ma | di | wo | do | vr | za | zo |
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Start:10/03/2021 14:52
The Iranian regime's spy digital center was discovered in the Netherlands Spyware used by the Iranian regime to spy on its opponents around the world was discovered in a data center near Harlem (a city near Amsterdam, the Netherlands). The security company Bitdefender and the radio program Argos identified a server at a data center near the city of Harlem, which the Iranian regime uses to spy on political strugglers. | 11
Start:11/03/2021 11:01
Politiek statement actie | 12
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Start:14/03/2021 14:19
Grassroots orgnaisaties Code Rood, Extinction Rebellion, Fridays For Future, Grootouders voor het Klimaat en Fossielvrij NL behoren tot de groep van 11 organisaties die het initiatief hebben genomen voor dit protest: de Klimaatcrisis Coalitie. Ook FNV, Milieudefensie, Woonbond, DeGoedeZaak, Oxfam en Greenpeace zijn ook onderdeel van deze coalitie. |