Waar: De Molli, van Ostadestraat 55 hs, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wanneer: 14/05/2014 - 19:00
Amsterdam and the Netherlands are heating up with climate activism! The Molli and GroenFront! invite you to a relaxing and inspiring night with delicious food, a short documentary and motivating action plans.
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Kom vanaf 19.00 uur genieten van de benefriet voku met heerlijke vegasnacks (reserveer vanaf 15.00: 020-6761427). Om 21.00 zullen we de documentaire “Traces of coal” (17min) laten zien, over de sociale en milieuimpact van de productie, het transport en de verscheping van steenkool in Colombia, waar de grote meerderheid van de in NL gebruikte steenkool vandaan komt. Daar op volgend wordt er info gegeven over de Amsterdam Climate Games.
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Following the vega-snackbar with delicious vegan snacks (reserve after 15.00: 020-6761427) we will show the documentary "Traces of Coal / Rastros de Carbon" (2012). The 17 min. documentary treats the social and environmental impacts of coal mining in Colombia, where most of the coal used in the Netherlands comes from.
Following the screening of the film we will present the Amsterdam Climate Games 2014, a brand new and exciting concept in climate change activism developed by the Dutch campaign “Wij Stoppen Steenkool” (GroenFront). See the trailer here: http://vimeo.com/91623536
So come to the Molli, eat great food, learn more about the dangerous plans to keep using coal in the Netherlands (and in Amsterdam), find out what the Climate Games will look like, why they are going to be so much fun, and learn how you and your friends can participate!
7.00PM - 09.30PM: Vega-snackbar
9.30PM - 10PM: Screening of "Traces of Coal / Rastros de Carbon" (2012)
10PM - 10.30 PM: Presentation of the Amsterdam Climate Games 2014