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It's 2007 
70's Retro Propaganda - 23.10.2007 07:50

What you need is to realize we live in 2007, closing in on 2008.
If above statements are true, then it still is a fact
that your PR completely sucks.
It is all but unreadable, the pictures are very outdated
and can be called falsely glorifying, i mean: women smelling flowers?
They must be grannies now or dead.

If your side is to be heard,
then please learn to write statements in English
and use digital cameras to make photos
that underline the story instead of mystifying it.
Well, at least deliver statements in proper English.

Also, deliver some "evidence" or rather a truthful account
of why you reckon your struggle is a just one and how your means of resistance are somehow different to the "blatant fascism" of the Turkish army,
what I have seen up until now are Stalinist tools revering mustached men
in total obedience, which gives me the unpleasant feeling I'm dealing with a sect.

Prove your claims to autonomy by producing historic evidence,
it isn't obvious to everyone that having a different culture and language
justify armed separatism.
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