ma | di | wo | do | vr | za | zo |
gehele dag
The climate camp is open for everyone interested in the topics around climate change. Our intention is to inform, discuss, exchange and take action. The camp language is german, but people speaking other languages are always welcome and we try to find solutions to traduce workshops if wished. Here you find some information about the climate action camp movement: | 6
gehele dag
The climate camp is open for everyone interested in the topics around climate change. Our intention is to inform, discuss, exchange and take action. The camp language is german, but people speaking other languages are always welcome and we try to find solutions to traduce workshops if wished. Here you find some information about the climate action camp movement: | 7
gehele dag
The climate camp is open for everyone interested in the topics around climate change. Our intention is to inform, discuss, exchange and take action. The camp language is german, but people speaking other languages are always welcome and we try to find solutions to traduce workshops if wished. Here you find some information about the climate action camp movement: Start:07/09/2016 12:00
peacefull march to the courthouse at Parnassusweg 220 where at 3 p.m. the decision 7 p.m. diner with Guerilla Kitchen at pieter calandlaan 1. Woensdag 7 sept. om 15.00 uur is er een zitting over de ontruiming van pieter calandlaan 1. | 8
gehele dag
The climate camp is open for everyone interested in the topics around climate change. Our intention is to inform, discuss, exchange and take action. The camp language is german, but people speaking other languages are always welcome and we try to find solutions to traduce workshops if wished. Here you find some information about the climate action camp movement: | 9
gehele dag
The climate camp is open for everyone interested in the topics around climate change. Our intention is to inform, discuss, exchange and take action. The camp language is german, but people speaking other languages are always welcome and we try to find solutions to traduce workshops if wished. Here you find some information about the climate action camp movement: Start:09/09/2016 18:00
[english below] | 10
gehele dag
The climate camp is open for everyone interested in the topics around climate change. Our intention is to inform, discuss, exchange and take action. The camp language is german, but people speaking other languages are always welcome and we try to find solutions to traduce workshops if wished. Here you find some information about the climate action camp movement: Start:10/09/2016 12:00
Einde:10/09/2016 15:00
Uit de oproeptekst: “Vanaf 1 augustus komen vluchtelingen tijdelijk in de oude Bijlmerbajes wonen. Mensen die vluchten voor bommen en honger, hebben recht op een veilige haven. Daarom heten wij, buurt- en stadsgenoten, hen van harte welkom. Dit is hard nodig. Door de deal met Turkije is het steeds lastiger om Europa levend te bereiken. Vluchtelingen worden gebruikt als zondebok voor bezuinigingsbeleid. Niet vluchtelingen, maar de regering is verantwoordelijk voor het beleid van het steunen van de banken en de afbraak van publieke voorzieningen. Start:10/09/2016 13:00
Dit is hard nodig. Door de deal met Turkije is het steeds lastiger om Europa levend te bereiken. Vluchtelingen worden gebruikt als zondebok voor bezuinigingsbeleid. Niet vluchtelingen, maar de regering is verantwoordelijk voor het beleid van het steunen van de banken en de afbraak van publieke voorzieningen. | 11
gehele dag
The climate camp is open for everyone interested in the topics around climate change. Our intention is to inform, discuss, exchange and take action. The camp language is german, but people speaking other languages are always welcome and we try to find solutions to traduce workshops if wished. Here you find some information about the climate action camp movement: Start:11/09/2016 13:00
Op zondag wil het extreem-rechtse Pegida voor de tweede keer demonstreren in Den Haag om zo hun verwerpelijke racistische gedachtegoed te verspreiden. Pegida wil vanaf de aanstaande demonstratie maandelijks in Den Haag demonstreren. Laat Ze Niet Lopen, een initiatief tegen racisme en extreem-rechts, roept op om in actie te komen tegen deze racistische optocht. Blokkeer, saboteer en overstem de demonstratie van het racistische Pegida! Laat Ze Niet Lopen! |