Call out: SlutWalk Amsterdam 04.06.11 whocares - 02.06.2011 22:08
Come and demand your freedom of diversity, personal choice of what you want to wear and protest against sexual assault and every putrefied excuse people dare to make up for it. On June 4th 2011 we are coming together to celebrate our bodies, our identities, and our sexualities in a safe, inclusive, public space. To advocate sexual diversity, bodily autonomy, eccentricity and peculiarity. We protest against a society in which victims of sexual assault are being blamed, gays and lesbians are afraid to hold hands in public and transgender people are seen as �unnatural� beings. We seek liberation against heteronormativity, gender normativity, racism, xenophobia, and any harmful ideologies marginalizing and violating our bodies and identities. Inspired by the Toronto Slutwalk, SlutWalk Amsterdam wants to make a statement against the increasing pressure in society to behave normal. SlutWalk Amsterdam is a platform where sluts, dykes, fags and everyone in between and beyond does not have to feel strangled by the corset of Dutch morals. All genders very much invited! And wear whatever you want. 16.00h. homomonument Westermarkt Amsterdam More info: ? woman ? man X who cares! Website: |