Solidarity days for squat Liebig 14 in Berlin-mobilization Spirit Of Squatters Collective - 29.01.2011 06:17
info from Expect Resistance 29.01.2011 On 2. February 2011 the cops will try to evict the house-project Liebig 14 in Berlin-Friedrichshain – and this we take very seriously. The threatening eviction is an attack against us all and we are not planning on giving in so easily! For this reason we will take our anger to the streets with a powerful demonstration on 29. January 2011. Of course we are furious about the planned destruction of yet another free-space but this is only one outbreak of a larger problem. In Friedrichshain as in many other city districts Gentrification has been an integral part of all day vocabulary for quite some time already. Only a few colorful stains manage to break through the mirror-finished citymadness. Surveilance and control of public spaces continue to increase. But more and more annoyance is growing wider, because the neoliberal city- restructuring does not only concern the leftist, uncommercial subculture of this city but especially people of lower social position, immigrants and people of other citizen-groups who are already being pushed to the edge of society anyway. Increasing rents force them into places where they have socially already been for a long time: far away from those things that make life pleasant, like grown social networks or a vivid self-made culture. What ́s left is a cultural uniformity-mush in the shape of faceless cocktailbars with overexpensive prices and unified ready-made half- houses of cement which greatest creativity mount in their different nuances of grey. All of this is decorated with private security-companies and surveilance-cameras everywhere. Our struggle is not about saving our own ass, so we can live an undisturbed life for little money and with nice people in our own little scene-district. No! We demand a city for all! We are aware that the reality in our projects often doesn ́t match all of our nice claims. It is most important to make our ideas practical here and now. We experiment, and together we try to find the best way to a different with-each-other outside the various forms of social hierarchy like racism and sexism. It is a struggle against those things that we have spiritualized, against the temptation of giving up our ideas and going the simple, submissive way leading to a little bit better life in the Wrong. It ́s not about building a safe and sound little world, but about creating places where resistance against the reigning conditions is organized. We know very well that increasing rents, displacement and evictions are – despite the burning topicality – only a part of the problem: the normal capitalistic state. We think that it is correct to not only criticize the certain conditions that socially lock out and repress people, but to attack them as well. For self-shaped city-restructuring!!!!! Gain free-spaces by force!!!!! Defend Liebig 14!!!!! Demonstration on 29. January 2011 at 3:00 pm - Subway-Station: Kottbusser Tor And if the eviction on 2. February 2011 should succeed: 2. February 2011, 7:00 pm – at Boxhagener Platz. Further infos: Mobilisation material for the demo on 29.01.2011 at 3:00pm is ready to take. The flyers and posters are available at Liebig 14, infoshob „Daneben“, KuBiz and soon in Bethanien. The flyers are written in german and english. Spread the word! here the way….. Kottbusser Tor (start), Adalbertstr., Oranienstr., Manteuffelstr., Waldemarstr., Lausitzer Platz, Eisenbahnstr., Wrangelstr., Skalitzer Str., Oberbaumbrücke, Warschauer Str. (stop at Liegenschaftsfond and trainstation), Warschauer Str., Petersburger Str., Rigaer Str. ( stop at Rigaerstr corner to Liebig-Str.), Rigaer Str., Proskauer Str., Niederbarnimstr., Grünberger Str. (the end in the corner Grünberger Ecke Gabriel-Max in front of Zielona Gora) International Call to Action for Solidarity Demonstrations at German Embassies Liebig 14 is one of Berlin longest running autonomous housing projects, serving as a space for collective living as well as community and political organising for over 20 years. After a 4 year legal process the owners of the building have finally been given legal permission to evict the house on the 2nd of February 2011. Squatted shortly after the fall of the wall in what was a derelict area of east Berlin, Liebig 14's attempted eviction is just one sympton of a rampaging processes of gentrification which is rapidly forcing poorer residents out of the city centre and tearing apart the city's radical infrastructure. Liebig 14 is proud to be a part of a long history of autonomous spaces in Berlin and around the world. In working against capitalism, social hierarchy and discrimination, autonomous spaces take small but concrete steps towards wider political emancipation and self-determined living. The eviction of Liebig 14 will be a loss not only to Berlin's alternative project infrastructure but also a wider attack on projects everywhere attempting to build alternative, more socially just, and more sustainable modes of social organization. Solidarity with free spaces under threat in Berlin, Amsterdam, London and worldwide is key if we are to sustain these vital resources. Stop gentrification from tearing apart our cities!
Support autonomous spaces!
Save Liebig 14! Locations of German Embassies Duitse Ambassade Groot Hertoginnelaan 18-20 The Haag, Nederland Consulat Honthorststraat 45(?)something like that Amsterdam 3, Daniel Frisch Street, 64731 Tel Aviv, Israel 31 Trimleston Avenue, Booterstown, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Ireland 23 Belgrave Square Knightsbridge, London, United Kingdom 90-92 Hobson Str, Thorndon PO Box 1687 Wellington, New Zealand 4645 Reservoir Road, NW Washington DC District of Columbia, USA Videos from Spirit Of Squatters Collective about German squatting to inspire, mobilize to make solidarity and go to the demo and resistance of squat Liebig 14 in Berlin 2000 10 Jahre Koepi Battle of Tuntenhaus part 1 and 2 Sag niemals nie - Räumung der Mainzer Straße (1990) 1973 Rauchhaus allein machen sie dich ein Haeuser,Hass und Strassenkampf-Die Revolte der Westberliner Hausbesetzer E-Mail: mgriks(at) Website: |