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Riding to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice. En août 2016, plus de 300 personnes venant de toutes les régions de France se sont réunies à Espère pour la première édition du Camp Climat organisée par Alternatiba, ANV-COP21 et les Amis de la Terre. Pendant 10 jours, c’est une nouvelle génération militante qui s’est formée au travers de 275 sessions de formations à l’action non-violente, la stratégie de campagne, la communication, la logistique, la vidéo, la communication non-violente, la fabrication de banderoles, etc. Le camp a fini par une simul’action de masse qui a regroupé plus de 200 activistes en herbe. A camp will take place between August 7 and 16, 2017 on the meadow, for which activists and interested people from all over the world are invited. Not as a competition but as a supplement to the Camp at Döbeln, we are planning lectures, discussions, workshops and an action day on the subject of nuclear waste, nuclear transports, uranium mining and human rights. We hope to live the integration of the issues and activists of the Wendland and to carry out some networking covering all continents and issues. Start:09/08/2017 00:00
Earth First! Summer Gathering 2017 The EF! Summer Gathering is a chance for people and groups from across the country and beyond to get together to network, share practical skills, ideas and inspiration to help our actions and campaigns be as strategic and effective as possible. This is an annual gathering for grassroots ecological direct action, this year focusing on welcoming people from impacted communities. |