ma | di | wo | do | vr | za | zo |
Start:16/12/2019 18:30
The main focus of the group will be mental health. Specifically mental health struggle under late capitalism. Plan is to make this a regular weekly event. So every other week the topic of discussion will change (depending on the progress). This group is for everybody. I wanted to mention this, because sometimes reading/ hearing words "mental health" can turn off people. Those, who don't have any mental health issues may think that they have nothing to discuss. Mental health is a vary broad term in many ways not connected to medical conditions. | 17
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Start:19/12/2019 19:00
Details The event will focus on alternative living practices of the region, centered around self-organization, self-determination and gender equality; and the current situation in the autonomous region, defined by its ongoing struggle against jihadist groups and ethnic cleansing perpetrated by the Turkish state. Schedule: | 20
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