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Final newsletter logistics in Copenhagen during COP
cop15mobilisatie - 02.12.2009 13:13

This newsletter contains the main practical information about the mobilization in Copenhagen. When you arrive in town, you can get further information in the different info points (check out the locations in the COP15 locations map at the section Map and places of interest).


Info point
Convergence centers and other spaces
Legal Rights
Border Control
Medics and Trauma support
Map and places of interest
What to bring
About Denmark


1. Communal accommodation:

We now secured thousands of sleeping spaces, mostly in two big buildings, Teglholmen and Ragnhildsgade.

When arriving in Copenhagen, your best option to find a place to sleep is to go and ask an info point. Here you will get directions and last minute updates to where to find room in legal common areas. If you are coming at night time and need info, come to Folkets Hus, where a smaller info point will be open 24h.
It will be free of charge to sleep in these communal areas, but donations are very welcome (as we need to cover building and fixing expenses, electricity and water). If you come in a big group and have sent us a contact e-mail through the form on this page, you might have already received information on where to go when you arrive in Copenhagen. If this is the case, then you don�t need to come to an info point first.

The sites will feature the basics; heat and proper sanitary conditions. Not all sites may have access to showers, but in that case shower locations will be made available elsewhere in the city, although this might include a small user payment.

Coordination team:
All spaces will be assigned by a coordination team, which will facilitate that the people sleeping in each space can self organize to manage the area. There is a high level of autonomy in the way these spaces are managed, since its users can decide how to run them, but there are also some requirements that must be matched (i.e. fire guards during sleeping hours). These requirements will be displayed in the different spaces, and the coordinators will make sure they are respected. Do not underestimate the importance of these requirements, as non compliance with one of these rules could give a very easy and stupid excuse for police to come and "have a look around". Different spaces might have slightly different rules.

Tel us if you are coming:
To better organize accommodation for all of you, we would love if you could let us know you are coming, if you need us to provide you with a sleeping place.
We are not asking you to register! You just have to tell us how many people you are coming with, from when to when, and, only if you like to, you can leave us a name, a contact and your country of origin. If you are a big group, it would be helpful to have a contact e-mail we can write to.

Please fill the form in only if you need to be accommodated by us!
You can find the form here:  http://www.climate-justice-action.org/practical-info/let-us-know-youre-coming/

We expect the spaces to open for accommodation from when the summit starts, but we�ll also be able to accommodate people in the run up � so you�re more the welcome to come early and help out. Contact us by mail if you need accommodation before the COP starts.


One of to two big sleeping spaces we have is called �Teglholmen�. It�s an old fabric hall that can accommodate quite a lot of activists, the exact number will depend on how many fire doors can be built, but it can hold between 1000-2000 people. The place is located in the South Harbor of Copenhagen, see exact location on map below. The place will feature heating, electricity, water, toilets, a peoples kitchen, and maybe some showers. You need to bring your own sleeping bag and pad.


The other big sleeping space we have is Ragnhilsgade. It�s a space with old industrial buildings in the North Western part of Copenhagen. It can hold between 1000-2000 people, depending on the last permissions, this is as well a legal sleeping place. It will feature heating, electricity, toilets and other basic stuff. You need to bring your own sleeping bag and pad. See exact location on map below.

Quiet accommodation space: We have been granted a space for 120 people in the union of the social pedagogues, with the agreement that people would not be sleeping there between 8am and 4pm. This area will be a quite space for sleeping, where its users do not intend to make noise and disturb others. If you are interested in this option, since the amount of places is limited, please sign up writing an e-mail to  logistics.cop15@gmail.com

Accommodation space for families with kids: You can read more in the �Kids section� further down.

Se the locations of the spaces on the COP15 locations map:  http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=it&msa=0&msid=110184864820337772851.0004721cd3e3063d58abf&ll=55.67459,12.542278&spn=0.073615,0.120485&source=embed.

If these places are filled up we have some big emergency spaces for accommodation.

2. Couch Surfing

Check out the COP15 hosts group on Couch Surfing and try to get accommodation through fellow surfers. The group can be found here:  http://www.couchsurfing.org/group.html?gid=18264


People's activist kitchens are cooking for (and with) the climate activists in Copenhagen; they are non profit mobile kitchens from Sweden, UK, Germany and the Netherlands. They support activists with delicious organic, vegan and regional food. The kitchens are autonomously run; they are not a non-political 'service-station'; and they would really appreciate some help - when you have a little time.

The meals are on donation basis and the suggested donation is 20 kr, (around � 2,5). There will be food all days at breakfast, lunch and dinner time.

Kitchens can be found at

Christiania / Nemoland: Rampenplan und Fahrende Geruechtekueche (www.kollektieframpenplan.org, www.fahrende-geruechte-kueche.de)
KlimaForum09: Mykorrizha (www.mykorrhiza.se)
Folkets Hus: Le Sabot (www.lesabot.org)
Ragnhilgade/Teglholmen: Anarchist T-Pot, Automat and Food for Action (www.food4action.de)

(se the COP15 locations map:  http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=it&msa=0&msid=110184864820337772851.0004721cd3e3063d58abf&ll=55.67459,12.542278&spn=0.073615,0.120485&source=embed):

Info points

The main info points will be set up at St�beriet (Bl�g�rdsplads 3, N�rrebro) and in R�huset (at �Onkel Dannys plads�, Vesterbro, 5 minutes walk from the main train station and KlimaForum09). A smaller info point will be operating during night time in Folkets Hus (Stengade 50, N�rrebro), come here if you need information when the other places are closed.

Info points will have practical information concerning the logistics and mobilization.

Information on various practical matters and contacts, among others on:


Food and accommodation spaces

Geography of Copenhagen (maps)

Legal rights, trauma and medics

Free internet services, with some computers available.

Hot drinks for freezing temperatures.

Free shop (with warm clothes, etc.).

Convergence centers and other spaces

Convergence centers will be spaces to get together, relax, plan actions, discuss and research, a space for practicalities and other preparations.

Sites: (see map for exact locations)


The �main� convergence, St�beriet on Bl�g�rds Plads on N�rrebro, which will feature medics, logistics and volunteer office, a hang out space and some meeting rooms.


Bolsjefabrikken, The Candy Factory, which is a social center in Copenhagen NW (next to N�rrebro). This will be a more practical center featuring workshop areas with tools and accessories, bike parts to make your own, kitchen, social and meeting spaces and an info point.


A smaller convergence, R�huset by KlimaForum09 on Vesterbro. This will primarily feature a social space, an info point and available meeting rooms. It is located next to one of the main communal kitchen.


The House of Solidarity on N�rrebro will feature a be-the-media activist center open for everyone. It�s located very close to the �main� convergence center, St�beriet.

Folkets hus, close to St�beriet and, is a social house where people can book rooms for meetings and a floor for more creative preparations.

Legal rights

If you have any questions or are in need of legal advice, please contact the legal support team:

Retshj�lpen Rusk
Baggesensgade 6, basement � N�rrebro
Phone: 0045 28255320
E-mail:  retshjaelprusk@hotmail.com

In collaboration with the legal aid team, Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) will support people who get arrested and imprisoned. ABC will - as far as possible - be at the police stations and detention centers with food and coffee, and in the court rooms. ABC will as well support the people in prison with legal aid, money, clothes, etc. So if you're unlucky, know that someone is working day and night on your case. ABC can be contacted at  info@blackcross.com

The following is a short review of legal rights in Denmark. Everyone participating in demonstrations in connection with COP15 should know their legal rights in Denmark.

Your rights and obligations:

In Denmark it is illegal to possess the following objects:


All sorts of weapons and parts of weapons.

It is however allowed to possess a knife with a blade less than 7 cm long if it can not be opened with one hand only, and if it is not a clasp knife with a blade, which can be fastened to the knife with a lock.

All sorts of euphoric substances.

In Denmark the following is illegal:


To possess something, which can be used for masking nearby a place where there is going to be a demonstration, where there is a demonstration or where there has been a demonstration. You must be aware that it is not only being masked during the demonstration that is illegal.

To be in a demonstration dissolved by the police.

So far in Denmark there haven't been cases of conviction based on wearing paddings, helmets and waterproof gear.

If the police contacts you, you must tell them:


Your name

Your birthday (not the last 4 numbers of your social security number)

Your address

Nothing else!

The police will use this information to find your social security number in order to determine your identity. If they are in doubt about your identity or in doubt whether you are who you claim to be, they have the possibility to bring you to the police station in order to determine your identity.

If you are not Danish, you also need to:


Show the police documentation about your purpose with your stay in Denmark and the details about your stay.

Show documentation that you have the necessary means for your maintenance during your stay and for your journey home

Carry your passport and show it to the police, if they want to see it.

The police has the right to:


Body search you and your belongings such as clothes and bags if they have �reasonable suspicion� that you possess something illegal. You have the right to know the reason for the body search.

To body search you without suspicion if you are in a search zone but only to find weapons. They can also search your car with that purpose.

As a starting point you have the right to be body searched by an officer of your own sex. The police is however allowed to deny you this right, if it is not possible to call in a female police officer. A search must always be as lenient as possible.

To make a preventive arrest (although you have done nothing illegal) to prevent unlawful acts from happening. In these situations the police can detain you for maximum 12 hours and even longer if they find it necessary. You have the right to have your detention tried in a court. You have to make a request about this within 4 weeks after the arrest. Contact the legal team on 0045 28255320 as fast as possible, if you wish to have your arrest tried in the courts. You can be ordered to bear your legal costs if you lose the case.

If you are charged (you receive an indictment or a fine), and you don�t think that you are guilty, you must seek legal aid at the legal aid group as fast as possible. If you pay a fine, it means that you admit that you are guilty. And therefore you cannot have compensation later on.

If the police gives you a fine or in other ways brings a charge against you, you can seek legal advice calling 0045 28255320.

What happens if you are arrested?


The police will eventually want to interrogate you. Remember that the police is only interested in collecting evidence against you and your associates. You have the right to remain silent. Use that right!

You are not obligated to take a stand to your charge or sign anything.

If you are younger than 18 years, the police will contact your parents and during the interrogation a person from Social Services will often be present. The person from Social Services is not there to guide you during the interrogation. You still have the right to remain silent. If you have been beaten or threatened by the police, you must tell the person from Social Services.

If you are younger than 15 years, the police is not allowed to lock you up. They often do it anyway, if they find that nothing else is possible.

Within 24 hours after your arrest, you have the right to be released or put before a judge in a preliminary statutory hearing. If you are not Danish you can be held arrested for 72 hours, before you are put before a judge.

If you are arrested you must:


Tell the police your name, birthday (excluded social security number) and address. Nothing else!

If you are arrested you have the right to:


Know your charge and the time of your arrest

Make necessary telephone calls. The police has the right to make these calls for you.

Medical assistance or medicine if you need it.

Legal assistance. If you are sentenced later, you must pay your lawyer yourself.

If you are unlawfully arrested:


If you are arrested and the police drops the charges against you, or you are found not guilty by a court, you can file a claim for compensation. The deadline for filing a compensation claim is 2 months. The amount varies depending on how long, you have been detained. It is always worth the effort to try to file for compensation. If you want help to make a complaint about an unlawful arrest or claim for compensation call 0045 28255320 as fast as possible.

What happens in a preliminary statutory hearing?


You will be put before a judge

Counsel will be assigned to you. You have the right to choose your lawyer yourself. Therefore it is a good idea to carry the name and phone number of a lawyer, who you trust. You can also change your lawyer later.

You still have the right to remain silent. Unless you have a bullet proof alibi you should use this right. If you choose to make representations, you must tell the court that you wish to comment every single proof one at the time.

In the preliminary statutory hearing 3 things can happen:


The judge can renew the arrest for 3x24 hours.

The judge can set you free

The judge can take you into custody for maximum 4 weeks at a time.


If you get into preliminary statutory hearing, there is a big risk that you will be taken into custody.

If the judge chooses to take you into custody, you have the possibility to appeal the ruling to the appeal court. You should tell the judge that you reserve yourself the right to appeal. Then we strongly recommend that you ask your lawyer, if it will be a good idea to appeal in your case.

If you are between 15 and 18 years old, you must not be put into custody together with adults. As a substitute for custody you can be placed in a secured institution or a prison department, with people under 18 years.

Border control

We strongly recommend you to bring your passport or form of ID valid for entering Denmark, even though you are traveling from a country member of Schengen. People going to the G8-summit in Rostock in 2008 were checked at the Danish/German border and people not possessing a passport or other valid ID were immediately sent back. We expect the same to happen during the COP15.

Border support teams are being set up at the German/Danish border and the Swedish/Danish border, together with lawyer support from Copenhagen. There will be organized pick up spots for people being denied entrance. More specific info can be found here:

If you need help or want to help out with border issues, please contact  borderInfo.dec09@gmail.com.

For up-to-date border crossing information, you can check out (starting from December 7) this website:  http://borderwatchcop15.blogsport.de/

The phone number to contact for help in Flensburg (German/Danish border) is 004915153610132.

The phone numbers for Rostock (German/Danish border) and Malmoe (Swedish/Danish border) will be available as soon as possible on the website  http://borderwatchcop15.blogsport.de/ (and on the CJA and Climate Collective sites).

For information on the SMS system for border support for people flying to Copenhagen, please check this PDF:. http://www.climate-justice-action.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/border-info.pdf


From some countries, including all Schengen countries, you don�t need a visa.
See the list at this link to see if you need one. It is likely to be too late to obtain a visa, if you need one and don't have yet.

If you have any questions or concerns, please write us at  climatevisa@gmail.com


We need your help as a volunteer to make our convergence on Copenhagen successful. Sign up both as an individual and even better as a group that is prepared to take on coordination the logistics of a specific site for a specific period of time:


Keeping an eye on accommodation areas, media centers, etc.: Look after an area, give out basic info and make sure everything runs smoothly (both day and night shifts will be needed)


Cooking food: chop veggies in one of the many communal kitchens and save the starving activists!


Working in an Info point: Give out info of all kinds about town and COP15. You will be given all the info you might need, but it might help if you know Copenhagen, COP15 or the alternative activities a bit beforehand.


Working as IT and technical support (media center): help solving any kind of IT crisis we might face.


Coordinating volunteers: You will be in charge of coordinating one group of volunteers connected to one specific place/role. Coordinate and smoothen up shifts, time tables and so forth.


Driving/being a runner: Drive food around, go buying stuff or materials, etc


Making Propaganda, hand out flyers, put up posters.


Translation: help us translating from and to different languages, both spoken and written (press releases etc.)

You can read more and sign up as an individual here.:  http://www.climate-justice-action.org/mobilization/volunteer/ Since you are signing up kind of �last minute�, it could be helpful if you could fill in the �phone number� field, as we might need to contact you quickly.

If you have questions, or you want to sign up as a group, please write an email to  climatevolunteers@gmail.com

Medics and Trauma support

Medics: Street medics will be present during actions. Their marks are either black crosses or red crosses with a fist on white background.
The medics can be reached by phone +45 52686076 and a first aid station is located in the convergence center St�beriet.
If you are interested, a street medics gathering will take place on December 10th at 2 pm in �Infoladen� in Christiania (on Pusher Street).
Remember: Get enough sleep and regular meals, drink lots of water. Wear warm clothes and change as soon as possible if you get wet. Take breaks and relax. Get help if you need it.

Emotional First Aid and Activist Trauma Support: We recognize the stress of activism and the possibility of being exposed to traumatic events during this summit. Therefore, a group of activists are providing emotional first aid and trauma support. We have a space in Christiana which is a calm, low stress environment where you can relax and recover and talk to someone if you want to. We are not offering counseling, more enabling activists to recognize their own symptoms of stress and how to cope with them before they pose a serious threat to mental health. Write to  efa-cop@aktivix.org or look at  http://cop15firstaid.ucrony.net/ or www.activist-trauma.net or come to directly to "The Green room" next to Indkoberen Shop opposite to the cinema in Christiana.

If you know of someone in hospital, please make activist trauma support or medics aware of them.


There will so far be one medium sized space for kids to hang out. It will be in Christania in a house called �Rosinhuset�. This space will be organized in collaboration with The Bottom meeting, and will need some parents to help out, take turns etc.

We�re also organizing accommodation reserved for families with better facilities that are �child-friendly�, if you need this kind of accommodation please contact:  logistics.cop15@gmail.com, so we have an overview of how many will need this. If you arrive with your family you can always just go to an info point, they will have relevant information on this.

What to bring


Warm clothes, average temperature in DK in December is between 5 and 0 degrees Celsius, and at night below zero.


Rain clothes, as it can be raining a lot, but usually snow will not come until January.


Money for donations for food and to cover other needs.


Sleeping bag and sleeping pad (if sleeping privately, ask your host what�s necessary)


Electricity adaptor if you need it (Danish plugs have two pins)


A positive attitude and a good spirit


Transport to Copenhagen:

People are coming from all directions to the COP, try to hook up with someone already planning to come. The website is gathering all information on how people come here if they have place for others. So if you have place for others, (for instance on a bus), download the form here:  http://www.climate-justice-action.org/media/documents/ fill it out, and send it to  convergence@climate-justice-action.org. Then people have the possibility to find you.

If you want to hook up with other to come, check out the practical info section or click on the �Converge on CPH� button on the website. Information will be updated constantly, so keep your eyes open and let us know how you are coming as soon as you decide.

Transport within Denmark:

Danish Railways: www.dsb.dk . Right corner to switch to English.

In order to go to KlimaForum09, get off at �Hovedbaneg�rden�, which is the main station.
In order to go to N�rrebro with convergence centers, info points etc. get off at �N�rreport st.� (but be aware that not all trains stop there). See map for details.

Map and places of interest

Check out COP15 locations map.


Bolsjefabrikken, L�rkevej 11, KBH NV. New social center. Will have workshop space, kitchen, cinema and other activities. Help us develop our new place. No accomodation.

Caf� Nemoland. In front of this Caf� will be located a big people's kitchen.

Christiania. Christiania is a squatted free town in the center of Copenhagen. It is home to around 1000 people, has many music venues, food places, a market, lots of green space and a lively community. There is collectively run venues, a sauna and a health house. It is subject to police harassment but is also a good refuge from �normal� Copenhagen. The parallel meeting the �bottom� meeting organized by Christiania will be taking place here during the COP15.

Flydende By, Teglholmsgade 28. Will host sustainable, collective activities, such as building a Floating City, collective sleeping space and kitchen. Here, as well as on Ragnhildgade and L�rkevej, sustainable, cultural activities will go on after the COP15 together with the "Candy Factory people". Bus number 10 gets you here as well as S-train A.

Folkets Hus, Stengade 50, KBH N . It�s an open house used for all kinds of political and cultural activities. During the COP it will be functioning as a convergence center and a place for creativity: an open space for whatever your group would like to do, prepare or organize. The non-commercial caf� which is part of the house will be running from 10 till 24, selling cheap organic coffee and other beverages. A big people�s kitchen will be located here as well. A smaller info point, open 24h a day, will be located here.

KlimaForum09, DGI-byen, Tietgensgade 65. The alternative grassroots summit. A big peoples kitchen will be located here.

Legal team office, Baggesensgade 6, KBH N. Come here for any legal issue, or call the legal support number 0045 28255320

N�rreport. The virtual center of the city, with plenty of busses, trains and metro station.

Ragnhildgade 1, KBH �. Featues collective sleeping place, "No Borders" infocaf� and kitchen. Bus number 42, 43 and 4A drive here.

St�beriet, Bl�g�rdsplads, 3, KBH N. Info-point/convergence centre during the COP. It will be functioning as a hang out place where you can find information on activities and actions, accommodation, have some food and chill out with a beer and talk with other activists. First aid, the logistics office and the volunteer office will be also located here.

Solidaritetshuset, Griffenfeldsgade, 41, KBH N. During the COP it will be functioning as an activist media centre open for all activists, with internet connection and available computers. If you can, feel free to bring your own computer! The place will provide wireless internet and printing facilities. This will be the ideal place to coordinate, read news, post information on-line and so forth. The CJA press office will also be located here.

The Bella Center. The place of the official summit with all the delegates, VIPs, etc. Enjoy a cozy atmosphere of greed and corporate wellness in Copenhagen�s largest congress center. Unique offer for the following two weeks: UN's blue berets!

The Green Room. The activist trauma support will be operating here.

Ungdomshuset, Dortheavej 61, KBH NV. A social center which will feature a kitchen, workshops, meeting rooms and more.

Pledging and donations

In order to set up this infrastructure in Copenhagen and plan the different CJA actions it requires quite a lot of money. Contribution is always needed, you can of course make a contribution when coming to COP15, but it�s actually a bigger help for us if we have it beforehand.

Organizations/groups/network/individuals can transfer money using this information:

IBAN: DK2484010001125014
VEHODK22 for international currency except Euros
MEKUDK21 for Euros

As an individual it might be easier just using paypal, see more here:  http://www.climate-justice-action.org/donate/

If you�re having problems transfering money or so, please write to:  climate09accountancy@gmail.com

About Denmark

Money:Denmark has its own currency (kroner) as it is not part of the Euro. Danish money can be bought at the Airport or at Forex Shops around town, but it will be cheaper (if you have the possibility) to withdraw money from ATM�s in Copenhagen (easy to find everywhere). It might be a good idea to enter the country with some Danish money already with you.

You can check out the exchange rate to your own currency for instance here: www.xe.com

Weather: The weather in Copenhagen in December is cold, so come prepared! The average temperature is around 5 Degrees Celcius and it is only light from at most 8 till 4 on average. There are a few places to get cheap or free clothing- but don�t rely on that. There is a free shop in Christiania (the put and take near the general store) and others will be set up near the info points.

Bring warm clothes and rain clothes and from home!

Transportation: Public transportation never costs less than 21 DKK. However the prices can be reduced by buying 10 trip coupons. Copenhagen is really small so you can get to most places within 20 minutes on public transport but bikes are a better way to go! There will be bike recycling spaces set up with tools and parts and partial bikes for activists to make themselves bikes. Ask to one of the info points about these spaces. To check out how to get to a specific destination you can use this route planner: www.rejseplanen.dk/bin/query.exe/en


If you don�t know exactly which group to get in touch with, then write to this address:

Media group

Phone: +45 41294994

Logistics group


Visa questions


Website team


Se also:

Hope to see you all in Copenhagen!
Rebel spirit - The logistic group of Climate Justice Action and The Climate Collective

to add to that 
climatesoli - 02.12.2009 13:16

People have asked what to bring to the actions in Copenhagen.

Our first thoughts on this is anything that won't give border police the excuse to not let you in- the most important thing is you!

Next- it is not illegal in Denmark to wear protective padding- and it will keep you warm- so bring your own body protection!

Other things to consider :

- wooden placards painted with slogans of your choice that can be used to stop yourself getting beaten up.
- scaffolding for banner towers and sleeping spaces
- tools to help you build/do anything you know you want here!
- other creative equipment for getting over or around the barriers around protest targets including (but not limited to) things to go through around and over fences, water, containers, police lines ...

Remember- It's important you don't give police an excuse for stopping you at the border- and we are sure many of you are bringing things because you are doing other fun creative things with them any way so be careful when you pack and see you soon!!

nn - 02.12.2009 14:35


The debate over climate change and global warming management at the UN is
a struggle among the national ruling establishments for their own
interests on the international diplomatic stage. While there is concern
that climate change can have unforeseen political and economic
consequences, these competing capitalist states have no means of seriously
addressing the issue, other than making preparations for cracking down on
social unrest.

Elites globally have pushed the criminalization of the movement of people
for years now. Their latest excuse for this is climate change. They talk
about people migrating for survival and better lives as a security threat
that justifies border repression and moves towards a more defined global
apartheid. Their reckless pursuit of profit has caused the climate crisis,
and now they want to criminalize those who are absorbing the effects of
their greed.

The military industrial complex is the epitome of their hypocrisy. The
majority of wars fought in the last decades have been resource wars fought
to secure government and corporations access to the planets resources.
Their exploitation of resources is the cause of the climate crisis. Now
climate change has joined their wars as the two major causes of forced
migration. At the same time, the war machine is the instrument of the
criminalization of migration.

In addition, �The Stockholm Program�, which is set to be passed in
december will foster more surveillance of the internet, common access to
European police databases and more cross-border police collaboration to
fight "illegal migration". It will force countries outside the EU to take
back their citizens who enter the EU without a visa and it will push the
use of biometrics and radio-frequency identification (RfiD) and
enlargement of the police agency Europol and the EU border watchdog

In the face of this, refugees act in defiance of the borders when they
move for survival and a better life. They migrate and in doing so refuse
to comply with laws that put profit and control above life and dignity.

To counter this act of defiance and hope, governments, corporations and
elites foster and promoted racism globally. The COP 15 is another
instrument for this. Their definition of a 'good target' already displaces
hundreds of thousands of people. Their false solutions condemn millions
more to suffering to maintain their profits.

It is fitting that Denmark hosts such a conference as COP15. The Danish
state actively fostered racism in order to justify the eviction and
deportation of the Iraqi's who occupied a church in Copenhagen for three
months earlier this year. But like many of the other governments
participating in the COP the Danish elites are not confining their racism
to the Danish context. The recent Danish Prime Minister, Anders Fogh
Rasmussen is now the leader of NATO. He has been pushing for 'security
crackdowns' and reinforcement of fortress Europe to prevent migration from
places more immediately effected by elite caused climate change. To the
NATO alliance an array of threats exist in today�s uncertain world, from
terrorism and transnational crime to unrest following food crises,
extensive migration to the countries of the NATO alliance and social
conflicts as a result of climate change. On a just planet- his job would
not exist.
The war machine would fold and so would borders.

On December 14th we will take action to create this world. In the context
of the COP 15 we will take on the most potent site of their sickness here
in Denmark- the Ministry of Defense. We want to breakdown their control,
disrupt their surveillance and confront their repression. We will open
their offices to the weather they are changing and to the people they lock
out. Our action starts at 11am at R�dhuspladsen and will march to the
Ministry of Defence!

prep meeting dates in CPHG 
cop15mobilisatie - 02.12.2009 15:01

THIS IS ALL PUBLIC INFO. Means there's always the chance of a COP present in these meetings. But sharing this info allows more people to join the process and the different preparations (what can't be discussed here, will be taken elsewhere !)

- workday in Ragnhildsgade at 10:00.
- Dont buy the lie: Meeting at 19:00 in Bumzen.
- process planning meeting for this week-end's CJA meeting at 7 pm, at NOAH, N�rrebrogade 39.
- The group planning action info overview and training days during the COP would like to meet with all the different action groups at 18:00 in cafe under konstruktion in folkets hus to get updates on the different actions, what info should be given out etc.

- workday at Teglholmen starting at 10:00.
- Poster night. Meeting at soli at 20:00
- No border workdays from 10:00 at ragnhildsgade
- 12th dec. meeting in folkets hus at 10:00

- working day at Ragnhildsgade starting at 10:00
- No border workdays from 10:00 at ragnhildsgade
- press group for CJA meeting at 12:00 in st�beriet. Danish press group meeting at 10:00 in the same place
- dialog meeting between different concerned NGO's and the reclaim power dialog group at 19:00 in St�beriet.
- danish Reclaim power working group meeting at 15:00 in folkets hus
- logistic group meeting at 11:00 in soli

- CJA meeting, starting at 10:00. Its gonna be held at Ragnhildsgade 1

- CJA meeting, starting at 10:00. Its gonna be held at Ragnhildsgade 1
- bike tour in Copenhagen for people who wanna have a better idea of the City.

- Hit the production working day from 9:30 on Ragnhildsgade 1.
- Kids place: are having a meeting in rosinhuset. Time will be announced on the homepage!
- action info overview and training days during the COP: 10-12 in byens lys
- banner making at Ragnhildsgade from 9:30

- workday for Dont buy the lie from 15:00 in the youthhouse at dortheavej
- action info overview and training days during the COP: 10-12 in byens lys
- media training at 17:00 in soli

- Infomeeting for activists at 19:00. place not decided
- action info overview and training days during the COP: 10-12 in byens lys

- Big medics gathering on the 10th at 14:00. only for people who are already trained medics, as they don't have time to train new people.
- action info overview and training. 10-12 in byens lys
- infomeeting/actioncouncil/spokescouncil: 18:00 - 21:00. preferably at Ragnhildsgade.info sharing 18-19. next days action 19-20. RP action council from 20-21.

- infomeeting/actioncouncil/spokescouncil: 18:00 - 21:00. preferably at Ragnhildsgade.info sharing 18-19. next days action 19-20. RP action council from 20-21.

- System Change not Climate change blok in the 12th dec. demo. starting from Folketinget at 13:00 and ending at Bella centret at 19:00
- infomeeting/actioncouncil/spokescouncil: 18:00 - 21:00. preferably at Ragnhildsgade.info sharing 18-19. next days action 19-20. RP action council from 20-21.

- action info overview and training. 10-12 in byens lys
- infomeeting/actioncouncil/spokescouncil: 18:00 - 21:00. preferably at Ragnhildsgade.info sharing 18-19. next days action 19-20. RP action council from 20-21.

- infomeeting/actioncouncil/spokescouncil: 18:00 - 21:00. preferably at Ragnhildsgade.info sharing 18-19. next days action 19-20. RP action council from 20-21.

- action info overview and training. 10-12 in byens lys
- infomeeting/actioncouncil/spokescouncil: 18:00 - 21:00. preferably at Ragnhildsgade.info sharing 18-19. next days action 19-20. RP action council from 20-21.

- infomeeting/actioncouncil/spokescouncil: 18:00 - 21:00. preferably at Ragnhildsgade.info sharing 18-19. next days action 19-20.

- Climate collective breakfast meeting at 8:00 in St�beriet
- infomeeting/actioncouncil/spokescouncil: 18:00 - 21:00. preferably at Ragnhildsgade.info sharing 18-19. next days action 19-20.

- Last day of the COP

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