
Wednesday 28 september 2016
Start:28/09/2016 20:00

Wikipedia calls the two guys behind ‘The Yes Men’ “culture jamming activists”. Sounds like a cool thing to investigate. They do big media actions with witty tactics. And actually have pretty good outcomes.

Thursday 29 september 2016
Start:29/09/2016 16:03


The planned construction of a third runway is absolutely unacceptable
from a climate perspective. Increasing the number of flights would
make the greenhouse gas emissions grow immensely – putting hundreds
of hectares of land under threat of being sealed. For years, groups of
citizens have been putting effort into fighting against the increase
in aircraft noise. The third runway’s flight routes would overfly
the densely populated areas. Therefore, our climate justice movement

Friday 30 september 2016


The planned construction of a third runway is absolutely unacceptable
from a climate perspective. Increasing the number of flights would
make the greenhouse gas emissions grow immensely – putting hundreds
of hectares of land under threat of being sealed. For years, groups of
citizens have been putting effort into fighting against the increase
in aircraft noise. The third runway’s flight routes would overfly
the densely populated areas. Therefore, our climate justice movement

Start:30/09/2016 13:51

We'd like to meet from *30.09- 02.10.16 in Berlin* to discuss where and how Ende Gelaende should be next time. It doesn't matter whether you're
in an ecology group, an NGO, a grass roots initiative or a left-wing group - you're welcome.

You're also welcome to send us any ideas you might already have for Ende Gelände 2017.

At the end of August, we'll send out invitations and a timetable. You can sign on now at: ende-gelaende-anmeldung@riseup.net
. Let us know if you need a place to sleep or childcare.

Saturday 01 oktober 2016


The planned construction of a third runway is absolutely unacceptable
from a climate perspective. Increasing the number of flights would
make the greenhouse gas emissions grow immensely – putting hundreds
of hectares of land under threat of being sealed. For years, groups of
citizens have been putting effort into fighting against the increase
in aircraft noise. The third runway’s flight routes would overfly
the densely populated areas. Therefore, our climate justice movement

We'd like to meet from *30.09- 02.10.16 in Berlin* to discuss where and how Ende Gelaende should be next time. It doesn't matter whether you're
in an ecology group, an NGO, a grass roots initiative or a left-wing group - you're welcome.

You're also welcome to send us any ideas you might already have for Ende Gelände 2017.

At the end of August, we'll send out invitations and a timetable. You can sign on now at: ende-gelaende-anmeldung@riseup.net
. Let us know if you need a place to sleep or childcare.

Start:01/10/2016 13:00

" een city-cyclocross criterium voor alle amateurs en onafhankelijken"

Het deels vernieuwde parcours belooft spektakel voor renners en toescchouwer. Zo kent de ronde dit jaar een aantal beklimmingen, rap down-hillasfalt, haakse bochten en andere chicanes. En ook over de geliefde kasseien wordt weer gereden. Je allersjiekste showfiets laat je dus beter thuis. Langs het parcours kun je de hele dag genieten van muziek, theater, spel en spektakel.

Aanmelden is online mogelijk t/m 1 oktober of tot de deelnemerslimiet is bereikt. Aanmeldingsformulier: https://bajesdorp.typeform.com/to/GgiZNI

Start:01/10/2016 13:40

Global and coordinated actions--in Turkey, Mexico, France, Austria and the U.K.--are planned in the week around the 1st of October. An available e-mail list is linking these initiatives.

Sunday 02 oktober 2016
Start:29/09/2016 16:03
Einde:02/10/2016 16:03


The planned construction of a third runway is absolutely unacceptable
from a climate perspective. Increasing the number of flights would
make the greenhouse gas emissions grow immensely – putting hundreds
of hectares of land under threat of being sealed. For years, groups of
citizens have been putting effort into fighting against the increase
in aircraft noise. The third runway’s flight routes would overfly
the densely populated areas. Therefore, our climate justice movement

Start:30/09/2016 13:51
Einde:02/10/2016 13:51

We'd like to meet from *30.09- 02.10.16 in Berlin* to discuss where and how Ende Gelaende should be next time. It doesn't matter whether you're
in an ecology group, an NGO, a grass roots initiative or a left-wing group - you're welcome.

You're also welcome to send us any ideas you might already have for Ende Gelände 2017.

At the end of August, we'll send out invitations and a timetable. You can sign on now at: ende-gelaende-anmeldung@riseup.net
. Let us know if you need a place to sleep or childcare.

Global and coordinated actions--in Turkey, Mexico, France, Austria and the U.K.--are planned in the week around the 1st of October. An available e-mail list is linking these initiatives.

Monday 03 oktober 2016

Global and coordinated actions--in Turkey, Mexico, France, Austria and the U.K.--are planned in the week around the 1st of October. An available e-mail list is linking these initiatives.

Tuesday 04 oktober 2016

Global and coordinated actions--in Turkey, Mexico, France, Austria and the U.K.--are planned in the week around the 1st of October. An available e-mail list is linking these initiatives.

Wednesday 05 oktober 2016

Global and coordinated actions--in Turkey, Mexico, France, Austria and the U.K.--are planned in the week around the 1st of October. An available e-mail list is linking these initiatives.

Thursday 06 oktober 2016

Global and coordinated actions--in Turkey, Mexico, France, Austria and the U.K.--are planned in the week around the 1st of October. An available e-mail list is linking these initiatives.

Friday 07 oktober 2016

Global and coordinated actions--in Turkey, Mexico, France, Austria and the U.K.--are planned in the week around the 1st of October. An available e-mail list is linking these initiatives.

Saturday 08 oktober 2016
Start:01/10/2016 13:40
Einde:08/10/2016 13:40

Global and coordinated actions--in Turkey, Mexico, France, Austria and the U.K.--are planned in the week around the 1st of October. An available e-mail list is linking these initiatives.

Friday 14 oktober 2016
Start:14/10/2016 17:07

INSCHRIJVEN: https://goo.gl/forms/CHNim46ozLGsLKqu1

Facebook event

Werk je aan alternatieven, voer je actie, doe je onderzoek, vertel je verhalen of draag je op een andere manier bij aan de klimaatbeweging? Dit weekend organiseren we voor jou!

WAT gaat dit weekend voor je opleveren?

+ Inspiratie en kennismaken:

Saturday 15 oktober 2016

INSCHRIJVEN: https://goo.gl/forms/CHNim46ozLGsLKqu1

Facebook event

Werk je aan alternatieven, voer je actie, doe je onderzoek, vertel je verhalen of draag je op een andere manier bij aan de klimaatbeweging? Dit weekend organiseren we voor jou!

WAT gaat dit weekend voor je opleveren?

+ Inspiratie en kennismaken:

Start:15/10/2016 08:32
Einde:15/10/2016 23:32

35 jaar geleden is Tetterode gekraakt. Om dit heuglijke feit te vieren is er die dag in het pand van alles te beleven. Onder andere de Weiner wals, een doorlopende filmvoorstelling van en over Tetterode in het Tetlokaal, en tentoonstelling en film over het 40jarig bestaan van de Bijstandsbond, Tet Talks en een symposium over gentrification.

Start:15/10/2016 08:59

The idea behind this solidarity event is to create a space where tattoo culture and political involvement come together. Several tattoo artists will provide their creativity, experience and as much ink as possible, in order to support the anti-prison struggle and to become a part of it. The principle of the Tattoo Circus is that nobody earns anything from this event, neither the tattooists, nor the piercers, the bands, performers or speakers, and the complete proceeds will go to those people who fight against the state and capitalism.

Sunday 16 oktober 2016
Start:14/10/2016 17:07
Einde:16/10/2016 17:07

INSCHRIJVEN: https://goo.gl/forms/CHNim46ozLGsLKqu1

Facebook event

Werk je aan alternatieven, voer je actie, doe je onderzoek, vertel je verhalen of draag je op een andere manier bij aan de klimaatbeweging? Dit weekend organiseren we voor jou!

WAT gaat dit weekend voor je opleveren?

+ Inspiratie en kennismaken:

Start:15/10/2016 08:59
Einde:16/10/2016 23:59

The idea behind this solidarity event is to create a space where tattoo culture and political involvement come together. Several tattoo artists will provide their creativity, experience and as much ink as possible, in order to support the anti-prison struggle and to become a part of it. The principle of the Tattoo Circus is that nobody earns anything from this event, neither the tattooists, nor the piercers, the bands, performers or speakers, and the complete proceeds will go to those people who fight against the state and capitalism.

Start:16/10/2016 12:00

Join us for an action training for TTIP Game Over, the mass disobedience adventure game against dirty trade deals.

TTIP Game Over is a call-out for decentralized actions by autonomous affinity groups against TTIP, CETA and all other bad trade deals that are trying to destroy our planet. The second round of actions will take place from 3th to the 5th of November in Brussels and is directed at all the actors behind the democratic masquerade of TTIP.

Wednesday 19 oktober 2016
Start:19/10/2016 13:52

Kom naar de Verrekijker voor een discussie over de Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) en andere handelsverdragen. Eerst zal Jilles Mast (Platform Authentieke Journalistiek) spreken over de mythes en fabels van TTIP, CETA en TISA, gevolgd door een q&a met ruimte voor discussie. Hierna zal er een korte presentatie zijn over TTIP Game Over, de mass disobedience adventure game.

Thursday 20 oktober 2016
Start:20/10/2016 19:30

Start:20/10/2016 20:00

Zo vaardigde hij tegen enkele Haagse anarchisten een gebiedsverbod uit voor de Schilderswijk, een migrantenwijk waar in 2015 een dagenlange opstand woedde nadat de politie Mitch Henriquez doodwurgde. Ook kwam de burgemeester met een schadeclaim van 50.000 euro na de ontruiming van het 13 jaar gekraakte sociaal centrum De Vloek, en probeert hij het Autonoom Centrum te sluiten. Daarmee probeert hij de structuren die anarchisten en antifascisten gebruiken kapot te maken.

Saturday 22 oktober 2016
Start:22/10/2016 12:55

We are ADEV The alternative sound of Amsterdam. This year ADEV is featuring Bajesdorp

On Saturday the 22nd of October we dance for our belief straight through the city. We dance for a free Amsterdam. For a city that recognises the value of diversity, for people who think outside the box, a city with alternative experimental spaces and a transverse sound. We dance for the preservation of these free spaces and to keep public area’s accessible to everyone, with or without a well-filled wallet. This year ADEV is featuring Bajesdorp

Start:22/10/2016 14:00
Einde:22/10/2016 14:00

Scroll down for English

Antikapitalistisch/antiautoritair blok op demonstratie tegen TTIP, CETA en TISA 22 oktober

Facebook-oproep: https://www.facebook.com/events/985087378286524/

De verdragen TTIP, CETA en TISA staan helaas nog steeds op de rails. Het zal stevig duwen worden om ze van die rails af te krijgen. Gelukkig komt er weer actie, op 22 oktober. Die actie heeft omvang nodig, maar vooral ook scherpte. Het gaat niet om wat aanpassingen hier en daar. Effectieve strijd tegen TTIP, CETA en TISA is radicale strijd.

Start:22/10/2016 14:00
Einde:22/10/2016 17:01

Nodig je vrienden uit op Facebook.

(Tijd en plaats zijn nog onder voorbehoud)

Stop foute handelsverdragen: Manifestatie voor duurzame en eerlijke handel

*Wat staat er op het spel?*

We moeten ons NU laten horen voor een duurzame en eerlijke economie.

Monday 24 oktober 2016
Start:24/10/2016 08:57

Energiemarkt nog niet transparant genoeg

Start:24/10/2016 23:20

TTIP Game Over is een spel waarbij jij en je team (maak er één of neem deel aan één in Brussel) een actie organiseren en uitvoeren terwijl je logistieke ondersteuning krijgt van de TTIP Game Over organisatie in Brussel (accommodatie, maaltijden, actiemateriaal, juridische uitleg).

*for English information send an email to ttipgameovernl@riseup.net


Wednesday 26 oktober 2016
Start:26/10/2016 11:35

The landmark international Nyéléni 2007 Forum for Food Sovereignty in Mali included the participation of 500 representatives from food producer, consumer and environmental movements from around the world. It was the springboard for the global Food Sovereignty movement. At this Forum six principles and the Nyéléni Declaration were adopted. This was followed by a European Nyéléni Forum in 2011 that was held in Krems, Austria, where the Nyéléni Europe Declaration and an action plan were agreed upon.

Thursday 27 oktober 2016

The landmark international Nyéléni 2007 Forum for Food Sovereignty in Mali included the participation of 500 representatives from food producer, consumer and environmental movements from around the world. It was the springboard for the global Food Sovereignty movement. At this Forum six principles and the Nyéléni Declaration were adopted. This was followed by a European Nyéléni Forum in 2011 that was held in Krems, Austria, where the Nyéléni Europe Declaration and an action plan were agreed upon.

Start:27/10/2016 19:00


Friday 28 oktober 2016

The landmark international Nyéléni 2007 Forum for Food Sovereignty in Mali included the participation of 500 representatives from food producer, consumer and environmental movements from around the world. It was the springboard for the global Food Sovereignty movement. At this Forum six principles and the Nyéléni Declaration were adopted. This was followed by a European Nyéléni Forum in 2011 that was held in Krems, Austria, where the Nyéléni Europe Declaration and an action plan were agreed upon.

Start:28/10/2016 14:17

That's why in 2017, there will be action days in the Rhineland coal-field (see image above). The vision: a lot of different groups and organizations
organize their actions – independently, according to their respective strengths and audience, but in solidarity. (like the „area concept“ that
developed in the protests against the transport of anti-nuclear waste). That could be a combination of demonstrations, smaller action groups,
cultural events, background studies, infrastructure blockades....

Start:28/10/2016 19:00
Einde:28/10/2016 22:30

Ruth Mwangi (Grassroots Economics) & Henk van Arkel (directeur Social Trade Organisation) vertellen over het succes van lokaal geld in Kenia, en Europa. Inloop: 19.30 u. Start: 19.30 u. Entree € 10,00 Studenten: € 5,00.

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