MAYBE THE POPE DOES KNOW WHY U.S. BILLIONAIRE ELITE TREAT THE AMERICAN POOR AS CHUMP C*H*A*N*G*E.... ** PRESIDENT OBAMA, COULD YOU PLEASE ENLIGHTEN BILL GATES,BILL CLINTON,WARREN BUFFETT & THE WALMART~WALTON FAMILY THAT U.S. POOR ARE NOT CHUMP CHANGE ** ** AND OUR U.S. BILLIONAIRE ELITE WANT ACTUAL PRAISE FROM America's little people 4 THEIR INTERNATIONAL CHARITY WHICH USES TAX FREE USA $$ THAT WOULD OTHERWISE BE USED 4 OUR OWN POOR U.S. CITIZENS NEED$ ** WEALTHY ELITE AMERICANS TOOK TENS OF BILLIONS IN TAX ENTITLEMENTS, AND MIDDLE~CLASS & POORER AMERICANS GET SHAFTED BY OUR ELITE'S PAID LOBBYISTS ** BILL GATES,WARREN BUFFETT AND THE WALMART~WALTON FAMILY ARE JUST 3 MULTI~BILLIONAIRE OUT OF HUNDREDS OF AMERICAN BILLIONAIRES THAT ALL HAVE THE POWER TO EASILY MAKE SURE THAT ALL AMERICANS HAVE A FAIR SHAKE AT RECEIVING FUTURE JUSTICE IN OUR U.S. JUDICIAL SYSTEM. OBVIOUSLY ALL THSE U.S. ELITE BILLIONAIRE FOLKS HAVE CHOSEN TO THROW THEIR SUPPORT & HELP TO LOBBY THE U.S. CONGRESS FOR BILLION$ OF AMERICAN TAX $$ TO BE SENT INTO THE THIS SO CALLED INTERNATIONAL NEW WORLD ORDERS POOR AGENDA. SINCE all little AMERICAN'S HAVE LOST COMPLETE CONTROL OVER WHERE OUR U.S.TAX $$ ARE BEING SPENT,IT NOW APPEARS VERY OBVIOUS THAT OUR WEALTHY ELITE HAVE A DIFFERENT AGENDA THAN TAKING PROPER CARE OF THE REST OF MIDDLE~CLASS & POORER AMERICANS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Republicans Say No Lawyers for the Poor By Nicolas Mendoza January 21st, 2011 SOURCE: Flickr / Kut Legal aid attorney provides assistance to a low-income client. The House Republicans' Study Committee proposes cutting funding for a major legal aid program. Related Stories Is Illinois Poised to Ban the Death Penalty? Revisionist MLK Action Figure! Westboro Baptist Church Protests at American University Why We Need to Stop the ‘Single Black Woman’ Narrative La Lucha Sigue (The Fight Continues) The House Republicans' Study Committee has released its proposal for 2.5 trillion dollars in spending cuts over the next 10 years. As promised, the cuts would only affect "non-defense discretionary spending." Even then, the Committee waved away most of the responsibility of choosing which programs to cut by relying on what Talking Points Memo calls an "aspirational spending cap" (translation: future Congresses can easily ignore it). But they did name many specific programs they want to eliminate—and as Grist's David Roberts points out, the list might as well be titled the "Thumbing Liberals in the Eye Act of 2011." Poverty alleviation, public transportation, foreign aid and the environment are the primary targets of the Study Committee, with little to no regard to the relative effectiveness and value of each program. One of the most nakedly regressive cuts would be the elimination of theLegal Services Corporation, an independent organization that disperses funds to various civil legal aid NGOs across the country, amounting to 58 percent of their financing. Each of these organizations provides people (predominantly women) who make up to 125 percent of the federal poverty line with much-needed legal assistance. About 35 percent of the LSC's funds go to helping with family law and domestic abuse cases, and another 25 percent assist in housing and foreclosure cases. Other frequent issues that the LSC's grantees deal with are consumer issues such as predatory loans, retrieving unpaid wages from employers and obtaining government benefits for those who qualify for them. In a time of unusually high unemployment and a terrible housing market, the need for civil legal aid for the poorest Americans is higher than ever. A 2009 Center for American Progress report points out that civil legal aid organizations lose a large segment of their funding during recessions because much of their charitable funding comes from interest on lawyers' trust accounts, which declines precipitously during economic busts, even as the number of people who qualify for assistance grows rapidly. Consequently, the periods when civil legal aid is best-funded are the periods when Americans need it the least, and vice versa. Meanwhile, the Study Committee wants to cut the entire program for a grand total of $420 million in savings over a 10 year period, a very small amount in the scheme of things. What's particularly galling about the House Republicans desire to cut the LSC is that conservative ideology, allergic as it is to regulation of anything from financial services to pollution to food health and safety, blatantly assumes away most regulatory issues by declaring that they should be left to the courts. If conservatives truly believed that everyone would be better off in a world where the courts resolved all issues, then the one spending program they should favor is assistance for those who can't afford legal fees, and are thus helpless should an employer, landlord or service provider choose to abuse their contract. It's a testament to how priorities will be made within a newly conservative House: ideological consistency will have little effect on decision-making when weighed against a complete disinterest in the fate of the poor. Nicolas Mendoza is a staff writer with Campus Progress. You can e-mail him at and follow him on Twitter at @nicmend. ================================================================================================================================================================================================ LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS IS A INDEPENDENT VOLUNTEER WWW LOBBY THAT SINGS OUT FOR OUR AMERICAN MIDDLE~CLASS & POORER AMERICANS LIVING IN OUR WEALTHY ELITE'S COUNTRY. * WE CAN BE FOUND WITH ANY WEB SEARCH ENGINE BY OUR NAME,TELEPHONE NUMBER OR E MAIL ADDRESS. ** GOOGLE, YAHOO, AOL,MSN,BING..ETC.. 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