Freedom of Movement and the right of abode for everyone are two sides of the same coin. Both claims are directed against a system of repression, restriction and administration of human lives. The framework for this system is constituted by an economy which places the accumulation of profit over the dignity of every single human being and where the accumulation of profit can only be achieved via economic growth. This logic does not only apply to the external exploitation of nature and workforce, but it reaches humans in all their areas of life and in their behavioral patterns as well.
The social and economic developments of the last few years shed light on the near future we are facing: deprivation of democratic structures and processes, an increase of economic insecurity and precariousness, a return of authoritarian forms of politics through an enormous increase of executive power and a resurgence of right populist and right wing parties all over Europe. While promising human rights, equality and peace for all, European political agenda is experienced by millions as a pure nightmare.
Europe is changing rapidly.
The social and economic developments of the last few years shed light on the near future we are facing: deprivation of democratic structures and processes, an increase of economic insecurity and precariousness, a return of authoritarian forms of politics through an enormous increase of executive power and a resurgence of right populist and right wing parties all over Europe. While promising human rights, equality and peace for all, European political agenda is experienced by millions as a pure nightmare.
Europe is changing rapidly.
The social and economic developments of the last few years shed light on the near future we are facing: deprivation of democratic structures and processes, an increase of economic insecurity and precariousness, a return of authoritarian forms of politics through an enormous increase of executive power and a resurgence of right populist and right wing parties all over Europe. While promising human rights, equality and peace for all, European political agenda is experienced by millions as a pure nightmare.
Europe is changing rapidly.
The social and economic developments of the last few years shed light on the near future we are facing: deprivation of democratic structures and processes, an increase of economic insecurity and precariousness, a return of authoritarian forms of politics through an enormous increase of executive power and a resurgence of right populist and right wing parties all over Europe. While promising human rights, equality and peace for all, European political agenda is experienced by millions as a pure nightmare.
Europe is changing rapidly.
The social and economic developments of the last few years shed light on the near future we are facing: deprivation of democratic structures and processes, an increase of economic insecurity and precariousness, a return of authoritarian forms of politics through an enormous increase of executive power and a resurgence of right populist and right wing parties all over Europe. While promising human rights, equality and peace for all, European political agenda is experienced by millions as a pure nightmare.
Europe is changing rapidly.
The social and economic developments of the last few years shed light on the near future we are facing: deprivation of democratic structures and processes, an increase of economic insecurity and precariousness, a return of authoritarian forms of politics through an enormous increase of executive power and a resurgence of right populist and right wing parties all over Europe. While promising human rights, equality and peace for all, European political agenda is experienced by millions as a pure nightmare.
Europe is changing rapidly.
The social and economic developments of the last few years shed light on the near future we are facing: deprivation of democratic structures and processes, an increase of economic insecurity and precariousness, a return of authoritarian forms of politics through an enormous increase of executive power and a resurgence of right populist and right wing parties all over Europe. While promising human rights, equality and peace for all, European political agenda is experienced by millions as a pure nightmare.
Europe is changing rapidly.
The social and economic developments of the last few years shed light on the near future we are facing: deprivation of democratic structures and processes, an increase of economic insecurity and precariousness, a return of authoritarian forms of politics through an enormous increase of executive power and a resurgence of right populist and right wing parties all over Europe. While promising human rights, equality and peace for all, European political agenda is experienced by millions as a pure nightmare.
Europe is changing rapidly.
In juli op het programma: Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming van Andreas Malm
De leesgroep vindt plaats op vrijdag 22 juli, van 19,00 tot 22.00 uur in de NieuwLand, Pieter Nieuwlandstraat 93. Amsterdam.
Let op: we gaan het boek niet samen lezen tijdens dit evenement, maar samen bespreken. Het is dus de bedoeling dat je het hele boek al gelezen hebt.
Verder: iedereen is welkom om mee te doen!
The social and economic developments of the last few years shed light on the near future we are facing: deprivation of democratic structures and processes, an increase of economic insecurity and precariousness, a return of authoritarian forms of politics through an enormous increase of executive power and a resurgence of right populist and right wing parties all over Europe. While promising human rights, equality and peace for all, European political agenda is experienced by millions as a pure nightmare.
Europe is changing rapidly.
The social and economic developments of the last few years shed light on the near future we are facing: deprivation of democratic structures and processes, an increase of economic insecurity and precariousness, a return of authoritarian forms of politics through an enormous increase of executive power and a resurgence of right populist and right wing parties all over Europe. While promising human rights, equality and peace for all, European political agenda is experienced by millions as a pure nightmare.
Europe is changing rapidly.
In cooperation with GroenFront!/Wij Stoppen Steenkool, Autonoom Centrum organises a film-screening and infotalk/discussion about coal mining in South Africa.
Woensdag 27 juli - 19:30 uur - Gordelweg 131, Rotterdam
Op deze info-avond houdt Zuid-Afrikaanse activist Lucky een presentatie en vertonen we de documentaire 'The Bliss of Ignorance'.
De info-avond begint om 20:00 uur (inloop 19:30) in het les-lokaal bij de "Hof van Noord"/Gandhi-tuin (Gordelweg 131). Ingang van het complex is bij de groene ster op te kaart.
With participation by South African activist Lucky, and screening of the documentary 'The Bliss of Ignorance' .
** 19.00 doors open
** 20.00 screening of 'The Bliss of Ignorance'
** 20.30 presentation coal mining South Africa
** 20.45 presentation anti-coal activism in the NL
** 21.00 questions & discussion
Organised by: Wij Stoppen Steenkool
benefit concert for anarchist prisoners
damage 3-5 euro
SHIREEN (NL) crisis folk
SURPRISE ACT (IE) (in)famous Dublin quartet
tuesday 9th august,
PickAxe (1999, 94 min) screening:
We want to create a central interface for bringing together different fights and movements against everyday forms of racism, sexism, and exploitation. Our goal is to build up a network for cooperation and action that lasts longer than the camp itself. You neither need to
be part of a political scene nor know anything about theory to participate at the A-Camp. Everybody who identifies with emancipatory and anti-authoritarian ideas is invited.
What there is and what it can be
The A-Camp is no “vacation” in its common understanding. “Vacation” implies a separation between
We want to create a central interface for bringing together different fights and movements against everyday forms of racism, sexism, and exploitation. Our goal is to build up a network for cooperation and action that lasts longer than the camp itself. You neither need to
be part of a political scene nor know anything about theory to participate at the A-Camp. Everybody who identifies with emancipatory and anti-authoritarian ideas is invited.
What there is and what it can be
The A-Camp is no “vacation” in its common understanding. “Vacation” implies a separation between
We want to create a central interface for bringing together different fights and movements against everyday forms of racism, sexism, and exploitation. Our goal is to build up a network for cooperation and action that lasts longer than the camp itself. You neither need to
be part of a political scene nor know anything about theory to participate at the A-Camp. Everybody who identifies with emancipatory and anti-authoritarian ideas is invited.
What there is and what it can be
The A-Camp is no “vacation” in its common understanding. “Vacation” implies a separation between