Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio protects armed racists Tony Ryals - 17.07.2011 01:26
I had dinner last night with Sheriff Joe. The previous evening he dined with Ted Nugent. Based on the LinkedIn theory of relativity I'm now one degree from cat scratch fever. Right? Is that how that works? Hello! Is this thing on........ (tap tap) ''We went a little politico today talking guns and immigration and I do understand that some members of our audience get a little rattled when we go down that road. You shouldn't. You should get warm and fuzzy...'' -Quote from - Dewayne Reeves of CFRN or Christian Financial Radio Network , 'Sheriff Joe'because he provides them protection and even dines with them in corrupt Maricopa Couny....... "I do have some experience in corruption and illegal activity," - Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio protects armed racists,money launderers Bud Burrell,Dewayne Reeves of CFRN,Why ? by Tony Ryals Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio protects armed white racists stock fraud money launderers murder suspects Bud Burrell,Dewayne Reeves of Christian Financial Radio Network Why ? Rupert Murdock FoxNews 'hero' Sheriff Joe Arpio:Sheriff Joe Arpio's,Maricopa County,Pheonix,Arizona sheriff's department involved with heroin traficking and illegal immigrant trafficking,court judge and defense attorney intimidation, missing federal money,spreading hated directed mainly at Mexican and Central American immigrants - and now it has been admitted by Dewayne Reeves,self desribed Christian preacher or pastor,who heads Bud BURRELL'S CFRN or Christian Financial Radio Network in 'Sheriff Joe's Maricopa County and that has been involved in stock fraud and money laundering,(perhaps laundering of Sheriff Joe's illicit sheriff's department funds?),that 'Sheriff Joe' is adirect associate of theseanti-American international stock fraudsters and money laundering creepswho brag about their guns and themselves promote hatred toward Mexicans and Central Americans ! Homeland Security pervert Janet Napolitano,(who only her TSA can say if it's male or female), and who is Jewish more so Zionist posing as a Christian.In fact it should be pointed out that Jared Loughner who shot Congresswoman Rep. Gabrielle Giffords shows himself to hold many or most of the'ideals' of Alex Jones but also of the people of CFRN who threaten my life.Janet Napolitano, like Barry Soetoro or Barack Obama who appointed her,knows that it was Israeli Menachem Atzmon's ICTS Internatioinal, who still control Shiphol Airport Amsterdam, who allowed the Nigerian 'crotch bomber' to board flight 253 on Christmas 2009 for Detroit with his'crotch bomb' that allowed them to iniciatetheir draconian U.S.airport seaches of young children and nearrapeof afornmer Miss Americain thefirst place. In fact so does Zionist Michigan Senator Carl Levin and prisonplanet's Alex Jones with his Agora Inc connections,but thery ain't talking either,(even though Alex Jones cynically led a protest against TSA at the Austin,Texas state capitol). Janet Napolitano - Phoenix Janet Napolitano Heads to Homeland Security, Joe Arpaio Dances a Jig ... Regarding Arizona Governor and soon-to-be Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano ... will be meeting privately f . ... .................... "I do have some experience in corruption and illegal activity," - Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio a.k.a. Sheriff Joe Ahole ''Rocky start but we finished with a flourish. I had dinner last night with Sheriff Joe. The previous evening he dined with Ted Nugent. Based on the LinkedIn theory of relativity I'm now one degree from cat scratch fever. Right? Is that how that works? Hello! Is this thing on........ (tap tap) ''We went a little politico today talking guns and immigration and I do understand that some members of our audience get a little rattled when we go down that road. You shouldn't. You should get warm and fuzzy...'' -Quote from - Dewayne Reeves of Mary Schapiro's SEC protected CFRN or Christian Financial Radio Network , ,who is part of the Bud Burrell's international stock fraud money laundeerers that includes Geico billionaire son Patrick Byrne who threaten my life for complaining about and denouncing their 'naked short selling lies.And yet even after these death threats that 'Sheriff Joe' must surley know about,he provides them protection and even dines with them in corrupt MaricopaCouny.I'd say he's the one who should be wearing pink undies and living in a tent in his own concentration camp Arizona rather than wearing them underneath his sheriff's uniform. And note that even Barack 'Barry Soetoro' OBAMA'S own ex U.S.Amassador to China - Utah Moron Republican Jon Huntsman Jr., Huntsman Chemical billionaire Jon Huntsman Sr.'s son - also has aided and abetted Bud Burrell's and Patrick Byrne's,'sfraudulent 'naked short selling' lies to aidand abet offshore money laundering against deceived former middle class investors.If Barry Soetoro or Barack Obama were to only expose his own associates such as the international Zionist money launderers of Goldman Sachs,who also allowed exSEC Chair Chris 'WMDS' Cox to lie about their shares being naked shorted' when they wereshorting or dumpoing their own shares in 2008),and dismiss Bernie Madoff cronie,SEC Chair Mary Schapiro, from the position heplaced her, America could begin a rewal investigation and recovery of our money stolen by these terrorists who have both Rupert Murdoch as well as even UK Rothschild crime family connections.This is why Rupert Murdoch's Zionist Fox News nor the Israeli CNN have reported that ICTS International that 'guarded' Logan Airport Boston on 9/11 was not only run by Israeli convicted money launderers,Menachem Atzmon,Ezra Harel,but was also a Rothschild crime family stock fraud against Americans that certainly the UK Lords of London nor the Israeli government will do anything about as long as we or our corrupt government does nothing. CFRN's obvious link to to UK's Rothschild crime family is through convicted Rothschild attorney Graystone was was with many U.S.penny stock scams promoted by Spanish boiler rooms AND CRRN a couple of yearsago - illegal pump and dump scams that ALL were fraudulently alledgedto be victimsof so-called 'naked short selling' by Bud Burrell's and Pastor Dewayne Reeve's,'s, Christian Financial Radio Network and convicted securities scamster Tom RONK of ! Ronk has been one of the most vocal proponents of a theory that a shadowy network of hedge funds and other investors have been driving down the stock prices of U.S. companies through so-called "naked shorting'' of their shares. .....but Ronk is even more closely tied in to stock scams than that. His suckers in hapless small investors looking for "short squeezes" in crappy penny stocks, including the Utah pump-and-dump Cyberkey Solutions, whose CEO, James E. Plant, was indicted for lying to the SEC about a pump and dump scheme involving his company. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 97 months in prison for promoting his bogus "homeland security" company, witness tampering and obstructing the SEC probe. (Given the corruption of thesSEC,I seriouly doubt he served the time whereas poor black men have been given life for stealing food.- Tony Ryals) ................. Sarah Palin Gets Pink Panties From Creepy Arizona Sheriff | The Frisky 26 Oct 2010 – Arizona's Sheriff Joe Arpaio gave Sarah Palin a pair of pink ... Do male politicians get pink panties as gifts from Sheriff Joe, too? ... Great moments in “ewwww”: at a Tea Party rally in Phoenix, Arizona, on Friday, infamous anti-immigration Maricopa County sheriff Joe Arpaio handed Sarah Palin a pair of pink panties. Yes, panties! “I just got done welcoming Sarah Palin to our county. Had a nice chat and gave her a pair of pink underwear,” he tweeted from @RealSheriffJoe on Friday night. Creepy! His schtick is to force prisoners to wear pink clothing, including underwear, to humiliate them. It’s hard to say if he was getting fresh with Sarah, suggesting something kinky, or just being sexist and inappropriate. Do male politicians get pink panties as gifts from Sheriff Joe, too? Didn’t think so. [Gawker, Twitter] Joe Arpaio, Arizona Sheriff, To Pay $200000 In Racial Profiling Case 14 hours ago by The Huffington Post News Editors In addition to his huge fine, he should have been thrown in jail and forced to wear pink panties and totally he treats his inmates. I am sure they would ALL love to have him as a celly. ... Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio protects armed white racists stock fraud money launderers murder suspects Bud Burrell,Dewayne Reeves of Christian Financial Radio Network Why ? "I do have some experience in corruption and illegal activity," - Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio a.k.a. Sheriff Joe Ahole And just when you thought it couldn't be - it's even worst than you thunk.Racist Sheriff Joe ahole recently had dinner with aging rockster and racist wingnut Ted Nugent of Fox SNews infamy and then Sheriff Ahole showed up for dinner with known penny stock money launderers of my old enemies of CFRN or Christian Financial Radio Network that both the W Bush regime and his SEC Chair Chris 'Naked Shorts' COX and the Barack Barry Soetoro Obama regime and his SEC Chair Mary Schapiro allow to continue their securities and other commodities etc. scams and to lie to the public about penny stocks and even Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and Goldman Sachs shares being victims of so-called 'naked shorting' rather than the illegal manipulation the SEC has aided and covered up that sent more dollars to offshore accounts of the elite! And fitting that Rupert Murdoch's Fox Snooze Phoenix covers the evvent because they are the biggect media promoters of thse two scam artists and many of their own war criminals and pseudo-reporters such as Ollie North,Mansoor Ijaz,Marc Ginsberg,etc., have been involved in known stock frauds and money laundering operations that have sent many Americans invested savings into their own offshore accounts and those of their partners in crime that include terrorist suspects in Europe,the Caymans,Lichtentein,Israel and the Middle East,just as Sheriff Arpaio's friends at Christian Financial Radio Network or CFRN such as Pastor.(without a church),Dewayne Reeves,Bud Burrell,Mark Faulk,,do.And I guess Bud Burrell's 'Christian Fatwah' issued against my life below and changed to their friend Sheriff Joe Arpaio's name is proof enough that Arpaio is also knowingly harboring not only money launderers in his county but potentially dangerous criminals who are allowed to tote guns and threaten the lives of others of world wide internet if they complain about their penny stock and other 'securities' frauds. This leads me to believe that the 10 pounds of heroine discovred on one of his depties of 10 years in his department and the trafficking of illegals who can pay for the sheriffs deputies 'services' may very well be more than a case of mere incompetence on the part of Sheriff Arpaio and may very well be pre-meditated.And if one looks closely and from a distance one can see a whole daisy chain of right wing corrupyion extending around the world from the good sheriff Arpaio's Maricopa County and on to the City of Londo by way of convicted Rothschild attorney Graystone who is a partner of Bud Burrell and Dwayne Reeves' CFRN by way of penny stocks touted on the CFRN website and radio only a couple of years ago.And most of those stock frauds that were illegal penny stock 'pump and dump' scams all paid for fraudulent 'stop naked short selling' websites to lie about them being victims of so-called 'naked short selling' which would be 'counterfeiting' even though the only possible source would be unregistered or unaudited shares dumped on investors be these criminals and their partners in penny stock fraud themselves ! ............... Sheriff Joe and Ted Nugent Have Dinner Date Updated: Monday, 27 Jun 2011, 9:34 PM MST Published : Monday, 27 Jun 2011, 9:33 PM MST PHOENIX - They come from two different worlds, but Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and rocker Ted Nugent do see eye to eye on the issue of illegal immigration. That was a topic of discussion at a dinner date between the two Monday night. The two see eye to eye on pretty much everything -- just two friends from two very different backgrounds, having dinner, and they let us crash the party. Nugent is still known for his guitar playing, but these days his conservative politics are becoming just as well known. He's even a special deputy in the sheriff's office. "He's a captain. If he does good we'll make him a colonel," chuckles Arpaio. .............. Although, with all its lies about so-called'naked short selling',(and lies and death threats directed at me), that even the attorneys-criminals of the U.S. SEC or Securities Exchange Commission have aided and abetted and who should be dismissed and investigated in mass for their links to organized stock or securities fraud that took American investors money in everything from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to anonymous and not so anonymous accounts of international and national criminals with both Washington,D.C. and stock market connections who they protect,has disappeared from the internet since I posted U.S.Ambassador Stephen Mc Farland's name where said death threeats to meare made,still other site corraborate thecriminal activity of Geico billionaire Jack Byrne'sson Patrick in funding the sites and mafiosi death threats to me and massivestock fraud sdirectly at untold numbersof Americans evening using his own offshore account to manipulate and other shares from. And Christian Finance Radio Network that gave Bud Burrell,Mark Faulk,David Patch,Patrick Byrne yet another website to promote worthlessstock frauds such asCMKX Diamonds and USXP and a number of U.S. penny stocks that were the target of UK City of LONDON continues under the operation Naked Shorting – The Real Bad Guys « blog maverick 15 Feb 2006 – Read what Bud Burrell's Private Trading Systems, ...... USXP.OB, Universal Express, suing the SEC with respect to Naked Short Selling. ... ve been following your blog and have been particularly amused by your postings about Patrick Byrne, and the mysterious people behind the anti-naked shorting movement..... When I looked into Private Trading Systems, I noted that its chairman, chief executive, treasurer and corporate secretary is none other than C. Austin Bud Burrell, whose dire warnings about naked shorting have been featured at, on the Bob OBrien blog and similar Internet sites. Burrell also has been a litigation consultant for John OQuinn, the Texas lawyer representing in its suit against Rocker Partners, Gradient Analytics and other defendants who allegedly undermined the companys stock through nefarious shorting activities. A few weeks ago, I learned that shares of one such company, Private Trading Systems Inc. of Scottsdale, Ariz. (Pink sheets: PVTM), were being offered to European investors by an apparently fictitious brokerage calling itself Anglo Swiss Consulting... heres another interesting aspect to Private Trading Systems. According to the Form 10-12 that Private Trading filed earlier this month with the SEC, its biggest shareholder, with a 43.2 percent equity stake, is T.P. Ramsden. The filing said Ramsden controlled the rights to the technology behind the trading system that the company is developing to allow institutional investors to privately trade securities, instruments, or any financial asset that is capable of being converted to electronic form. What Private Trading Systems SEC filing did not say is that T.P. Ramsden is Terry Ramsden, once a highflying British bond trader, who pleaded guilty to investment fraud in the 1990s and later was convicted of bankruptcy fraud. He was sentenced to 21 months in prison, and served 10....... Note how many fraudulent 'naked short selling lie' websiteshave thse names mentioned on googlesearch :Mark Faulk, Dave Patch, Bud Burrell,Patrick Byrne... wasrecently disappeared complaints to U.S.Embassy and Ambassador Stephen McFARALAND in Guatemala placing his name in place of mine in their death theat to me..... U.S. Guatemala Ambassador Stephen G. McFarland ,Notorious Basher,NAMBLA member, Serial Pervert, Convicted Fraud Felon,Confidential Informant Sanity Check - The Blog: New Website - - All ... 4 Jan 2006 by bob obrien is now live. All future Bob O'Brien Sanity Check editorials will appear at that new website, which also features podcasts, blogs by Mark Faulk, Dave Patch, Bud Burrell, and a host of others, ... Warning,while Gary Weiss aformer Businessweek 'journalist' is telling the truth about Bud Burrell in link below,heisalso a shameful fraudin business with convictedstock scamsters Sam Antar and Barry Mankow.: 'Who's Bud Burrell?' and Other Questions Richard Altomare Won't Answer 14 Dec 2007 by Gary Weiss Naked shorting poster child Universal Express is a prime example of how corporate executives use stock market conspiracy theories to cover up their own sleaziness and, sometimes, criminality. Just take a look at the court documents on the company's web site, and particularly the latest filing -- a fascinating deposition by CEO Richard Altomare on Nov. 27. .................................. Bud Burrell from the archives of CFRN Investigates | Christian ... - Cached 23 May 2006 – CFRN won a 2005 People's Choice Award for our in-depth ... you can expect to hear from Bud Burrell, Robert "Bobo" O'Brien, Patrick Byrne, ... Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio protects CFRN,Bud Burrell,Pastor Reeves stock fraud money launderers,armed white racists,murder suspects ..................... UK Robert Wishart London Money Laundering, SEC's,Georgetown University's John Polise by Tony Ryals Tuesday, Apr. 22, 2008 at 6:27 PM What is the SEC mafiosi clown and Georgetown University faux professor John Polise(who is really himself an insider to securities corruption as an ex NASD official )doing claiming to London money laundering investigator Robert Wishart that those 26 U.S.penny stocks USED TO DEFRAUD BRITS OCCURED BECAUSE OF SOME ERROR IN 'CUSIP' NUMBERS !? Does that explain why he and the other corrupt securities and SEC connected 'business' Georgetown professors John Reed Stark and James Angel have sat quiet for years while the Nevada incorporated penny stock fraud Samaritan Pharmaceuticalls has run unending illegal and covered up pump and dump frauds with their worthless shares using Georgetown University for 'credibility' !? John Polise,John Reed Stark and James Angel are to investors what Catholic priests have been to the children they have violated and raped ! Why does Pope Benedict remain silent !? Yes it appears the Dewayne Reeves who like his buddy in crime Bud Burrell who lies about and threatens to torture me for exposing his 'naked sort selling lie re pennny stock pumps and dumps such as CMKX Diamonds and USXP,etc.,met with them for dinner as well meaning that Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is sheltering and protecting a major U.S.stock money laundering and possible white terrorist cell that also has Federal protection as it is right - far right - in his county while harrssing my fellow GUATEMALANS AND MEXICANS FOR - UNLIKE THEM - PUTTING IN AN HONEST HARD DAYS LABOR WHENEVER THEY CAN ! I leave the eveidence that this criminal DEWAYNE REEVES who is part of Bud Burrell's death and torture threats to me quoted in full with link below.Further I also leave link and brief quote from my recent internet post that includes a letter to U.S.Ambassador to Guatemala Stephen McFarland complaining about said lies and death threats and entering his name to those threats where mine have been since 2008 to see how he likes it. Interesting that I now have a Sheriff Joe Arpaio and group of Latin immigrant harrassers and cowards added to my story to send to U.S.Ambassador to Guatemala Stephen McFarland. CFRN Emini FuturesCast 06/28/11 » Wednesday Jun292011 Emini FuturesCast / The Daily Pod 06/29/11 DateJune 29, 2011 at 4:23 PM (QQQQ)(DIA)(SPY)(GLD)(SLV) Rocky start but we finished with a flourish. I had dinner last night with Sheriff Joe. The previous evening he dined with Ted Nugent. Based on the LinkedIn theory of relativity I'm now one degree from cat scratch fever. Right? Is that how that works? Hello! Is this thing on........ (tap tap) We went a little politico today talking guns and immigration and I do understand that some members of our audience get a little rattled when we go down that road. You shouldn't. You should get warm and fuzzy. Why? Not because of what we say, but because you and I both live in a country (at least some of us do) where I can have my opinion, you can have yours, we can discuss them openly and freely, and we don't wind up in shackles because of it. Well, most of the time anyway. Now here's the throw down. Which we will call an invitation. Fair enough? If anyone in our audience has an opposing political viewpoint, we are more than happy to give you an open mic and the opportunity to share your thoughts. We are a conservative bunch for the most part, but I fully believe in freedom of speech. You can speak on my dime to my audience. Granted, some members of my audience might not like that. That don't want to hear liberal clap-trap. Well, God Bless America! We are free to say what we think and no one has to listen to it. Any of it. It's a beautiful thing I tell you. It really is. Open Mic Invitation - If you want to speak what's on your mind we would love to hear your thoughts. PARTNERS MEETING - Thursday night 06/30/11 9:00pm Eastern. If you are currently on a Free Trial and wish to become a partner contact and be sure to ask about our 4th of July Independence Day Special! This one indicator could easily pay for your partnership - ......... Below the good 'Christians' of CFRN,Christian Financial Radio Network of Pheonix,Arizona, Bud Burrell and Pastor Dewayne Reeves;(who sure know how to fleece the 'sheep') send their greetings to their corrupt international money laundering aider and abettor Sheriff Joe Arpaio,who I had given the benefit of the doubt of just being stupid regarding heroine and illegals trafficking in his own sheriff's department until discovering his connectiions to them).Also deserving of shame among many others is Homeland Security Zarina Czarina Janet Napolitano,(at least I think its a female but only her TSA must know for sure),for allowing thse far right apparently U.S. government and SEC protected terrorist cells to thrive in her state in the first place ! Kenneth Heywood and gang of Potter House Christian Fellowship who were being investigated by Mumbai India anti-terrorist officer Hermant Kerkare before he was mysteriously blown away during 'India's 9/11' shootings at the Taj Majal Hotel and othewr sites in the center of Mumbai such as the Jewish Chabad Lubnavitch House where some suspect the terrorist attack was centered out of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio,Notorious Basher,NAMBLA member, Serial Pervert, Convicted Fraud Felon by Tony Ryals | 06.26.2011 Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio County Sheriff Joe Arpaio,Notorious Basher,NAMBLA member, Serial Pervert, Convicted Fraud Felon,Confidential Informant BELOW SEC 'Special Counsel' Steven G. Johnston TELLS ME TO CONTACT THE FBI WHEN IN FACT IT WAS MY VERY COMPLAINT TO THEM THAT HAS LED TO DEATH THREATS FROM THEIR CLIENTS BUD BURRELL AND PATRICK BYRNE IN THE FIRST PLACE ! And this is what I'm now requesting from U.S.Ambassador to Guatemala - an FBI investigation into their stock frauds and at the least an investigation into their death threats. - Tony Ryals Bud Burrell's Front and Center Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio ,Notorious Basher,NAMBLA member, Serial Pervert, Convicted Fraud Felon,Confidential Informant Feb 22 Written by: bburrell 2/22/2008 7:55 PM AKA Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been rumored to be everything from a transexual imposter, to a serial pervert and worse, to a member of NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association), to a convicted felon, to a roll Confidential Informant (the USG never met a felon they didn't love if he was a roll), and far worse. These many malicious and vicious rumors are unfortunate even if proven not precisely or completely true. That is no different than his stories.... I know many would love to have very rough conversation (look up this in a dictionary) with him/her over about a week, or a month, but it would be a waste of time in any event. Besides, it would be too much fun, very undisciplined. Someday in the future, his/her veil will be ripped away, and the enemy predators can feed on his/her liver. That would be more fun than a barrel of monkeys to watch. The clock ticks every moment on this dirt bag's very existence..... Years ago, I developed a little Buddhist displacement concept called "My Short List". Being a rather high risk bet for an untimely death, I took the names of the small number of people I have found to be without redeeming human virtue, to be used in the last few weeks of my time, with the plan to send some scouts on ahead to check out the terrain. Of the nine men and one woman on that list, only two survive. I can't claim credit for this, since God has beaten me to them. It is the nature of the physical risks faced by all really negative borderline sociopaths (the 1% that are so broken they can't be fixed) that their own bodies tend to turn on them very hard. Enjoy your perversions while you can. The clock is ticking on your worthless existence. You have chosen the worst enemy of all, God. You can't win. Where you are headed, they don't read wills. Ms.Joe , With hugs and kisses from all your admirers and detractors, ESAD. Everyone re-post this link as many places as you can. It is the key to good search engine positioning/standing and we certainly want to get to the empty bottom of this barrel of waste that represents Arpaio's life. Copyright ©2008 Bud Burrell ................. CFRN,Bud Burrell,attorney Ron Logan,'naked short' penny stock scam,Phoenix,Arizona by Tony Ryals ( endoscam [at] ) Tuesday Feb 28th, 2006 9:52 AM Further there is reason to believe the CIA is involved or at most both the CIA and the SEC KNOW BUT DO NOTHING ABOUT IT ! And has also promoted and recommended a non penny stock that trades on the NYSE called SRA International to their suspect clients in Kuala Lumpur,Dubai,etc. !And SRA International is the 'IT' or 'internet technology' company that the NSA may employ for internet spying whose search engine NetOwl scans the internet ! They also created the Mantas AML or anti-money laundering software that didn't work as James Dale Davidson and his Agora Inc. stock touting machine lied to promote Endovasc and 'up to 30 million' worthless Endovasc shares were dumped from a Charles Schwab account to defraud naive investors such as myself ! ................... Posted 05/25/11 at 01:01pm Sheriff Joe Arpaio Nabs Some Real Criminals—Finds They’re on His Staff More bad news today for Arizona’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio: following news that he misspent $100 million in taxpayer funds and failed to investigate 400 sex crimes cases, “America’s Toughest Sheriff” found himself sporting another black eye yesterday after the arrest of three employees involved in a drug- and human-trafficking ring. Deputy Alfredo Navarrette and detention officers Sylvia Najera and Marcella Hernandez are accused of laundering money, moving drugs for a trafficking organization with ties to Mexico, and using intelligence from the Sheriff’s office to guide smugglers through Arizona’s Maricopa County. Investigators say that the ring mostly moved heroin through the county, and would traffic about $56,000 worth of drugs a week. The raid yesterday netted 10 pounds of heroin, and nearly $200,000 in cash, weapons, vehicles, and stolen property. Navarette has worked with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) for nearly a decade, at one point serving in a unit designed to target human smuggling. But it is believed that Navarette was himself a human smuggler; two undocumented immigrants were found in his home when he was arrested yesterday morning. He is being accused of 19 violations including conspiracy, money laundering, and human smuggling, and is being held on $1 million cash bond. Hernandez is eight months pregnant with the child of the trafficking ring’s leader, and had $16,000 in cash on her when she was arrested on her way to work. She was booked on suspicion of committing 11 violations, including conspiracy, drug crimes, and money laundering, and is being held on a $2 million cash bond. All three of the officers—Navarette, Hernandez, and Najera—were trained under the MCSO’s 287(g) agreement with the Department of Homeland Security, meaning they underwent training that allowed them to spend time working in immigration enforcement. The yearlong investigation, prompted by a tip to Sheriff Arpaio, is still ongoing. The MCSO officers were among 12 suspects arrested yesterday during a series of raids at 16 locations around the county; at least seven other Arpaio officers are under investigation for possible ties to Cartels. During the press conference yesterday, Arpaio deflected a question about whether the public should continue to trust him as sheriff when the cartels have managed to infiltrate his department, and instead talked about his time investigating federal agents for similar crimes: "I do have some experience in corruption and illegal activity," he said. Considering that he's not exactly the straightest arrow in this lot, we believe it. ................................ It appears to have not just been 'a tip' from just anybody but an outside independent law enforcement agency.I only wonder if the officers or Shriff's Deputies busted in the case above wasn't a little racist in its own right in keeping with Sheriff Joe Ahole's 'standards.I mean thse officers had been with him for ten years operating a VERY profitable illegal immigrant smuggling operation and no doubt an even MORE profitable illegal drug smuggling operation a Sheriff Ahole nor any of his racist white majority deputies noticed a thing !? Even when nothing aside from perhaps illegal profits from illegal activities themselves,would give them greater pleasure than to bust a Mexican and probably even more so not just any Mexican but a Mexican American and they prtetend they never noticed any smuggling for twn years until an outside law enforcement agent forced it it their attention !? Sure....... And as an example of how Sheriff Joe Ahole pampers his white good ol boys and Sheriff's Deputies in his employ, note that he even ordered one deputy to openly break the law and ignore the orders of a humble judge who only asked politely that Sheriff Ahole's deputy apologize to an attorney whose private documents in a court case with a client she was representing at the time had client were pilfered right in front of the judge and behind the attorney's back as she addressed the judge and the court ! .................................... Sheriff Arpaio Asks Deputy To Defy Judges Orders And Risk Going To Jail Sheriff Arpaio Asks Deputy To Defy Judges Orders And Risk Going To ... - CachedSheriff Arpaio Asks Deputy To Defy Judges Orders And Risk Going To Jail ... The Maricopa County Sheriffs Office, Headed By Joe Arpaio, Is Currently Under ... Arpaio to be investigated over alleged violations Racial-profiling inquiry stems from immigration sweeps by Daniel González - Mar. 11, 2009 12:00 AM The Arizona Republic . The U.S. Justice Department has launched a civil-rights investigation of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office after months of mounting complaints that deputies are discriminating in their enforcement of federal immigration laws. Officials from the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division notified Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Tuesday that they had begun the investigation, which will focus on whether deputies are engaging in "patterns or practices of discriminatory police practices and unconstitutional searches and seizures." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PDAView Full Version : Has anyone been following the situation in Maricopa, AZ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pages : [1] 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AlabamyDecember 1st, 2009, 07:43 PM A sheriff deputy read, then removed, then passed off a document in a folder belonging to a defense attorney while she was discussing a case with a judge. Her client noticed the officer reading/removing/stealing the document and alerted her which brought the hearing to a stand still. The judge did not ask the officer what was going on at the time but merely postponed the hearing. Later, the officer said he was protecting the security of the court by having a document photocopied that he suspected he had not seen/checked in. A later judge gave the officer a choice between jail and giving a press conference where he would apologize to the defense attorney. The sheriff, Joe Arpaio, refused to allow his deputy to give the press conference but the deputy gave one later saying he wouldn't lie and say he was sorry. The deadline for the press conference is tomorrow and so far the sheriffs department has ignored the judges orders. I am curious what is going to happen if the department refuses to arrest this officer for contempt of court. The whole incident is on videotape available at youtube if anyone is interested. It is pretty amazing how the officer pulls the document out of a closed folder and reads it then removes the document and passes it off in the middle of open court. .......................... 3 in MCSO accused of cartel ties Authorities: Officers helped smuggle drugs, immigrants by JJ Hensley - May. 25, 2011 12:00 AM The Arizona Republic Three Maricopa County sheriff's employees, including a deputy in the human-smuggling unit, were arrested Tuesday by authorities who say they were involved in a drug- and human-trafficking ring and used Sheriff's Office intelligence to guide smugglers through the Valley. Deputy Alfredo Navarrette, 37, has worked with the Sheriff's Office for nearly a decade, serving in a special unit designed to target human smugglers moving through Maricopa County. But investigators believe Navarrette was himself involved in human smuggling. Investigators found two undocumented immigrants in Navarrette's home when he was arrested early Tuesday morning in a sweep that concluded a yearlong investigation........ Investigators from a multijurisdiction drug task force also arrested two sheriff's detention officers, Sylvia Najera, 25, and Marcella Hernandez, 28. They are accused of laundering money and moving drugs for a Valley-based drug-trafficking organization with ties to Mexico... The sheriff's employees were among 12 suspects arrested Tuesday during a series of early-morning raids at 16 locations throughout the Valley where investigators had targeted members of the organization. The group mostly moved heroin, according to investigators, and officials suspect each of the arrested sheriff's employees played a crucial role in moving the drugs and hiding the illicit profits. Authorities say the ring moved about $56,000 worth of heroin a week through the Valley. Arce-Torres, who authorities say was the ringleader, arranged for heroin to be brought into the Valley after his brothers produced the drug on the family's ranch in Mexico, according to Superior Court and Justice Court documents filed Tuesday. Once the drugs arrived in Arizona, they were shipped to two houses in the West Valley, where the heroin was diluted to create more product, investigators said in the court documents. ................................ Sheriff Joe & Co. Have a Heroin Problem Three Maricopa County sheriff’s employees, including a deputy in the human-smuggling unit, were arrested Tuesday by authorities who say they were involved in a drug- and human-trafficking ring and used Sheriff’s Office intelligence to guide smugglers through the Valley. Deputy Alfredo Navarrette, 37, has worked with the Sheriff’s Office for nearly a decade, serving in a special unit designed to target human smugglers moving through Maricopa County. But investigators believe Navarrette was himself involved in human smuggling. Investigators found two undocumented immigrants in Navarrette’s home when he was arrested early Tuesday morning in a sweep that concluded a yearlong investigation. “The fight against drugs, illegal immigration and human trafficking is important not only to me but the citizens of Arizona,” Sheriff Joe Arpaio said. “That a deputy sheriff would provide information and associate with these drug and human traffickers is despicable.” Investigators from a multijurisdiction drug task force also arrested two sheriff’s detention officers, Sylvia Najera, 25, and Marcella Hernandez, 28. They are accused of laundering money and moving drugs for a Valley-based drug-trafficking organization with ties to Mexico. Arpaio said Hernandez is eight months’ pregnant with the child of another suspect arrested Tuesday, Francisco “Lorenzo” Arce-Torres, who is described in court records as a member of the Sinaloa drug cartel and the leader of the Phoenix-based drug-trafficking organization at the heart of the probe. Court records indicate Hernandez had $20,000 cash on her when she and Najera were arrested Tuesday morning on their way to work at the Lower Buckeye Jail… (Source: Tags: Heroin Human-Trafficking Illegal Immigration Joe Arpaio MCSO Maricopa County News Sheriff Joe War on Drugs .......................... Below anonymous poster's comment to Gordon Duff article with title and quote above after I had exposed Duff's email to me stating he had direct link to ex CIA Chief and known stock fraud money launderer George Tenet after I mentioned Lila Rajiva's ties Agora Inc and Bill Bonner who also have George Tenet and CIA connections.Lila appears out of the blue to answer for Gordon Duff who actually censors my comments on his undemocratic and fascist Veterans Today website that should not even be allowed to propagandize using veterans name to do so.He cares nothing for real, veterans who he is satisfied to see wounded and homeless in America while he lives with his off shore accounts in luxury.It would appear that if he has a connection to Bud Burrell who threatens to murder me,that he also has ties to D.C.bankster and penny stock money launderer David P Summers who ripped me off in the Endovasc 'biotech' penny stock fraud.All of these people have a tie in to Agora Inc through either ex CIA George Tenet and Republican Libertarian Presidential candidate Ron Paul who Burrell has also attended conferences with in Arizona.So the scum bag Ron Paul who also lies about 'naked short selling while being a beneficiary of pump and dump penny stock fraud such as Petrol Oil and Gas that he had to disclose in his presidential filings to get public funding is part of the 'Christian fatwah' decreed against me by Bud Burrell and his Reverend or Pastor Dewayne Reeves of CFRN or Christian Financial Radio Network that is protected by fascist Phoenix Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arapio in Pheonix,Arizona.: GORDON DUFF: VIETNAM, FOR THOSE WHO HAVE FORGOTTEN - 13. Jul, 2010 in Commentary/Analysis, Israel, News/Politics, U.S. Foreign Policy - 8 SO MUCH MORE THAN THE BLOWHARDS, KERRY, McCAIN AND NORTH I got back from Arizona a bit ago, visiting with friends, mostly Vietnam vets. From Veterans Today we had Jim Hanke, Jeff Gates, regular Army and me, as usual, the lone Marine and with our hosts, Navy Seal Hershel Davis. Years ago it would have been talk about POWs and politics. Now its down to motorcycles and single malt. We did get a few minutes in on John McCain as he is running around the state playing war hero to stay in the thieving Senate. Some of us had fought both Kerry and McCain for years as POW advocates. ............ ''military friends first ever association convention in my City,(i.e.-Sheriff Joe Arpio's corrupt Phoenix,Arizona), of this group''.-Bud Burrell May 22 Back On Station After An Absence, Some First Ruminations On The Topics Of Our Times Written by: bburrell 5/22/2010 8:03 PM From “Front and Center”, by Bud Burrell I had to take a break involving several pressing matters involving long term professional investments I have made of my time in some spaces ranging from 15 to 18 years, all of which have seem to have hit critical mass at the same time. I had guests come to my city at the same time on several matters, while I explored getting involved in a potential black swan,(i.e.-yet more stock fraud and money laundering activities) in an unexpected space with people I like personally. At the same time, I began to support a reunion of some military friends from many years ago in a first ever association convention in my City of this group. .......................... Below from another Gordon Duff and connected website.Duff's CIA George Tenet connected group or at least some of his 'journalists' there might be considered agent provacateurs, such as Israeli Gilad Atzmon, the apparent relative of Israeli Menachem Atzmon whose stock fraud ICTS International 'guarded' Logan Boston Airport on 9/11/01 through its' Huntleigh airport rent-a-cops bought from defrauding Americans through its El Al Airline connected ICTS International security,(safety), and securities,(stock fraud),operation incorporated in Joe Biden's state of Delaware in 1999.Obviously he should know and his statement below contradicts his nemeis Julian Assange recent disinformation or lie that Indians were the biggest clients for Swiss bank money laundering 'business'.: Jan-18-2010 14:31 Black Market, Drugs, Prostitution, Corruption: Run by Senior NCO’s Gordon Duff There developed, over the Vietnam War, starting with NCO’s transferred to Southeast Asia from Germany, a long history of ties to the American and Corsican Mafia with the ability to distribute heroin on a worldwide basis. That business came into flower after 1965 as club operations in Vietnam became the backdrop for one of the biggest crime syndicates in world history. Today we have a couple of issues we are ignoring. One, of course, is that senior NCO’s are meant to be the “backbone of the Army” but are also capable of manipulating acquisitions, shipments, and disbursements of any supply or equipment. Billions went mission in Iraq and nobody has been blamed. We even misplaced 250,000 weapons. How hard is it for a hundred thousand of those to have made it into the hands of terrorists? For every massive cost overrun, and their were thousands, there is someone inside the Army looking the other way. The entire War on Terror was one cost overrun, one missing shipment, one “lost” anything after another, on and on forever with nobody being blamed, just spend and spend, ship more and more and let more and more be stolen. With billions and billions spent in Iraq, medicine, fresh water, electricity, schools, everything that was paid for, sometimes paid for twice, seems to have evaporated in a cloud of corruption. The only thing successfully built in Iraq over 5 years was fat bank accounts in Switzerland… Gordon Duff So the question is,why doesn’t Gordon Duff now challenge Julian Assange’s false ‘info’ that billionaires from India are Switzerland’s main banking clients instread of Iraq Afghanistan war profiteers with military and probably CIA connections ? And If he is so concerned about Israeli involvement in 911 such as Menachem Atzmon’s role through ICTS International at Logan Airport Boston that NY Zionist Judge Alvin Hellerstein just removed from the last family of 911 victim case then why does he make Gilad Atzmon WHO IS Menachem Atzmon’s obvious relative, as well a related to Israel’s Tzipi Livni according to Gilad associate Mary Rizzo, a VeteransToday ‘reporter’ even though he continues to remain silent about his relative Menachem’s securities or stock frauds as well assecurity as in airport security that led to 3000 deaths in NYC on 911 AND UNTOLD IRAQI AND AMERICAN DEAD AND WOUNDED AS A RESULT !? And why has he encourged Bud Burrell to threaten my life for complaining about his many penny stock frauds that he said were ‘naked shorted’ when in fact they were illegal pump and dump scams,i.e.CMKX Diamonds,USXP, ETC.,and with UK Rothschild attorney Graystone as well as deceased CIA,FBI mafiosi Robert Maheu of the Castro exploding cigar fiasco and paranoid oil billionaire Howard Hughes connections as well. Is Burrell who Duff apparently had a meeting with in Arizona while back,part of Burrell’s penny stock money laundering and ‘nakedshort selling’ lie ? ....................... .......................... ......................... Note below similar times of Gordon Duff's meeting in Arizona and that of Bud Burrell who threatens my life.So the great Viet Nam war zeros Bud Burrell and 'Major' Gordon Duffwith hisadmitted conneections to the stock fraudsters,international money launderers and Cuban American Rey Rivera murder suspects Porter Stansberry,Lila Rajiva, James Dale Davidson,Lord William Rees-Mogg of Agora Inc.My articlereGordon Duff,LilaRajivaand Wilikpedia'sJulian Assangewalso belowthat where Duff admitshaving close tiesto exCIAChief George TENET who helped 9/11 cover upfor W Bush,NATO AND ZIONIST ISRAELIS,ET.AL.: GORDON DUFF: VIETNAM, FOR THOSE WHO HAVE FORGOTTEN - 13. Jul, 2010 in Commentary/Analysis, Israel, News/Politics, U.S. Foreign Policy - SO MUCH MORE THAN THE BLOWHARDS, KERRY, McCAIN AND NORTH I got back from Arizona a bit ago, visiting with friends, mostly Vietnam vets. From Veterans Today we had Jim Hanke, Jeff Gates, regular Army and me, as usual, the lone Marine and with our hosts, Navy Seal Hershel Davis. Years ago it would have been talk about POWs and politics. Now its down to motorcycles and single malt. We did get a few minutes in on John McCain as he is running around the state playing war hero to stay in the thieving Senate. Some of us had fought both Kerry and McCain for years as POW advocates......... May 22 Back On Station After An Absence, Some First Ruminations On The Topics Of Our Times Written by: bburrell 5/22/2010 8:03 PM From “Front and Center”, by Bud Burrell I had to take a break involving several pressing matters involving long term professional investments I have made of my time in some spaces ranging from 15 to 18 years, all of which have seem to have hit critical mass at the same time. I had guests come to my city at the same time on several matters, while I explored getting involved in a potential black swan in an unexpected space with people I like personally. At the same time, I began to support a reunion of some military friends from many years ago in a first ever association convention in my City of this group. ......................... Julian Assange,Wikileaks:Veterans Today Editor Gordon Duff is A CIA,George Tenet Prostitute,So is Agora Inc.'s Lila Rajiva Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 12/13/2010 - 12:57 ''As for CIA connections..the entire idea is a joke. I had George Tenet on speed dial and have had for years. He is the cousin of one of my best friends.''-Gordon Duff, Veterans Today .......................... Agora Inc.meets George Tenet in New Orleans,touts penny stock for CIA by Tony Ryals Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2005 at 11:10 PM CIA uses James Dale Davidson's Agora in illegal pump and dump schemes to benefit himself and CIA insiders in various questionable penny stocks focused on 'defense' 'homeland security' and potential internet spying for personal gain - all under guise of protecting us. Americans are defrauded again !!! ............................... I have gone nowhere. I do other things to make my living, not being able to live on the sweet words of internet spammers, stalkers and hackers. I stopped posting at VT, because of multiple attacks that happened shortly after I posted. I decided it was not worth it. I still comment once in a while, as I also comment at any other sites, where I think something worthwhile is being discussed. I worked for Agora from the beginning of 2006 to October 2007, writing a book and doing some editing. I was invited to do so, because I share their economic philosophy and am a fairly competent writer. On my part, I did it be because I thought it would be good to bring left and right wing libertarians together and because I thought their analysis of the market crisis was more accurate and prescient than others I don’t endorse their business practices, was sharply critical of them in person, and, in fact am the source of some of the research about their past history that the very people slandering me are now touting as their own.- Lila Rajiva of Agora Inc.,Baltimore .................................... THE STRANGE CASE OF ATS AND US CITIZEN KEN HAYWOOD FLEEING INDIA .. 19 Aug 2008 – Haywood had been under Anti Terrorist Squad's scrutiny, over the matter of the ... office are a bit suspect,” ATS chief Hemant Karkare told The Indian Express. ... a church with origins in Arizona in the US but relatively new to India. ... Haywood is a functionary of the Potter's House in Mumbai. ... Among the many people killed in Mumbai last week were some of the City's top anti-terror peace officers. Hemant Karkare, head of India's Anti-Terrorism Squad, was the most notable figure to be killed in action, and his story is doubly significant for visitors to this site, because he was in the middle of unraveling a False Flag terror attack, (which occurred on September 29, 2008), and was initially blamed on Muslims, such as the "Students Islamic Movement of India" (SIMI) or the "Indian Mujahideen". And as I mentioned at the time of Hermant Karkare's,(unfinished),investigation into the Arizona 'Christian' right wingnuts Yahoo! email account that sent a fivr minutee warning of 'Islamic terrorists' five minutes in advance of bombings that killed over 50 people in India in 2008,all thses Arizona scumbags and possible U.S.government terrorist cell operating out of Arizona and India,had in common involvement in what appeared to be penny stock scams such as True Religion Jeans and even banking stock scams.That aricle can be seen at this link below.: Yahoo!,Terror email,India Bombs, Campbell White: American Kenneth Haywood to undergo lie-detector Tony Ryals 15 Aug 2008 – They don't mention the penny stock scams of Bob Dodd or Jonathan Heimberg though. ... office are a bit suspect,” ATS chief Hemant Karkare told The Indian Express. ... a church with origins in Arizona in the US but relatively new to India. ... Haywood is a functionary of the Potter's House in Mumbai. ... ............ 26/11 trial: India may get further access to David Headley ... 11 Jun 2011 – American CIA Agent David Coleman Headley - The Face Of Mumbai Terror ... The FBI even knew he traveled to India and Pakistan AFTER the attacks, .... Headley's third target was Nariman House -- the Jewish Centre. ..... a victims of the Mumbai terrorist · Kavita Karkare, right, wife of Hemant Karkare, ... ................... While David Headley whose father was Pakistani Voice of America propagandizer and mother an American Jew from Pennsylvania was not recruited from Arizona certainly his terrorist acts and planning in Mumbai guaranteed through the assassination of Hermant Karkare,that the scumbag 'Christians' and probale CIA with with penny stock scams of Doors Ministiries,Potter House of Tempe,Arizona who used to demonstrate in public there for their 'right' to bear arms,would go scot free because Hermant Kakrare was one of the best Hindues India ever had and would always investigate where terrorism originate regardless of consequences or those involved whether they be Hindus,Christians or Moslems or artheists for that matter.It also appears to me rather indisputable to me that the U.S.government,FBI and CIA, had more responsibilty with agent provacateurs such as the Jewish David Headley of Rahm Emanuel's and Barack Barry Soetoro Obama's Chicago with Indian terrorisn than Pakistan itself that they also used as a staging ground.And in light of the Arizona 'Christian' prosolitizers of Door Potter's House and Chrisdtian Fellowship it appears that Arizona is used as a place of U.S.government aided right wing terrorist cells as well.This little detour in my story re Christian Financialk Radio's Bud Burrell,Dewayne Reeves,Mark Faulk and even Geico insurance billionaire Jack Byrne's son Patrick Byrne is for the express reason that they also use Christianity for fraud and to promote racial hated disguised as 'anti-immigrant' and also promote uncontrolled weapons trafficking when in fact their illegal activities and death threats protected by Sheriff Joe Arpio is the very reason their homes should be searched and their guns or other weapons taken away for public safety ! It sahould not be forgotten that Jared Loughner who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords held almost identical 'values' to these so-called 'Libertarian' Republican and Ron Paul connected 'Christians'. Yes,Ron Paul aside from being a women's reproductive rights denier and anti-American gold to replace the dollar hypocrite,is not what he bills himself to be. : David Colemann Headley Is A CIA-FBI Agent - Cached 18 Oct 2010 – David Headley is a CIA asset & they have invested a lot of their precious resources ... as it has the Pakistani ISI, Military & Political establishment. ... The terror attack Mumbai 26/11, was directed at all of South Asia ... Again even the blasts that Shri Hemant Karkare has traced to the Abhinav ... .......................................................... ..................................... more fraudulent naked short selling claim links,etc.: Charles Schwab - Schwab Capital - LOM - Endovasc offshores ripoff San Francisco, Bermuda California About Endovasc,it was the Stanford patent that lured me into the pump dump of James Dale Davidson,and perhaps 'LOM' of Bermuda as well, which would have been a Schwab account,at least in part,they were dumping from.Anyway the 'shareholder agreement' posted below was used for that purpose through a Schwab account whether it is the LOM of Bermuda account or not.Only later,(this year),would I discover just how sleezy this Montgomery,Texas pump dump called Endovasc really was as they made boiler room deals with the likes of boiler room operation out of Kuala Lumpur that has an unenviable reputation amongst Hong Kong securities officials,who unlike our SEC apparently, who warn their own citizens about it....................... U.S.SEC Cyber Fraud Czar John Reed Stark,Steve Honig,California Attorney Joshua A Ridless And Illegal Image Entertainment, Inc. Pump(And Dump?) California Attorney Francis Pizzulli,Robert F Kennedy Assassination,Afghhan Torture and Penny Stock Fraud,Money Laundering University of California Berkeley Grads James Angel,Joshua Ridless Join SEC Chris Cox's 'Fraud Speech Movement' California Attorneys Joshua Ridless, Francis Pizzulli,Robert F Kennedy Assassination,Afghhan Torture and Penny Stock Fraud,Money Laundering And now I discover that Santa Monica,California attorney Pizzulli,the penny stock scoundrel and defender of torturer and Middle East money launderer Jack Idema,(through Moslem 'hawala channels and possibly through attorney Pizzulli's own underworld U.S. penny stock connections),- was also instrumental in using the California Supreme Court to suppress investigation into the assassination of Robert F Kennedy as well ! ................. South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Lauds Washington,D.C. Stock Fraud,Money Launderer James Dale Davidson ! Fannie Mae,Freddie Mac 'Naked Shorting' Lie:John McCain,SEC Chris Cox,NTU Founder James Dale Davidson Pull Massive Fraud Community Bank Northern Virginia's David P. Summers ... I only discovered the connection and double life of David P Summers Wednesday night while per using SEC filings for David P Summers and Mercantile Bankshares.As you will see below the SEC bank filings also listed Summers Endovasc ,American Biomed(both Texas 'biotech' pump and dump money laundering frauds),as well as his long time Community Bank of Northern Virginia connections. Has Texas Attorney John O'Quinn covered up stock fraud and money ... Do I have any right to know as an investor in Endovasc and client of Schwab ... NZ Passport Scandal and D.C. Banker Poses As Texas Snake Oil ... 10 Feb 2008 – Houston Endovasc Biotech Fraud:David P Summers, Washington,D.C. .... Just like criminal penny stock money launderers such as British and ... U.S.SEC Cyber Fraud Czar John Reed Stark,Steve Honig,California Attorney Joshua A Ridless And Illegal Image Entertainment, Inc. Pump(And Dump?) Here are more of my article posts my attorney Josh Ridless has harrassed indymedias to censor.I guess Rudi Giuliani is an honorary 'semite' but I doubt the Palestinians got to vote on that: Israeli Foreign Agent Sharon Tzur, Media Watch International,PM Ehud Olmert,Rudy Giuliani 9/11,ICTS,WeCu,:U.S.Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff ,Dangerous Israeli Fraud UK Robert Wishart London Money Laundering, SEC's,Georgetown University's John Polise Fox News:Greg Gutfeld, Hitler's Jewish Relative,Defends New Yorker Barack Obama Hit Piece CNN,Wolf Blitzer Covered up Israel PM Ehud Olmert's Criminal Ties to Air Water Corp Scam W Bush,Chabad-Lubavitch,Agriprocessors: Kosher Guns,Drugs,Ilegal Rabbis,Guatemala Slaves Israel PM Ehud Olmert's Money Launderers, WTC,9/11/01,SwissAir 111 Crash,9/2/98 W Bush,Chabad-Lubavitch,Agriprocessors: Kosher Guns,Drugs,Ilegal Rabbis,Guatemala Slaves Israel PM Ehud Olmert's Money Launderers, WTC,9/11/01,SwissAir 111 Crash,9/2/98 Lord William Rees-Mogg, Agora Inc And.Bill Bonner's Racist Attack On Barack Obama Fannie Mae Naked Short Lie:SEC Chris Cox,Agora Inc.,James Dale Davidson, Lord Rees-Mogg LOM Bermuda,Schwab,vFinance Stock Fraud Fannie Mae:Congessman Barney Frank Goes Down On Moses,Tim Mahoney Pimps Mistress,SEC Chris Cox Cries 'Naked Shorts' SEC,Fannie Mae,Freddie Mac,'Naked Shorting' Lie:John McCain, Chris Cox,James Dale Davidson Massive Stock Fraud First U.S.Government Censored 9/11 Al Qaeda Video:Fox News' War Porn Star Jack Idema Tortures In Afghanistan Nazi Pope Benedict XVI,Sarah Palin's UnWed Pregnant Teenager,Nancy Pelosi's Papal Smear 9/11,Dem VP Joe Biden,Hunter Biden's Paradigm and Israeli Delaware Corp ICTS International Swissair 111 Crash,Israeli PM Ehud Olmert,Morris Talansky and AIPAC Attorney Neal Sher Cover Up Gremach Infrastructure's Google India Attack,Mozambique Coal Baron Squalor Campbell White's Jonathan Heimberg - Pseudo Christian ?, Judeo Fascist ?,CIA ? India Bombing,Ken Haywood,Campbell White,Door Ministries,Christian Fellowship Ministries Yahoo!,India Bombing: Campbell White Computer and Strange Fox News-Frank Luntz Connection Yahoo!'s China,U.S. Government Agents Jerry Yang,Carl Icahn,Missing White House E-Mail,Adnan Khashoggi, GenesisIntermedia Stock Fraud, Terrorism Fox News: Greg Gutfeld,Adolf Hitler's Jewish Relative,Defends New Yorker Barack Obama Hit Piece Israeli Foreign Agent Sharon Tzur, Media Watch International,PM Ehud Olmert,Rudy Giuliani,Morris Talansky Bribery,Fraud CNN,Wolf Blitzer Cover Up Helped Ehud Olmert To Israeli PM Office 9/11:While Boston Slept,Logan Airport,ICTS International,Israeli PM Ehud Olmert's Money Launderer Menachem Atzmon Looked On...... 9/11:Bush,Kuwaiti,Israeli Involvement Documented In Securities Exchange Commission Filings W Bush,Chabad-Lubavitch,Rubashkin's Agriprocessors: Kosher Guns,Drugs, Ilegal Rabbis,Guatemala Wage Slaves WeCu,9/11:U.S.Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff Promotes Israeli 'Security' Fraud Israel PM Ehud Olmert,Menachem Atzmon,ICTS International,Morris Talansky Global Technologies, U.S.Stock Money Launderers, WTC, 9/11/01,SwissAir 111,9/2/98 UK Robert Wishart London Money Laundering,SEC's,Georgetown University's, John Polise,U.S.Penny Stock Fraud SEC Inspector General H. David Kotz:Peace Corp'S Dayton Daily News Critic,,Friend To Fraud California Attorney Francis Pizzulli,Robert F Kennedy Assassination,Afghhan Torture and Penny Stock Fraud,Money Laundering University of California Berkeley Grads James Angel,Joshua Ridless Join SEC Chris Cox's 'Fraud Speech Movement' Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's Air Water Corp stock fraud promotes pedophilia Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert,'Orthodox Jews',Stock Fraud,Gay Prostitutes and Death Threats Community Bank Northern Virginia's David P. Summers Also Texas Endovasc Penny Stock Fraudster Titan Corp's Makram Chams Suspends U.S. Constitution on Wikipedia:Gary Weiss 'Edits' James Dale Davidson's and His Own Biography Mitt Romney,CIA James Woolsey:Fox News' Islamofascist Ijaz Mansoor's Advice Killed WSJ Reporter Daniel Pearl Northern Rock, GB:Republican 'Libertarian' Ron Paul Lies About 'Naked Short Selling' EU,Mexico,CIA,Guantanamo Rendition Plane, Cocaine, Homeland 'Security' Ambassador Marc Ginsberg,Fox News,Xybernaut Israeli U.S. Penny Stock Fraud Scheming:Rudy Giuliani,Paul Singer, Vulture Funds Africa,Adnan Khashoggi,W Bush 9/11,WTC,Tanya Head,Rudy Giuliani,Adnan Khashoggi,Bernie Kerik, Naked Securities Fraud 9/11:CIA,Daily Kos,Jerome Arnstrong,Markos Moulitsas Zúniga,ICTS Israel, Securacom Kuwait,ragingbull Fraud Utah Governor Jon Huntsman Jr.,Securities Fraud,Stormy Simon Striptease and Bloody Murder Samaritan Pharmaceuticals,a Georgetown University Penny Stock Fraud Pluristem Placentas,James Dale Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust Victims,U.S.Penny Stock Fraud WTC,9/11,Logan Airport, Boston:Israeli ICTS 'Security': Barney Frank,Ted Kennedy, John F. Kerry Face Psych Crisis Reuters on Security Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox's Terrorist List Boston Logan Airport,9/11,WTC,Barney Frank,SEC,Israeli Penny Stock Scam and Bloody Murder Max Keiser ,Al Jazeera,Qatar promote Naked U.S. Penny Stock Fraud'S Christopher'WMDS'Cox:Georgetown University James Angel Pimps Pink Sheet Penny Stock Ex U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow,Michael Moore, Cerberus,Bawag Austria and Cuba Charles Schwab,Mantas 'AML':Did The CIA's SRA International Eat George W Bush's E-mail ? U.S. Ambassador Sam Fox:From Swift Boat War Fraud to Brussels,Belgium SWIFT Finance Fraud Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav's Penny Stock Partner Michael Zwebner loses in U.S. Court Cryptometrics:New Zealand Passport Office Used By U.S. Penny Stock Criminals ? David Grin,Tel Aviv University,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel FOIA,Alberto Gonzales and SEC'S Chris Cox Enron,Merrill Lynch,Latham & Watkins conflict Tim Mahoney,vFinance,Venus Methodist Church,Florida,Sayed MusMustafa and Islamic Usury Charles Schwab:vFinance's Charles Patrick Garcia receives Henry B. Gonzalez award !? Democrats William Jefferson,Tim Mahoney, iGate,vFinance,DOBI, Endovasc penny stock frauds James Dale Davidson,Charles Schwab,Tim Mahoney,VFIN, LOM and penny stock share money laundering Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of Lord Rees Mogg,James Dale Davidson Post to Lord Rees-Mogg's Weblog re NASDAQ,London Stock Exchange Virginia:Marvin Bush,Securacom,9/11,U.S. Senator George Allen,Bawag Austria,offshores... U.S. Republican George Allen More Corrupt Than Utah Senators Bob Bennett,Orrin Hatch ? Asa Hutchinson,Charlie Crist,Jeb Bush,Republican stock fraud and drug trafficking,etc.... Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Huffman Aviation terrorist flight school ? Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ? Utah Gov Jon Huntsman,Senator Bennett, Hatch call Republican Senator Shelby 'a gangster' Does NY Times censor 9/11 Venice,Florida connection ? NY Rep.Peter King,CIA,Swift,NY Times,Republican stock fraud NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11 Asa Hutchinson,Richard Rainwater,George W Bush,Tom DeLay & 5.6 Ton cocaine bust in Mexico SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ? Cocaina,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Abril 10,CIA,Republicanos Y PAN Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ? Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ? Israel President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud Did Israel President Moshe Katzav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ? SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud Chris Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc. SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks Time Magazine, Daniel Kadlec duped by Houston attorneys Wes Christian and John O'Quinn Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic fraud Cyber fraud NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ? Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?; D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering Mantas Inc,Herndon,Va,Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers... /7186.shtml CIA and Gilman Louie are less than honest Agora Inc. Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio armed white racists Barack Barry Soetoro Obama Bud Burrell CFRN Christian Financial Radio Network CIA GeorgeTenet CMKX Diamonds Geico Gordon Duff Homeland Security Janet Napolitano ICTS International Mary Schapiro murder suspects Naked Short Selling Lie Pastor Dewayne Reeves Patrick Byrne Rothschild attorney Graystone SEC stock fraud money launderers TSA USXP E-Mail: |