Call for demonstration in front of the immigration detention centers
If the immigrants are arrested, they will be transferred to these three prisons:
1-Utrecht: Detentiecentrum Zeist(Richelleweg 13)
2-Amsterdam: Detentiecentrum Schiphol (Duizendbladweg 100)
3-Rotterdam: Detention Center(Portelabaan 7)
We moved the Collective kitchen to a different time, because of our intervention at the so-called antifa demonstration that is happening at the same time of our previous anouncement for the collective kitchen.
See the link of the previous anouncement here:
On Sunday, January 10th, at 2pm, we will prepare a variety of dishes, set a table outside of Afrin Squat so that we can all eat and talk together in the fresh air. Due to the different opinions and worries of some comrades about the covid-19 , we ask the comrades who come to the collective kitchen to observe the social distance.
The address: Agatha Dekenstraat 37, Amsterdam
Contact with us:
"Assembly of Afrin squat"
More information about Afrin squat:
Duizenden mensen gaven gehoor aan Trumps oproep om naar de Senaat op te trekken. Onder leiding van de bewapende nazigroepering Proud Boys en de antisemitische complotdenkers van QAnon probeerden ze de bekrachtiging van het verkiezingsresultaat te voorkomen. Zij werden hierbij amper gehinderd door de politie of het leger. Dit is een voorlopig sluitstuk van de steeds verdere normalisering van Trumps leugens en demagogie. Het is een nieuwe stap in de opbouw van een fascistische beweging die steeds openlijker zijn gang lijkt te kunnen gaan.
We moved the Collective kitchen to a different time, because of our political intervention at the so-called antifa demonstration that is happening at the same time of our previous anouncement for the collective kitchen.
Link of our statement of the political intervention:
Link of the previous anouncement for the collective kitchen:
(the address of the squat has been mentioned in the link)