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Start:06/01/2013 14:00
Einde:06/01/2013 17:30
Zondag 6 januari 14.00 - 17.30 in het ACU, voorstraat 71 te Utrecht. Om geld op te halen voor nieuwe campagnes gaan er stukjes jachthut geveild worden. Start:06/01/2013 19:30
The discussion started after the publication of the article discussed on https://www.indymedia.nl/node/20220 This article shows apart from a lot of frustration some of the real problems. There are loads of questions. But ACU has remained silent. Since there has not been any reaction from ACU on the propsal for a public meeting ACU is probably OK with it. If not this would be a great moment for an action to hold ACU accountable for its actions. Start:06/01/2013 20:30
This movie is about him, those events en the aftermath it caused. But To not let the death of Rishi go unnoticed, we organized an info night |