Waar: valreep, Polderweg 620, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wanneer: 21/03/2014 - 19:00
Vanavond wordt in aanwezigheid van filmmaker David Fedele de documentaire The Land Between getoond over de migranten in de Gourougou bergen bij Melilla, de Spaanse enclave in Marokko, waar zij zich voorbereiden om het hek te bestormen. Iedereen welkom. Aankondiging staat niet op de Valreep-site wegens gebrek aan tijd. Unieke vertoning.
Valreep 21 maart 2014
Polderweg 620 Amsterdam Oost
teaser op http://www.thelandbetweenfilm.com
Hundreds of Sub-Saharan African migrants live and hide in the Gourougou Mountains of Northern Morocco, outside of organised trafficking and smuggling networks.
For most migrants living in Gourougou, their dream is to enter Melilla, an autonomous Spanish city, a European enclave on the African continent, located on the Northern coast of Morocco. The two continents are separated by a barrier built and funded by Spain and the European Union, which was constructed for the sole purpose of keeping African migrants out of Europe. The European Union pays Morocco millions of Euro to control this border and the surrounding forest areas, and to regulate migration.
"THE LAND BETWEEN" is an intimate, yet explosive portrait of life in the Gourougou Mountains, and follows the daily lives of migrants as they dream of jumping the fence to Europe and entering the migrant camp in Melilla. It also documents the extreme violence and mistreatment around the border areas by both the Moroccan and Spanish authorities, which migrants must endure on a daily basis.
With unique and unprecedented access, this film explores many universal questions, including how and why people are willing to risk everything, including their life, to leave their country, their family and friends, in search of a new and better life.
All Included