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International Solidarity call for protesting against the nuc antiatom - 23.10.2011 11:34
Since decades a lot of people are fighting against the use of nuclear power which is the preferred power of the German government.This fight, which was also very militant, brought some successes, but however, Germany is still one of the leading nuclear exporters and operates several nuclear power stations. Ignoring the danger of nuclear power, German nuclear power stations producing new waste every day, even after Fukushima. This nuclear waste is treated in France and then transported back to Germany by train. These nuclear waste transports are a focal point in the civil and autonomous resistance. Each year thousands of people try to stop the train. There are always clashes with the police. This year the nuclear waste train will reach the interim storage facility at Gorleben between the 25th and the 28th of November, where the radioactive waste will radiate into space for the next twenty thousand years. To stop this train, there will be numerous protests along the transportation route. You can find more information under http://www.castor2011.org , unfortunately only in German. Everybody who has the time to stop with a lot of people the nuclear waste train directly, has to come to �Wendland� in this period. There will be direct confrontations with the police. Also the distance from La Hague in France to Dannenberg is suitable for sabotage. To all those who have no time or resources to travel, the call also means to harm the interests of the German atomic state in your region in this period (november and december). The German nuclear state is supported by all its diplomatic missions, German cultural institutions and the major German enterprises. The Deutsche Bahn is the company, which transports the nuclear waste through Germany, the nuclear power stations are built by Siemens and operated by Vattenfall, Eon and RWE. Many banks care with credits for a smooth process of German nuclear business with the goal to earn even in a possible radioactive contamination desaster or in the event of an accident in the reconstruction, as in Chernobyl. Germany will fall in a deep hollow with its nuclear policy, if they don�t change! Therefore: decentralized actions against Germany in November and December! For a life without nuclear waste! This was last year:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXnHDR04qbs Website: http://revolte.blogsport.eu/ |
Lees meer over: europa natuur, dier en mens vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | |