Wanneer: 20/01/2012 - 09:52
On 8 February 2012 the Belgian State holds its first political trials of those accused of "crimes" during the 2010 Brussels No Border Camp.
Two comrades are in court facing charges of "Armed Rebellion" and "Rebellion" relating to the demonstrations and mass arrests during the week of the No Border Camp.
On 26 September 2010 around 150 demonstrated at the migration prison 127bis in Steenokkerzeel (close to Brussels airport), showing solidarity with migrants locked up just for not having the right identity documents. The police attacked the crowd with horses and batons, demonstrators were beaten unconscious and hospitalised. But while the police act with impunity, two demonstrators, one of whom was in hospital with head injuries, are now threatened with prison for "rebellion", accused of somehow being responsible for injuries to a police officer who was kicked by a police horse.
On 29 September Brussels Police preventively arrested over 300 people on their way to a trade union march. Demonstrators were dragged off the streets and buses, held for 8 hours without charge, and then forcibly photographed before being released. Some were beaten, sexually assaulted, chained to radiators, and threatened with rape. One of our comrades is also charged with a second count of "rebellion" for supposedly resisting being pushed against a wall by six police, photographed by force, then beaten and sent to hospital.
The truth about "violence" at the No Border Camp is that it was the forces of law and order who brutally attacked people for daring to speak up. Of course, not one of these police thugs or their commanders is facing trial.
Now the State tries to cover up its actions by finding scapegoats it can paint as dangerous "rebels". They have been singled out as supposed No Borders "organisers": in fact it could be any of us facing these made-up charges. The truth is that it is the police and authorities who need to answer for their actions that week in Brussels. Just as they need to answer for
their attacks every day against sans-papiers.
We will not accept the criminalisation of protest in Belgium. Their repression only makes us stronger. We will not accept the brutality of the racist and murderous immigration regime. We will stand by our comrades on trial, as we stand by all migrants, prisoners, and others facing state violence. Solidarity is our weapon. Freedom is our cry.
Come to the Palais de Justice of Brussels, Place Poelaert at 8h30 on 8 February 2012
to stand in solidarity with our comrades, and hold the forces of "order" to account.
No Borders.
PROTESTBIJEENKOMST ter ondersteuning van 2 activisten van het Noborderkamp in Brussel
Twee solidaire activsten zijn beschuldigd en komen voor de correctionele rechtbank
woensdag 8 februari 2012
In de week van 26 september tot 1 oktober 2010 ging in Brussel een NoBorderkamp door. Dit kamp kaderde in een traditie van NoBorderkampen die sinds de jaren '90 over de hele wereld doorgaan. Zonder normenkader of organisatie, is het vooral een ontmoeting, een convergentie van de strijd voor de afschaffing van het systeem van de grenzen die ons allen verdelen.
De basiseisen waren de volgende
• Niemand is illegaal !
• Geen grenzen geen naties !
• Dezelfde rechten voor iedereen !
• Vrijheid van verkeer en vestiging !
• Tegen de kapitalistische en autoritaire systemen die gedwongen verbanning, oorlog en ellende veroorzaken !
Maar de mensen die op een of andere wilden deelnemen kregen te maken met een massale en gewelddadige repressie. Niet minder dan 400 zogezegd « preventieve » aanhoudingen en ongehoord politiegeweld hebben de vrije meningsuiting onmogelijk gemaakt.
Vandaag heeft de Staat zich voorgenomen om twee deelnemers aan het kamp te vervolgen wegens « weerspannigheid ».
De klachtendossiers die blijkbaar volstaan om hen voor de correctionele rechtbank te dagen zijn een lege doos en staan vol tegenstrijdigheden !
AFSPRAAK om 8u30 voor het Brusselse Justitiepaleis
woensdag 8 februari 2012