To celebrate our success, share pictures and show support for those faced with legal consequences, WTF Queer and Wij Stoppen Steenkool are organizing a wonderful benefit night full of music, performances, food and good company at the Vrankrijk.
Voku from 19:00 with delicious vegan food
Music, performance and dance from 10:00 with:
DJ Bottom Heavy
DJ/Performer Dorothy Waste
To celebrate our success, share pictures and show support for those faced with legal consequences, WTF Queer and Wij Stoppen Steenkool are organizing a wonderful benefit night full of music, performances, food and good company at the Vrankrijk.
Voku from 19:00 with delicious vegan food
Music, performance and dance from 10:00 with:
DJ Bottom Heavy
DJ/Performer Dorothy Waste
Want to make your own bra or menstrual pads?
Want to hear a permaculture teacher converse with a computer science professor about the measurable and the unmeasurable in the antroposcene?
Want to talk to a grassroots organizer about the importance of clowns for the survival of the human species?
Want to learn about food forests / permaculture ?
Want to talk to birds of paradise about how to create a permanent culture?
Want to learn how to debug your esp32 smart device with open source software?
Want to learn what you can do for our freedom?
Want to make your own bra or menstrual pads?
Want to hear a permaculture teacher converse with a computer science professor about the measurable and the unmeasurable in the antroposcene?
Want to talk to a grassroots organizer about the importance of clowns for the survival of the human species?
Want to learn about food forests / permaculture ?
Want to talk to birds of paradise about how to create a permanent culture?
Want to learn how to debug your esp32 smart device with open source software?
Want to learn what you can do for our freedom?
Want to make your own bra or menstrual pads?
Want to hear a permaculture teacher converse with a computer science professor about the measurable and the unmeasurable in the antroposcene?
Want to talk to a grassroots organizer about the importance of clowns for the survival of the human species?
Want to learn about food forests / permaculture ?
Want to talk to birds of paradise about how to create a permanent culture?
Want to learn how to debug your esp32 smart device with open source software?
Want to learn what you can do for our freedom?
Want to make your own bra or menstrual pads?
Want to hear a permaculture teacher converse with a computer science professor about the measurable and the unmeasurable in the antroposcene?
Want to talk to a grassroots organizer about the importance of clowns for the survival of the human species?
Want to learn about food forests / permaculture ?
Want to talk to birds of paradise about how to create a permanent culture?
Want to learn how to debug your esp32 smart device with open source software?
Want to learn what you can do for our freedom?
Want to make your own bra or menstrual pads?
Want to hear a permaculture teacher converse with a computer science professor about the measurable and the unmeasurable in the antroposcene?
Want to talk to a grassroots organizer about the importance of clowns for the survival of the human species?
Want to learn about food forests / permaculture ?
Want to talk to birds of paradise about how to create a permanent culture?
Want to learn how to debug your esp32 smart device with open source software?
Want to learn what you can do for our freedom?
Die middag gaat er een groep naar de Jumbo Distributiecentrum in Beilen om arbeidsrecht flyers uit te delen aan de, voornamelijk Poolse, arbeidsmigranten die onder erbarmelijke omstandigheden werken en wonen. Deze arbeidsmigranten zijn werkzaam voor het beruchte uitzendbureau OTTO Workforce. Het is een niet al te spannende actie, maar zeker van belang om informatie te verstrekken aan diegene die dit nodig hebben. Met de verkregen informatie zijn de arbeidsmigranten beter in staat voor hunzelf op te komen en zichzelf te organiseren.
Want to make your own bra or menstrual pads?
Want to hear a permaculture teacher converse with a computer science professor about the measurable and the unmeasurable in the antroposcene?
Want to talk to a grassroots organizer about the importance of clowns for the survival of the human species?
Want to learn about food forests / permaculture ?
Want to talk to birds of paradise about how to create a permanent culture?
Want to learn how to debug your esp32 smart device with open source software?
Want to learn what you can do for our freedom?
Want to make your own bra or menstrual pads?
Want to hear a permaculture teacher converse with a computer science professor about the measurable and the unmeasurable in the antroposcene?
Want to talk to a grassroots organizer about the importance of clowns for the survival of the human species?
Want to learn about food forests / permaculture ?
Want to talk to birds of paradise about how to create a permanent culture?
Want to learn how to debug your esp32 smart device with open source software?
Want to learn what you can do for our freedom?
Behoud Lutkemeer ziet hier slechts een oproep in om onze activiteiten meer kracht bij te zetten. Wij roepen iedereen op om zich bij ons te voegen om de vernieling van een prachtige polder en kostbare boerderij te voorkomen.
Op zaterdag 31 augustus is er een voksoploop om informatie te delen, plannen te smeden en samen te feesten. Vanaf 14:00 uur in De Tuinen van Lutkemeer, einde Etnastraat (tien minuten lopen vanaf eindpunt tramlijn 1).
Om 12.30 vertrekt er een wandeling-met-uitleg over de natuur, vanaf De Boterbloem. Deze sluit aan bij het programma van 14:00.