ma | di | wo | do | vr | za | zo |
Start:16/10/2017 20:00
> Van: Antropo | 17
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Start:21/10/2017 12:06
ADEV 2017 demo streetrave We are ADEV Start 13:00 | Jonas Daniël Meijerplein Start:21/10/2017
On September 23rd, about sixty people from all the components of the struggle met for the the general assembly of the movement against the nuclear dump and its world, and in reaction to the police searches which happened three days before. What was thoroughly violated by the police on that day wasn’t only two collective and three private life spaces shared by opponents. It was our lives, our intimacies, our relationships and our diversity. Start:21/10/2017 13:00
ADEV (Amsterdam Danst Ergens Voor) viert met een lichte tegenzin haar 5 jarige bestaan, want de Amsterdamse underground staat zwaar onder druk. Dit jaar zal de manifestatie terugkeren naar haar basis, een schel geluid vanuit de underground. Een harde stem tegen de vercommercialisering van de (dans) cultuur in Amsterdam. Op 21 oktober brengt ADEV het ADM naar het centrum van Amsterdam. Het ADM, als voorbeeld broedplaats in heel Europa, wordt na 20 jaar, bedreigt in haar bestaansrecht. | 22
On September 23rd, about sixty people from all the components of the struggle met for the the general assembly of the movement against the nuclear dump and its world, and in reaction to the police searches which happened three days before. What was thoroughly violated by the police on that day wasn’t only two collective and three private life spaces shared by opponents. It was our lives, our intimacies, our relationships and our diversity. |