Op woensdag 2 december 2020 vergadert op het Binnenhof in Den Haag de vaste commissie voor Infrastructuur en Waterstaat over de circulaire economie. Er zal van 13.00 tot 17.00 uur met Tweede Kamerfracties onder andere worden gesproken over statiegeld op drankblikjes en plastic flesjes. Er is nu jaren gesproken over binnenkort, rustig aan, de industrie kan dat zelf wel, uitzonderingen, stappenplan, concept, voornemens. Wij, zwerfafval rapende burgers, zijn daar helemaal klaar mee.
Abtin Parsa is a revolutionary anarchist and former political prisoner from Iran. He was arrested in Iran at age 16 in his high school for giving a speech speaking out against religion and the state. After spending a year and a half in prison in Iran he fled to Greece where he joined the anarchist struggle. He joined the resistance movement in Greece, and began to struggle against the systematic oppression perpetrated by the Greek state against society, especially immigrants. During this struggle he was arrested and even tortured several times by the Greek state.
Tuesday 8 December, at 14:00 in front of the IND office in Amsterdam (Pieter Calandlaan 1, Amsterdam).
Tuesday 8 of December is the deadline that IND gave to the persecuted anarchist Abtin Parsa to make an appeal on the case of his extradition to greece.
We call for the protest gathering in order to put pressure on dutch regime to stop extradition of the persecuted anarchist Abtin Parsa to greece.
The persecuted anarchist Abtin Parsa is an former political prisoner with atheism view from Iran who was imprisoned by Islamic regime for one year and half.
Call for demonstration in front of the immigration detention centers
If the immigrants are arrested, they will be transferred to these three prisons:
1-Utrecht: Detentiecentrum Zeist(Richelleweg 13)
2-Amsterdam: Detentiecentrum Schiphol (Duizendbladweg 100)
3-Rotterdam: Detention Center(Portelabaan 7)