BIS: THE MOST POWERFUL BANK YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF Henk Ruyssenaars - Correspondent/journalist - 01.05.2010 15:58
The Untouchables: "Maybe we'd feel better about the BIS if it were more transparent, but most everything about it, including its bi-monthly member and board meetings, is shrouded in secrecy. And perhaps more worrisome is that the BIS is free from oversight: all of the bank's people, the archives, documents and "any data media" are "inviolable at all times and in all places.* Quote: "Not to mention that we can't ignore a simple corollary: anyone with the power to prevent a currency debacle can also cause one." And that's exactly what the BIS always does. As long as it's profitable to themselves, the criminal banking cartel. Henk Ruyssenaars & the BIS* May 1st 2010 - In Greece hundreds of thousands are demonstrating again and again - like everybody everywhere should - against the IMF's austerity measures their PM Papandreou says will save the nation. It in reality will make the people suffer and die, but: "Greece’s survival is at stake" says the dishonest Papandreou.* And with bought and bullied collaborators everywhere, the BIS' slaughter globally goes on, as do all demonstrations. But you will not see those in the 'messmedia' they nearly all also own. The goal is - among other creepy inhuman things - a one world currency as described by Investors Insight too, below. And as always more power and profit for the greedy monetarists. They, the financiers, and nobody else, are the evil dark force behind the global monetary control. The IMF and World Bank for instance, like most financial institutions, are subservient to the BIS. They do as they are told by the BIS Board of which they are a part, or else...* It is a pity that so many people in so many countries are betrayed by the so-called governments, while they only are criminal collaborators who are bought by the BIS bankers. How the BIS in reality works, as a monetary and global octopus, strangling too many, was in a very rare article about this global 'department of finances' - hidden between the Alps - described by The Washington Post where it in 1988 already was understood that: "Key Players Control World Money Supply."* But: "Trade unions in Athens have vowed to stage new strikes to protest additional austerity measures planned by Greece's government, as officials from the euro zone and the International Monetary Fund worked to finalize an aid package for the debt-laden nation. News of the additional austerity measures provoked an angry reaction from trade unions, which are organizing a general strike for May 5. Demonstrations are also planned for Saturday, which is Labor Day.* Apart from that: Inflation is theft! - Url.: "THE MOST POWERFUL BANK YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF" Investors - You know banks like Citibank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, etc. You read about the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), even if you're not quite sure what they do (not to worry--they're a little confused, too). And you're probably aware that the Federal Reserve is neither federal nor a reserve, but a consortium of privately owned banks. Chances are, though, that you've never even heard of what is arguably the most powerful financial institution on earth, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). The BIS is headquartered in Basel, Switzerland. It was founded in 1929, for the purpose of overseeing reparation payments owed by Germany as a result of the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I. It's been with us ever since, and its mission has, to put it mildly, grown a bit. A banker's bank, the BIS does no direct business with individuals, governments, or corporate entities. Instead, it deals solely with member nations' central banks (most of which are privately owned). There are 55 of them at present, and the list includes every central bank of consequence in the world. All members are owners and have voting privileges, in proportion to the number of shares they have. (Private citizen ownership was originally allowed, and comprised about 14% of shares outstanding, but in 2001 all of those were bought out by the central banks.) We were unable to pin down the exact present share structure, but it can be assumed that the founding members have the most clout. The founders were the central banks of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the U.K., all of which got an identical number of shares. The U.S. Federal Reserve was not an original shareholder; however, three American banks (J. P. Morgan, First Bank of New York, First Bank of Chicago) each got the same number, giving the U.S. three times the voting power from the outset. Management's inner circle is of course the Board of Directors. There are six ex officio (i.e., permanent) members, the central bank governors of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, and the U.K., plus the chairman of the Fed. These six appoint six others of their own nationality, and then there can be up to nine more elected members (there are five at the moment, representing Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland). Ben Bernanke has thus just replaced Alan Greenspan as the U.S.'s ex officio rep, and his appointed American sidekick is New York Bank President Timothy Geithner.* So, what does the BIS do these days? According to the bank's website, "BIS . . . fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks . . . by acting as: a forum for discussion and decision-making among central banks and within the international financial and supervisory community; a centre for economic and monetary research; a prime counterparty for central banks in their financial transactions; and agent or trustee in connection with international financial operations." That is, it helps central banks construct and implement financial policy decisions, in concert with one another. And it acts as a third party in transactions, facilitating the flow of money and other financial instruments, including gold." [ ] HR: Concerning 'Gold dollars': "Rothschild's Central Banks Gold War" - Url.: Isn't the saying: They who hold the gold, hold the power? - Have a look at what's called 'Rothschild's London Gold price fixing.' - Url.: Further quote Investors Insight: "Putting it succinctly: "Promoting monetary and financial stability is one key objective of the BIS," although it would probably be more accurate to call that the key objective. The bank sees as its primary job the stabilization of world financial markets. It accomplishes this through control of currencies. It currently holds 7% of the world's available foreign exchange funds, whose unit of account was switched in March of 2003 from the Swiss gold franc to Special Drawing Rights (SDR), an artificial fiat "money" with a value based on a basket of currencies (44% U.S. dollar, 34% euro, 11% Japanese yen, 11% pound sterling). The bank also controls a huge amount of gold, which it both stores and lends out, giving it great leverage over the metal's price and the marketplace power that brings, since gold is still the only universal currency. BIS gold reserves were listed on its 2005 annual report (the most recent) as 712 tons. How that breaks down into member banks' deposits and the BIS personal stash is unknown. By controlling foreign exchange currency, plus gold, the BIS can go a long way toward determining the economic conditions in any given country. Remember that the next time Ben Bernanke or European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet announces an interest rate hike. You can bet it didn't happen without the concurrence of the BIS Board." - [ ] HR: Jean-Claude Trichet, the criminal banking cartel collaborater at the BIS' 'European Central Bank' is a very dirty tricky monster, as is shown below by his umpteenth speech this week for the global shadow government, the Council on Foreign Relations. Urging a one world currency.* Investors Insight: "Obviously, this bank wields a lot of power. But are they good guys or bad guys? In their own estimation, unsurprisingly, they are the white hats. They work to prevent chaos and, as they put it, address "imbalances" in the increasingly interconnected global financial marketplace. They derail panics and currency meltdowns when they can. While we at WWNK generally prefer that private interests do things that government would like to get its hands on (and screw up), we are also free-marketers, and therefore uneasy with any entity, public or private, that can tamper with the free market. Preventing a currency meltdown may be a good thing, or it may not. A devaluation may be just what a country's money needs. Not to mention that we can't ignore a simple corollary: anyone with the power to prevent a currency debacle can also cause one. Another negative is that the BIS can cooperate with governments on transactions that said governments would rather keep out of the public view. For example, U.S. taxpayer monies can be passed through BIS to the IMF and from there anywhere. In essence, the BIS launders the money, since there is no specific accounting of where particular deposits came from and where they went. This is what happened during the Brazilian panic of 1998, when the IMF, courtesy of American workers, bailed that country out. Not incidentally, our taxpayers were generally unaware that what they were mostly doing was subsidizing the large American banks (Citigroup, J. P. Morgan Chase and FleetBoston among them), which had made a lot of risky loans and didn't feel like paying a penalty for their mistakes." - [ ] HR: "Argentine & Brazil: more countries escape IMF garotte" - Url.: Investors Insight: "Maybe we'd feel better about the BIS if it were more transparent, but most everything about it, including its bi-monthly member and board meetings, is shrouded in secrecy. And perhaps more worrisome is that the BIS is free from oversight. By rights granted under its agreement with the Swiss Federal Council, all of the bank's archives, documents and "any data media" are "inviolable at all times and in all places." Furthermore, officers and employees of BIS "enjoy immunity from criminal and administrative jurisdiction, save to the extent that such immunity is formally waived . . . even after such persons have ceased to be Officials of the Bank." Finally, no claims against BIS or its deposits may be enforced "without the prior agreement of the Bank." In other words they can do whatever they want, without consequences. How's that for a leak-proof legal umbrella? But in the end, how you feel about the BIS may come down to how you feel about a one-world currency. The bank was a major player promoting the adoption of the euro as Europe's common currency. There are rumors that its next project is persuading the U.S., Canada and Mexico to switch to a similar regional money, perhaps to be called the "amero," and it's logical to assume the bank's ultimate goal is a single world currency. That would simplify transactions and really solidify the bank's control of the planetary economy. Will the day ever come when the earth is flooded with fiat "globos?" We sincerely hope not. And, as the recent transnational rush to turn paper into gold suggests, the market is beginning to agree with us." - [end article] - Url.: THE BIS BANKERS RULE THE WORLD OF 'MONEY' You will not see it in the compliant and cowardly media, prostituting themselves for the usurers, but it is quite clear that Rothschild's BIS bankers are ruling the world of 'money.' And they steal permanently from you. Everywhere in earth they can rob, kill and steal, they'll do it. And have someone else always foot the bill. They really skim countries and taxpayers which pay for their incredible wealth. And they all are inhuman criminals which should be locked up in jail for life. Mind you: human beings never count! NEVER! Those greedy bastards kill you for a dime, if a profit is to be made. And they have done so for ages. Ninety-nine percent is a victim of their robbing, killing usury. Just one example: all the so-called 'bail-outs' - whether it's countries, like Greece now, Portugal, Iceland, Ireland, Spain and later on Italy or the so-called 'bail-out' of banks which are 'too big to fall': it's all by criminal bankers stolen billions or trillions, and the tax payer always gets the bill. It's the same old story, and a centuries old guideline: If you keep them stupid, then I'll keep them poor... And Rothschild's BIS bandits are untouchable... They are, at least until further notice. You see why people demonstrate? They all and everywhere hate the usurers... And what they're doing to them. We have got to stop them, before they stop humanity. Henk Ruyssenaars Blog - Url.: References: * Geithner is a regular criminal cooperator and chairman of a committee of Rothschild's BIS bank - Url.: * HR & Rothschild and Rockefeller plus the BIS, the 'Bank for International Settlements' - Google search - Url.: * CFR: "Jean-Claude Trichet, President, European Central Bank - Presider: Robert E. Rubin, Co-chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury - April 26, 2010 - Url.: * The BIS switched in March of 2003 from the Swiss gold franc to 'Special Drawing Rights' (SDR). The SDRs are used in the next global heist. And there is no limit to this SDR-fraud either. - Url.: * Bilderbergers want global currency too. - Url.: * Very good story by lawyer and economist Ellen Brown: "The World Central Bank: The Bank for International Settlements." - The Tower of Basel, Switzerland - Url.: * List of 'Central Banks' and countries belonging and run by the BIS. Your so called 'central bank' and 'fiat money' is there too. - Url.: * Rothschild's usury empire the BIS - Url.: * ROTHSCHILD'S BIS BANKERS: 'RULING THE WORLD OF MONEY' - Url.: * CRIMINAL BANKING CARTEL DESTROYED GREEK ECONOMY - 27 Mar 2010 - Url.: * Business Times - 2010/05/01 - Greece is fighting for survival, Prime Minister George Papandreou said yesterday as his debt-stricken government grappled with international demands for big spending cuts in return for a rescue package." - Url.: * "Greek unions threaten strikes as austerity measures loom." - Market Watch - Url.: Foreign Press Foundation Editor Henk Ruyssenaars -0- Tags: BIS, Greece, Papandreou, unions, usury, Rothschild, Rockefeller, demonstrations, criminal, cartel, Market Watch, E-Mail: Website: |