ma | di | wo | do | vr | za | zo |
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Start:25/01/2024 17:00
In 2008, as the storms of the financial crash blew, Isabelle Fremeaux and Jay Jordan deserted the metropolis and their academic jobs, travelling across Europe in search of post-capitalist utopias. They wanted their art activism to no longer be uprooted. They arrived at a place French politicians had declared lost to the republic, otherwise know as the ZAD (the zone to defend): a messy but extraordinary canvas of commoning, illegally occupying 4,000 acres of wetlands where an international airport was planned. Start:25/01/2024 19:00
He has been on the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners list since 2022. In 2017, Bima founded his self-publishing house, Pustaka Catut, through which he translates works of notable authors into Indonesian and conducts research for his own books. Despite being imprisoned in 2021, he has managed to write, edit, and translate multiple books and articles under harsh prison conditions, including violence, corruption, and poor air quality. Bima publishes his books freely online and distributes copies to anarchist collectives and libraries across Indonesia. | 26
Start:26/01/2024 18:00
Komende vrijdag organiseren Zwolle 4Palestine en een sit-in met aansluitende mars, | 27
Start:27/01/2024 19:30
De Vonk was een humanistisch-socialistische verzetsgroep die tijdens de nazi-Duitse bezetting een illegaal tijdschrift uitgaf en verschillende verzetsactiviteiten organiseerde. Ze was betrokken bij het vervalsen van persoonsbewijzen, het organiseren van onderduikadressen en het distribueren van voedselbonnen. De groep was in heel Nederland actief, maar ook in Leiden. Rik Weeda heeft als eerste de activiteiten van de groep in en rond de Sleutelstad in kaart gebracht. | 28