Wanneer: 14/11/2015 - 20:00
Info evening about the occupation of the Hambacher forest and call for mobilization!
RESPECT EXISTENCE OR EXPECT RESISTANCE! In order to excavate coal, the energy company RWE clears near Cologne the originally more than 4500 hectares big and 12000 years old Hambacher forest, damages agricultural land and evicts villages. Some Effects of the excavation of coal are: air and fine dust pollution, release of radioactive substances, the lowering of ground water, emissions of CO2 (1t cole = 1t CO2). We occupied the forest to resist and counteract the expansion of the open-cast pit!
2 more peeps in jail hambachforest, update
Vegan food
Anarchist Black Cross
Writing to prisoners is a very important part of prisoner support!
Altered State anarcho
crust/metal/punk from Ghent
Freedom for Mr Blue! Freedom for all prisioners!
Saturday November 14th 2015, Ravellaan7, 20:00
Tags: Hambacher Forest info evening utrecht