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Thanks for the help during the action in return food (on donation) and movies. Start:04/09/2013 17:00
It's about time that we stand up all together just to raise our voice and say that more violence is not a solution in the Middle East. A military intervention in Syria will bring more damage even on a bigger range. The situation in the area is so fragile and it will stir up more conflicts and cause more bloodshed. Let's try to set a date next week for a manifestation in front of the American embassies worldwide. It´s better than sitting there waiting for things to happen. This is quite serious, please share this with your friends and as many people as possible. Start:04/09/2013 18:30
http://wisenederland.nl/node/3430 : 4 september; Prof. Turkenburg over Fukushima Wat is er nu precies aan de hand in Fukushima, wat gaat er mis? Is er iets aan te doen? Wat zijn de gevolgen? Hoe reageert de Japanse overheid, wat doet de eigenaar van de rampreactoren (Tepco). Hope Step Japan en WISE organiseren hier op 4 september een avond over, in het Japans Cultureel Centrum in Amsterdam. (voertaal Engels) Professor Turkenburg geeft een lezing en Dhr. Matsumoto van Hope Step Japan verteld over de wanhoop van de bevolking rond Fukushima en de kwalijke rol die Tepco speeelt . |