Wanneer: 12/01/2014 - 12:20
Fukushima disaster is the largest nuclear accident in the history of mankind. Already some time ago exceeded the levels of radiation emitted by the power station at Chernobyl in Ukraine. In that case, the reactor was accused of bags, which created a makeshift sarcophagus. In Fukushima radioactive emissions continue.
[Naar de ruis omdat de informatie niet klopt, zie ook de aanvulling.] CURRENT Fukushima radiation map as measured by satellites (summer 2013)
American society has reason for concern, as are all living in the northern hemisphere. However, we will not know about it on TV, because it is a top-down assumption, not to scare people, if and so little can be done. Nobody believes there is still strangely altered standards and perishable radioactivity sensors, which are made available online display on the Internet. We must rely on personal dosimeters. Many people lead such research for themselves, but some people share their findings with others.
Recall that the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, three years after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in a very similar state as shortly after the tragedy. However, after a few years of the degree of its impact on the environment is so serious that even the other side of the ocean you will see a marked increase in radioactivity.
A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945
ok, misschien eerst even je feiten checken voor je alarmisische bangmakerij dingen van het internet over neemt en elders post.
De tegen de tijd dat de gelekte straling van fukushima aan komt in amerika (komende herfst pas!) is deze tot hele lage waardes gedaald, waardes die internationaal als veilig worden beschouwd (ook door de critici die tégen kernenergie strijden.
De foto bij dit artikel is helemaal geen weergave van straling, als je deze foto goed bekijkt, naar de verklarende legenda kijken helpt een hoop, dan zie je dat het een weergave is van de hoogte van de golven in de oceaan direct na de tsunami die de ramp veroorzaakte...
Nonsens dus.
Mods kan dit naar de ruis?
Dit is incorrecte desinformatie.
Betere info vindt je hier:
en hier
als zelfs WISE deze verhalen ontkracht lijkt het me duidelijk toch...
Dat kaartje geeft aan hoe hoog de golven van de tsunami waren. De schaal staat er op, en is in centimeters (zie Zuid-Amerika).
However, that chart did not actually track or measure radioactive discharge emanating from Fukushima in 2013, or any other aspect of the Fukushima disaster. It was a plot created by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) immediately after the Tohoku earthquake in March 2011 showing the wave height of the tsunami that followed. It had (and has) nothing to do with the flow or spread of radioactive seepage from Fukushima.
Bron: http://www.snopes.com/photos/technology/fukushima.asp