Wanneer: 11/10/2014 - 20:00
Indigenous people living in Netherlands will celebrate the resilience of indigenous resistance all around the world with music, poetry, dance, film, notable speakers and a DJ performance.
While for many, the 12 October symbolizes the 'discovery' of the New World by Italian explorer Christopher Columbus who landed ashore the Americas in 1492, this date epitomizes the historic turning point marking the beginning of an era of oppression for indigenous peoples.
Despite global advances and developments in all areas of human life, indigenous peoples continue to face exploitation, persecution and discrimination. Many transnational corporations and governments are guilty of polluting the environment, implementing mega development projects and extracting raw materials from indigenous lands, forcing indigenous communities worldwide to resettle. Consequently, these communities have lost, or risk losing, their native cultures, languages, knowledge and identities, while many of those who have stood up against such injustice have been persecuted or murdered mercilessly.
On Saturday, 11 October 2014, the indigenous people living in Netherlands will celebrate the resilience of indigenous resistance all around the world with indigenous music, poetry, dance, film, notable speakers and a DJ performance.
Date: Saturday 11 October 2014,
Time: 20:00 - 03:00 hours
Location: OT301
Address: Overtoom 301, in Amsterdam
Entrance: 7 €
Organized by: Mapuche Foundation Folil
A detailed program will be available soon.
Tags: Indigenous Mapuche
11 oktober 2014,
Programma: Inheemse volken vieren 522 jaar verzet
OT301 in Amsterdam
Zaal: OT301 in Amsterdam (Overtoom 301)
Entree: 7 €.
19.30 uur Deur open
20.00-20.10 Welkomstwoord Mapuche Stichting FOLIL
20.10-20.25 Dansgroep: Kaypacha (Latijns-Amerikaanse Folklore)
20.25-20.35 Gastspreker 1: Semuel Sahureka van Stichting “ Saka Mese Nusa AlifURU”(Alifuru, Maluku.)
20.35-20.55 Dansgroep Alifuru Anai met de “Maku-Maku”, een overwinningsdans samen met de Mapuche
20.55-21.10 Gastspreker 2: José Catrilao (Mapuche woordvoerder uit Chili)
21.10-21.25 Pauze
21.25-21.40 Muziek: Coralie Magis uit België
21.40-21.55 Muziek met de band “Andino kwartet Amsterdam”
21.55-22.10 Gastspreker 3: Manuel Chocori (Mapuche woordvoerder uit Chili)
22.10-22.25 Dansgroep: Kaypacha (Latijns-Amerikaanse Folklore)
22.25-21.45 Pauze
22.45-23.00 Film: van Jaap van het Hoofdakker i.s.m. VPRO en Rafael Railaf Caniu
23.00-23.15 Dansgroep: Kaypacha (Latijns-Amerikaanse Folklore)
23.15-2.50 Dansen met:
- DJ Rubiz ( Ruggero Biswane uit Suriname draait Old school Urban, Reggae, Dancehall, Surinaamse creoolse culturele en moderne muziek, Surinaamse Inheemse culturele en moderne muziek)
- DJ Rengo Estar (Luis Garrido uit Chile draait een mix van Cumbia de la Selva en andere strijdbare Latijns-Amerikaanse muziek.)
2.50-3.00 Einde van de avond, deuren sluiten