Wanneer: 25/06/2013 - 07:04
Allied NATO Government is hiding millions of infectious NON HIV AIDS cases (like mine) under the "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)" ICD-code.
HIV-Negative AIDS: Is it CFS, GWS, or AIDS?
• Chapter 33 of Hillary Johnson's: Osler's Web: Inside the Labyrinth of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Epidemic is "HIV-NEGATIVE AIDS."
• Neenyah Ostrom's book "America's Biggest Cover-up: 50 More Things...CFS & Its Link To AIDS" cites: "Some CFS Patients May Be Non-HIV AIDS Cases."
• Dr. Lorraine Day was on Joyce Riley's THE POWER HOUR news segment (9/24/12) entitled: "...HIV-Negative AIDS cases falsely reported and treated as CFS cases may be one of the biggest cover-ups we have seen."
• In 1992 "...Newsweek made an even more shocking announcement: that CFS researcher Dr. Paul Cheney had in his practice 20 CFS patients who had the same immune system deficiencies as the NON-HIV AIDS cases revealed at the Amsterdam conference."
• Dr. Judy Mikovits stated on the In Short Order Radio Interview (11/04/12): "You should consider Myalgic Encephalopathy (ME) as "NON HIV AIDS."
• The topic of NON HIV AIDS has been censored from mainstream media since 1992 (i.e., suspiciously enough, the same year that the *very mysterious* Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) started to present itself).
Will GWS, CFS or AIDS ever make any progress unless we acknowledge these horrific facts?
My case goes up through the White House, NIH, CDC, WHO, to the United Nations. I recently testified federally in Washington-DC, and have been published 16 times on 4 continents.
For example:
I hope that you will support this humanitarian issue, and spread-the-news too (e.g., write a story, add to your e*Newsletter and/or post on Facebook/Twitter).
In the fight for humanity,
My life with NON HIV AIDS (including my federal testimony):
Or simply google "NON HIV AIDS"
This is new to me. I recently added some videos to a newsitem of 13/06/2013 "Voorkom dat de overheid u de keuzevrijheid ontneemt!", Prevent the government to take away your freedom of choice. The panel discussion video has a Celia Farber talking aids, I'm sure you'd want to know. The videos are in the discussion section.
Wish you all the best.
De pseudowetenschappelijke onzinopvattingen van Celia Farber en andere zogenaamde AIDS-denialists, die ontkennen dat HIV de oorzaak van AIDS is en stellen dat AIDS juist (mede) veroorzaakt wordt door medicijnen tegen HIV, hebben desastreuze gevolgen wanneer ze in de praktijk gebracht worden. zoals door de toenmalige Zuid-Afrikaanse president Mbeki: honderdduizenden vroegtijdige doden door het afwijzen van medicijngebruik en een toename van HIV-infecties door het afzien van preventie.