Waar: ACU, Voorstraat 71, Utrecht, Netherlands
Wanneer: 21/10/2013 - 19:00
This is an invitation for TA3M on October 21th. This TA3M is organized by the PUSCII folks and will take place in the ACU!
Techno-Activism Third Mondays (TA3M) is an informal meetup to connect
activists and technologists who are interested in the challenges of
surveillance and censorship, and anyone interested in free and open
technology. The event takes place in different cities around the globe
every third Monday of the month.
This month PUSCII will host the meeting in the ACU (Utrecht); join us
for talks, drinks, discussions and feel free to contribute!
* Newsflash: a quick update on what happened in the world of privacy and
surveillance over the last two months
* The GNUnet peer-to-peer framework: technical solutions towards a
secure and fully decentralized future Internet. Presenting the GNU Name
System and the future of social networking with GNUnet.
* The Internet Society Netherlands has a working group which is looking
at the transparency of the Internet and has created an app to test the
openness of your Internet connection. In this talk Jeroen van der Ham
will describe how we further confirmed results from the app. The code is
online and you can test this for yourself too!
* Discussion on activist campaigns against the surveillance state by the
Kritische Studenten Utrecht
* Open stage
TA3M is an OpenITP initiative. For more information, see
www.ta3m.nl and/or www.puscii.nl
De Techno-Activism Third Mondays (TA3M) zijn een kruisbestuiving van
technologie en activisme. Wereldwijd worden deze informele bijeenkomsten
maandelijks georganiseerd om techneuten, hackers, software
ontwikkelaars, wereldversleutelaars, militanten en activisten met elkaar
in contact te brengen. In Nederland worden de TA3M avonden iedere maand
op een andere locatie gehouden. PUSCII organiseert deze maand de avond
in het ACU te Utrecht.
* Nieuwsflash: een korte update over wat er zoal speelt en gaande is
rondom privacy en surveillance
* Presentatie over GNUnet, de toekomst in veilige peer2peer social media
* Presentatie over de Open Internet app van de Internet Society Netherlands
* Discussie over actiecampagnes tegen de surveillancestaat door de
Kritische Studenten Utrecht
* Open podium
TA3M is een initiatief van OpenITP. Voor meer informatie, zie
www.ta3m.nl en www.puscii.nl