Hier kun je discussieren over Update on Crisis in SWP-International Socialists // new rape allegations // members resign from party collectively.
New allegations of rape and sexual misconduct: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2013/mar/09/socialist-workers-party-ra...
Opinion piece by feminist Laurie Penny: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/mar/12/swp-rape-implosion-w...
Big group collectively resigns from SWP: http://internationalsocialismuk.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/fao-central-commi...
One of the most prominent SWP members, intellectual rising star Richard Seymour, explains his reasons for resigning: http://www.leninology.com/2013/03/on-resigning-from-swp.html
Here Richard Seymour writes some more about the crisis, promising more article in the same series: http://www.leninology.com/2013/03/the-crisis-in-swp-part-i.html en http://www.leninology.com/2013/03/the-crisis-in-swp-part-ii.html
And last, but very worthwhile reading, an article by self-described "direct-action, anarcho-marxist, feminist and Darwinian anthropologist" on sexism in the SWP and what Marx and Engels have written about sexism, and how this has been distorted by most Marxist sects: http://libcom.org/history/%E2%80%98feminism-dirty-word%E2%80%99-what-wou...