ma | di | wo | do | vr | za | zo |
Start:13/06/2016 20:29
If you like to do creative things such as painting, music, construction of cabins and barricades, community gardening, yoga, circus or other artistic exchange, then this is what you are looking for. In that week you also will have the opportunity to offer your workshop(s), to participate and to spend a good time together. The weekend of June 17 & 18 will be time for show, music, performances & party. | 14
gehele dag
If you like to do creative things such as painting, music, construction of cabins and barricades, community gardening, yoga, circus or other artistic exchange, then this is what you are looking for. In that week you also will have the opportunity to offer your workshop(s), to participate and to spend a good time together. The weekend of June 17 & 18 will be time for show, music, performances & party. Start:14/06/2016 20:00
Kees Hudig ( schetst de ontwikkelingen en problemen van Na de pauze belicht Kees een aantal Europese verzetsinitiatieven | 15
gehele dag
If you like to do creative things such as painting, music, construction of cabins and barricades, community gardening, yoga, circus or other artistic exchange, then this is what you are looking for. In that week you also will have the opportunity to offer your workshop(s), to participate and to spend a good time together. The weekend of June 17 & 18 will be time for show, music, performances & party. | 16
gehele dag
If you like to do creative things such as painting, music, construction of cabins and barricades, community gardening, yoga, circus or other artistic exchange, then this is what you are looking for. In that week you also will have the opportunity to offer your workshop(s), to participate and to spend a good time together. The weekend of June 17 & 18 will be time for show, music, performances & party. Start:16/06/2016 19:30
Rastros de Carbón/Traces of Coal (17 min): documentary in three chapters, about the effects of coal mining in the north of Colombia. Presentation by Andrea Carolina Cardoso Diaz, an economist from University of Magdalena, Colombia/Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona about: ** The socio-environmental impacts of coal mining in the Cesar region and the economic value of these impacts compared to the coal price. | 17
gehele dag
If you like to do creative things such as painting, music, construction of cabins and barricades, community gardening, yoga, circus or other artistic exchange, then this is what you are looking for. In that week you also will have the opportunity to offer your workshop(s), to participate and to spend a good time together. The weekend of June 17 & 18 will be time for show, music, performances & party. | 18
gehele dag
If you like to do creative things such as painting, music, construction of cabins and barricades, community gardening, yoga, circus or other artistic exchange, then this is what you are looking for. In that week you also will have the opportunity to offer your workshop(s), to participate and to spend a good time together. The weekend of June 17 & 18 will be time for show, music, performances & party. Start:18/06/2016 10:30
Zaterdag 18 juni organiseren we een Dag van Verbinding & kleding/spullen/skills ruil. We willen je uitnodigen om je telefoon voor een dag weg te leggen, rustig tot jezelf te komen door middel van meditatie & leuke activiteiten, en je kleding, skills en liefde met elkaar te delen. Start:18/06/2016 11:30
Georganiseerd door de coalitie "Krachten tegen Kolen", bestaande uit: Vereniging Zuivere Energie, Saubere Luft Ostfriesland, Co2ntramine, Urgenda, Milieudefensie, GroenFront!, Wij Stoppen Steenkool, Fossielvrij NL en Greenpeace. Hier onder de vooraankondiging: Grote demonstratie-optocht op zaterdag 18 juni: Groningen Fossielvrij! Kolencentrale Dicht! Start:18/06/2016 14:00
Op zaterdag 18 juni organiseert het extreem-rechtse Pegida Nederland een demonstratie in Breda gericht tegen vluchtelingen. Met een 'mars' door Breda willen ze hun verwerpelijke racistische en islamofobe gedachtegoed onder de aandacht brengen. Laat Ze Niet Lopen, een initiatief tegen racisme en extreem-rechts, roept op om in actie te komen tegen deze racistische optocht. Stop Pegida en haar extreem-rechtse achterban, houd racisten van de straat! Laat Ze Niet Lopen! Start:18/06/2016 18:00
De 'Nacht van de Vluchteling' is zo'n typisch NGO-evenement, met alle bekende karakteristieken: een hoog 'feel good'-gehalte, bedrijvensponsoring, een liveuitzending op radio NPO2 en opdravende BN'ers en bobo's die met hun uitgekauwde platitudes het apolitieke karakter van het geheel benadrukken. Daar verschijnen ook de eerste vraagtekens over de rol van de organisatie, als blijkt dat de nacht begint met een 'motivational speech' door de Haagse burgemeester Jozias van Aartsen, die aansluitend ook het startschot voor de korte versie van de loop mag geven. | 19
Start:13/06/2016 20:29
Einde:19/06/2016 20:29
If you like to do creative things such as painting, music, construction of cabins and barricades, community gardening, yoga, circus or other artistic exchange, then this is what you are looking for. In that week you also will have the opportunity to offer your workshop(s), to participate and to spend a good time together. The weekend of June 17 & 18 will be time for show, music, performances & party. |