Asking first the people who live there maybe? | Geppetto - 19.08.2010 09:26
Hello, I'm one of the people officialy registered in where the transmitter of patapoe is placed. why nobody asked the people who live there if they want to have an fm transmitter on they're heads? why there is somebody claiming to be "illegal" but with a european passport doing all of this without asking the people who are giving this person hospitality? I find this very unrespectfully, and I don't really understand if it might be legally dangerous to still be registered in there and WHY DID NOBODY BODER TO ASK? Thank you. You know where to find me. I'm just out there, out of your popularity contest and internal power struggle
| voor trouwe lezer | nn - 18.08.2010 15:17
aangezien patapoe de laatste 24/7 on-air vrije radio zender is. vind ik het ook prettig hier up2date over te blijven. hierom blijft het toch zeker wel nieuwswaarde houden. ze pakken ons inmiddels ook alles af | |