Duizenden mensen komen om op de Middellandse Zee of in de woestijn, of komen klem te zitten in verschrikkelijke omstandigheden. Politici roepen om het hardst op tot een hetze tegen vluchtelingen, terwijl wapenbedrijven ondertussen grof geld verdienen aan de militarisering van grenzen. Rijke westerse landen blijven de redenen waarom mensen vluchten aanwakkeren door oneerlijke handel, wapenexporten, het veroorzaken van klimaat- verandering en militaire interventies.
To celebrate our success, share pictures and show support for those faced with legal consequences, WTF Queer and Wij Stoppen Steenkool are organizing a wonderful benefit night full of music, performances, food and good company at the Vrankrijk.
Voku from 19:00 with delicious vegan food
Music, performance and dance from 10:00 with:
DJ Bottom Heavy
DJ/Performer Dorothy Waste
To celebrate our success, share pictures and show support for those faced with legal consequences, WTF Queer and Wij Stoppen Steenkool are organizing a wonderful benefit night full of music, performances, food and good company at the Vrankrijk.
Voku from 19:00 with delicious vegan food
Music, performance and dance from 10:00 with:
DJ Bottom Heavy
DJ/Performer Dorothy Waste
Want to make your own bra or menstrual pads?
Want to hear a permaculture teacher converse with a computer science professor about the measurable and the unmeasurable in the antroposcene?
Want to talk to a grassroots organizer about the importance of clowns for the survival of the human species?
Want to learn about food forests / permaculture ?
Want to talk to birds of paradise about how to create a permanent culture?
Want to learn how to debug your esp32 smart device with open source software?
Want to learn what you can do for our freedom?