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Start:05/09/2018 17:51
Munich is a car city with major car and lorry manufactures like BMW and MAN. That’s why we want to discuss the necessary phase-out of fossil car industry in addition to developing visions for a climate friendly mobility. We will build up the camp together, have networking, education, arts and direct actions… and we’ll try out tomorrow’s society right now – social, ecological and based on grassroots democracy. Thus, you can expect are broad programme with various topics and activities based on knowledge and skill sharing. Start:05/09/2018 19:00
Een van de belangrijkste dingen die we doen is zorgen dat meer mensen te weten komen hoe de situatie omtrent vluchtelingenkinderen in Nederland in elkaar zit. We hebben de aankomende demonstratie daarom aangegrepen om in verschillende steden een informatieavond te organiseren. We zullen daar meer vertellen over het leven in gezinslocaties, de procedures die mensen door lopen, het contact met de DT&V, IND en COA etc. In sommige locaties zal het mogelijk zijn dat er ook vluchtelingenkinderen hun eigen verhaal komen vertellen. Start:05/09/2018 20:05
The beautiful northeast countryside is under threat from devastating opencast exploitation, fuelling the power stations which are bringing us to climate emergency. With ecocide on our doorsteps and governments and corporations continuing business as usual, the need for direct action has never been more urgent. It's up to us! |