Cultural Cleansing of individual self-determination driven by the bureaucrats.

Ruis, gepost door: Anthony Ravlich op 03/09/2014 09:12:00

Describes a Cultural Cleansing of individual self-determination. Driven by the bureaucrats in the interest of secular, liberal collectivists it required a hijacking of human rights hidden by a 'divide and rule'.

Cultural Cleansing of individual self-determination driven by the bureaucrats.

Anthony Ravlich


Human Rights Council (New Zealand)

10D/15 City Rd.

Auckland City.

Ph: (0064) (09) 940.9658

The following are three posts on the social networking sites where I describe the Cultural Cleansing of individual self-determination.

And also how this was bureaucratically-driven reflecting the interests of a descent-based left-class - secular liberal collectivists.

It describes briefly (it will be written far more fully in my forthcoming book) how for the purpose of cultural cleansing, human rights were hijacked and hidden by a ‘divide and rule’. In my view, once the latter is understood it can be corrected peacefully.

I posted the following on 2 September 2014:

DIVIDE AND RULE: My forthcoming book will show 'divide and rule' stems from UN i.e. General Assembly (rule-makers) vis-a-vis IMF's elitist globalization (strongly favors Corporations neglecting small entrepreneur i.e. ethical globalization, who creates jobs).
Global discontent channeled by left-sacred cows towards IMF and America (has veto power but can it seems be removed if members choose) to protect rule-makers in General Assembly.

Elitist globalization supported by virtually all States (see Millennium Declaration 2000 principles) [I should add that State leaders were not aware of the ethical human rights, development and globalization which was first out-lined in my book, ‘Freedom from our social prisons: the rise of economic, social and cultural rights’ eight years later in 2008].

Similarly at the State level e.g. in NZ, Roger Douglas, Richard Prebble, Ken Shirley crossed from Labour to form the Act Party [a far right political party] to hide the rule-maker's sinister bill of rights created by PM Geoffrey Palmer, Helen Clark Deputy PM. (driven by bureaucrats, bill of rights and made compatible with IMF elitist policies (called Rogernomics in NZ) to culturally cleanse NZ of individual self- determination [correction made: removed additional comment]).
Domestic discontent is channeled by left-sacred cows (secular, liberal collectivists) e.g. Jane Kelsey, towards two percent, Act Party and Corporations to hide what happened on the left - Douglas, Prebble and Shirley all voted for the bill of rights. The Occupation protestors were deceived, in my view.
[correction: removed additional comment] I was told by an old bloke in boarding house I lived in at outset of my human rights journey (I have roughed it for very many years) that 'it's all done with mirrors' - how right he was!!!!! PS. see internet - NZ Parliamentary Conscience Votes re bill of rights -only passed by 36% - in my strong view human rights were hijacked.

Pol Pot's ground zero brought life to a standstill - here we don't use direct violence but rather the violence of gross neglect (human rights omissions). Couldn't post following on E2NZ 'Chrstchurch rebuild is hampered by NZ Government' - far too slow and confusing:

I’m Anthony Ravlich, Human Rights Author and Activist now contracted to write a third book (major pub) – went to Chch on three occasions warning about the NZ bill of rights (but I’m banned from mainstream media – had to put it in public notices) – its bureaucratically-driven in compatibility with IMF elitist globalization policies. There is a cultural cleansing to virtually eliminate individual self-determination to create a ‘tribal-like’ society with nil growth which we would have achieved if it wasn’t for the earthquakes but it appears as bureaucracies do around the world (when they are given enormous power representing the secular, liberal collectivists – a left-class which took over the Labour Party in 1984 and which discriminates on social class) the rebuild has been slowed considerably – my beliefs are based on the universal truth of the UDHR and are spiritually-based – I’m not playing political games with people’s lives (best I can) – I have been persona non grata since I began my human rights journey in Chch in 1991. I realize the truth is very hard – you may have to weigh up which is worse what is happening to Chch or facing the truth. PS. see my submission for the Quake Outcasts ‘Greatness or Mediocrity: ethical human rights or neoliberal absolutism’. Good luck.

"My response to a question: "Where has all the innovation gone? from Andy Blackburn of the NZ Innovation Council linkedin site.

My reply: Simple, individual freedom of thought, conscience, expression, belief has been replaced by collective thought, collective conscience, collective expression, collective belief [it is bureaucratically-driven - a cultural cleansing of individual self-determination to create a 'tribal-like' NZ] - not surprisingly there is virtually no seeking of truth and consequently little originality. Its what happens when you choose exploitation rather than creative growth so individual freedoms required will not prove a challenge to the status quo.
May the rein of the dominant elite - secular liberal collectivists - last for an eternity!!!! The problem is in a relatively short period of time there will be no one to copy off. Social networking has its limits making efficient use of existing, old ideas - the birds in the tree outside my apartment would be the best social networking site around but I doubt whether they have an original thought in their head.
Included in the UDHR i.e. Art 22 is the individual right to realize one's economic, social and cultural rights which equates with individual self-determination which is from my observation (see Google's Constitute) excluded from virtually all constitutions - where its included in a minority of constitutions its only in terms of 'peoples' right meaning the collective right the self-determination.
In my view, we need to bring back 'Super Person' if we want a Great World and land a person on Mars and discover the universe - for our own survival. Why Greatness – well, because mediocrity is just so rotten to live with.
At the individual level based on universal truth it can be spiritually-based which I regard as a creative force, possibly from where all creativity derives. But given the gross lack of human rights protection mediocrity is about the best people can do - at least they can survive.
And where are the innovators - I know a number in the mental health establishment even living on the streets of Auckland - at least, those brave enough to remain in NZ where independence of thought is hated to an enormous degree i.e. you could say, YOU MUST CONFORM OR ELSE!!!. I am now writing my third book (major publisher) yet I'm persona non grata in NZ and have been since I began human rights in 1991. The reason I'm less than sympathetic towards those in the establishment [the leadership] is because I (at least the declaration did ) came up with a plan for the world (ethical human rights, development and globalization) which received much top support e.g. UN, US State Dept, Open Democracy Initiative of the White House and in NZ three emails of support from Brian Gould (NZ Order of Merit) - even David Cunliffe, Labour leader, circled 'bottom-up' development (creative growth) but none have been prepared to put it in the mainstream media - in a democracy voters need to be informed of important truths otherwise its democracy controlled from the 'top-down'. "

PS. For example, re support see, Twitter / anthonyravlich: @OpenGov ethical human rights, development and globalization to replace neo liberalism, anthony ravlich,

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