ma | di | wo | do | vr | za | zo |
Start:02/06/2014 19:00
Philly Stands Up! is a group dedicated to dealing with (sexual) consent, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and community accountability through transformative justice. Tonight they'll be talking about what this group does and how they do it, and then we can discuss how we can use these strategies within our own communities. Check for more info about the group Doors open: 19:00 | 3
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Start:04/06/2014 19:00
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MERCREDI 04 JUIN À 19H PRÉCISE ~~~~~~~~INFOLINE~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | 5
Start:05/06/2014 16:18
Solidairy with the Freedom-Fighters in the March for Freedom. Release all March of Freedom-Fighters Now. So the March can continue marching to Bruxelles to fight against Dublin II and Frontex. Depart at 16.00 hours from the Vluchtmarkt. Start:05/06/2014 19:30
The last rapport of the UN´s international panel on climate change is clear. If we don´t switch towards a fossil fuel free society the consequences will be catastrophic. From the collapse of the ice sheets to the mass extinction of plants and animals. It is also clear that human beings are the cause of climate change. The question that remains is what we can do about it? | 6
Start:06/06/2014 11:30
Huurders wegredeneren? Start:06/06/2014 16:00
Without warning police attacked the march trying to block the building where EU interior ministers were meeting. Police violence included pepper spray to the eyes, tear gas, dogs (several bite wounds) kicking and beating. After the protesters cleared the entrance they were encircled by the police and ten specific people were picked out of the protest and arrested. Charges still unknown. 11 arrests still in jail! So, we go to the embassy in Brussels: So, we go to the consulate in Amsterdam: | 7
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