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get over your self 
nn - 27.10.2011 14:58

i think it is so sad to read all this there are people trying to make something out of the vrankrijk and everybody can only bitch! how about all you haters go do something
and if you think you know so much better where were you 3 years ago when people were thinking of what to do down stairs.
but i guess that if you don't have a life this is the only way to make your self feel important

this is all very very sad!
x - 28.10.2011 20:15

@ nn, nn, nn, nn & nn:

Thank you for your sweet replies, which now unfortunately ended on the noise page. I was deeply moved, especially by this one:

" Even Y doesnt talk sh!t about the vrankrijk any more "

Oh my, you mean you spoke to him personally about this topic? And everything is OK now? I guess you invited him for the next nice evening in Vrankrijk?
Well then, this isn't exactly true, is it? You're making something up, or you're repeating some of the nice cute little stories that are going around in your nice little 'community', aren't you?

Now to make one thing clear: I don't shit on Vrankrijk. I just point at the fact that Vrankrijk is still not able to clean it's own shit. People keep lying and try to shove the shit under the carpet, but this just keeps the problems unsolved and gives a funny smell.
The truth is that this nice little 'community' left Y on his own with huge debts, seriously handicapped for the rest of his life, dumped him to let his family take care of him. And when he protested, this nice 'community' just put a lot of shit on top of him, poured out a lot of slander, said he was agressive, a junkie, a drugs dealer, a nazi or whatever came up. And this kind of slander never was a reason to censor this discussion on Indy: that was only later, when some more nasty details about people from Vrankrijk came out.

His friends, who stood up for him, were put aside as snitches, police informers, were intimidated and received threats. On top of this, the only discussion within the alledged 'community' was wether the perpetrators of the violence should be supported because they sadly ended up in prison. Some people demanded that this support was some sort of political obligation. At the same time nothing was offered to Y, apart from a lousy tip and more insults.
In the end even his name was put in some kind of digital filter, to make clear that this 'community' purged him out of it's history. Later on one more shit statement was released, with more and new lies, a non-discussion was proclaimed and immediately closed, again all meant to shove the whole story under the carpet.

There's still people in your 'community' who were part of these nice events. People who stated that Y actually 'got what he deserved' weren't told that they should shut up or piss off, because this is just some 'opinion' that fits perfectly well in this nice little 'community'. Now I'd rather be 'unpolitical' than to have to deal with people like this. I actually have a lot more of respect for the average junkie then for people like this.

So where were YOU, three years ago, when it was needed that some people stood up, to let Vrankrijk make some tough but necessary decisions? Don't tell me I should think about how important Vrankrijk is, the centre of the universe ofcourse, some sort of rockstars, celebrities who think they can get away with everything. I know who or what Vrankrijk is, it looks just like the old Vrankrijk, it's worse then a Potemkin village. People can try to hide behind some shop window, a 'new initiative' or a new social movement, complain about this mean Mayor who doesn't believe the obvious lies, but it just doesn't make the shit go away. It just makes them look like their opponents: cops, politicians, corporate businesses.

And deep down they actually know. That's why they still come up with nice little stories, not to say: new big lies. I guess they even believe a lot of their own stories. But unfortunately for them: not everyone is buying this shit.

But it doesn't really matter whatever I write here, does it? It just won't come through, right? It will just be censored, for some truths can't be dealt with, otherwise this nice little 'community' can't maintain itself...
NN - 26.10.2011 23:51

I agree, occupy Vrankrijk!
Nnn - 27.10.2011 13:35

I agree two!!! Lets occupy that place...clean it up a bit from all the euro shopper pilsener 'squatters'
nn - 27.10.2011 13:33

the vrankrijk shouldnt be boycotted for the past reasons however their choice of events are another thing and the way the "collective" is now ran by the coordination group that "no longer exists" is shocking.
are you reading this...dont speak on behalf of other people coordination group!
Too bad... 
x - 26.10.2011 20:21

Too bad Vrankrijk is still blacklegged and should be boycotted, so people who know and have some ethics won't show up in there.
NN - 26.10.2011 22:22

Yes, it should be empty until they've said sorry or something!

@ de " ruisers ". 
nn - 27.10.2011 09:18

Jullie moeten je afvragen wat het belang is van het bestaan van Vrankrijk en wie of wat dat is Vrankrijk. Poepen doen jullie maar op een wc. niet op Vrankrijk en niet met behulp van Indy.
@get over your self 
nn - 27.10.2011 20:02

everyone knows that every time there is something on the internet about the vrankrijk, bitter disconnected, no longer political people pipe up because the Vrankrijk reminds them of a past time when they had hope.
So all this blaa blaa say sorry sh!t shouldnt bother anyone. Even Y doesnt talk sh!t about the vrankrijk any more so it shoes how bitter the haters are.

However my qualm is that the ne group is destroying the idea before it has even started. The vrankrijk needs to have another re-shuffle and radicalisation because the way its going it would have just been better to stick schijtheilig there in the first place.

if people want to make things happen there, then cool just don't try and be the boss
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