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14-04: Discussion Poverty Reduction in Latin America LA Ruta - 08.04.2011 18:14
By signing the Declaration on the Millennium Development Goals, the leaders of Latin American countries committed themselves to reduce the amount of people living in extreme poverty by half by the year 2015. However: what are we talking about when we speak about �the poor� and �poverty�? Can poverty be measured by only looking at income and consumption, as is done in the Millennium Development Declaration? And if not, what are the consequences for poverty reduction programs and social struggles? Andrea Franco (economist, University of bogota, Colombia) will elaborate on these questions on the 14th of April in the Landbouwbelang in Maastricht. By signing the Declaration on the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations, the leaders of 189 countries committed themselves to reduce the amount of people living in extreme poverty by half by the year 2015. The first Millennium Development Goal reads specifically: Reduce by halve the proportion of people whose income is less than $1.25 a day between 1990 and 2015. In the case of Latin America this implies bringing the amount of people living in extreme poverty back from a total of 21 million (in 1990) to 10,5 million people (in 2015). Since the signing of the Declaration, governments in Latin America and the Caribbean have been making efforts in establishing economic growth to reach this objective. However on academic as well as on practical level there is an ongoing discussion about the definition and measurement of what �poverty� exactly is. What are we talking about when we speak about �the poor� and �poverty�? Can poverty be measured by only looking at income and consumption, as is done in the Millennium Development Goals? And if not, what are the consequences for poverty reduction programs and social struggles? Andrea Franco will answer these questions by focusing on the Latin-American context. Based on case studies she will elaborate on the debates around multidimensional poverty definitions and indicators and the implications for the construction of policies and organised social struggles directed to eradicate poverty. Andrea Franco is Economist and a Master in Economics from Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogot�, Colombia). Currently she is a PhD Student at Maastricht Graduate School of Governance since September 2010. Her PhD Research is centered in Robustness of Multidimensional Poverty Indicators. Date: Thursday 14 of April Time: 15.30-17.30 15.30-15.45 doors open. 15.45 -16.00 introduction LA Ruta + short videos 16.00- 16.45 Masterclass: Poverty reduction and the MDGs by Andrea Franco 16.45 - 17.00 pause 17.00 - 17.30 discussion Free Entrance. Language: English/Dutch Location: Eetcafe (Restaurant/Cafe) at the �Landbouwbelang� ( http://www.landbouwbelang.org), Biesenwal 3 (side entrance), Maastricht. E-Mail: info@laruta.nu Website: http://www.laruta.nu |
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