day of the blockade, the CEO of Nordic Mining, Ivar Fossum, told
the media that «They do what they think is right. These are great and
committed youths». On Tuesday 22. of February, two days after the
blockade was finished, the same CEO confirmed that Nordic Mining will
file a multi-million lawsuit against the activists.
That’s why we need your help, and we need it now. We need to create a
massive pressure against Nordic Mining, that will force them to drop the
lawsuit. I’m hoping you can help us defend the right for non-violent
direct actions, and at the same time help us from going bankrupt.
* Sign and share the petition against the lawsuit at bit.ly/tellnordicmining
* Read more about the issue on www.savethefjords.com
(http://www.savethefjords.com/) and share it on social media
Let's get up n'going – Ende Gelaende!
In Solidarity, the EG-Newsletter group
PS. Next EG-gathering is 22nd - 24th April, feel much invited.
Homepage: https://www.ende-gelaende.org
Facebook: https://facebook.com/BaggerStoppen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ende__Gelaende
Unsubscribe: info@ende-gelaende.org
Subscribe to the newsletter: blank Email to: ende-gelaende-newsletter-en-subscribe@lists.riseup.net
Unsubscribe from the newsletter: blank Email to: ende-gelaende-newsletter-en-unsubscribe@lists.riseup.net
Tags: break free ende gelande lausitz
Zie ook:
Wij zijn het beleggingsrisico! Stop kolen - bescherm het klimaat!: https://www.indymedia.nl/node/32777
Ende Gelände Lausitz: Protect the climate, block the coal diggers!: https://www.indymedia.nl/node/30740
Ende Gelände Info Evening: https://www.indymedia.nl/node/32749
Actietraining Ende Gelände Groningen: https://www.indymedia.nl/node/32714
Actietraining Ende Gelände Amsterdam: https://www.indymedia.nl/node/32718
Actietraining Ende Gelände Wageningen: https://www.indymedia.nl/node/32717
Cycle Ende Gelände 2016: https://www.indymedia.nl/node/32690
Ende Gelände flyer: https://www.indymedia.nl/indyfiles/Ende%20Gelande%202016%20flyer%20Engli...