Breed (after)G8-strategie congres in Duitsland globalinfo - 18.09.2007 11:40
Komend weekend worden de eerste voorbereidingen getroffen voor een breed 'After G8' strategie-debat in Duitsland. Activisten uit enkele organisaties die betrokken waren bij de blokkades van de G8-top, afgelopen juni in Noord-Duitsland, organiseren een congres over strategische vragen voor de toekomst. Ter voorbereiding van het congres zelf zijn er twee bijeenkomsten belegd, waarvan de eerste al komend weekend in Berlijn geschiedt (zie hieronder). De tweede voorbereidende bijeenkomst zou op 20 oktober in Cottbus kunnen gebeuren. Voor het congres zelf zijn twee mogelijke datums: 13-16 december of 2-6 januari. Zie voor de verdere inhoud de (engelstalige) tekst hieronder of hier: Het zou een goede kapstok kunnen zijn voor Nederlandse activisten die verder willen gaan met het ontwikkelen van anti-kapitalistische strijd en - structuren. In ieder geval zal een update gegeven worden tijdens het komende 2dh5-festival (23-25 november in Nijmegen, --------------------- Verder is er weer een nieuwe brochure met analyses en beschouwingen van de G8-protesten uitgekomen die nu ook online staat: Protest.Widerstand.Perspektive: Deze komt uit de hoek van de tamelijk strak communistische �Anti-G8-B�ndnis f�r eine revolution�re Perspektive� -------------------- proposal for a transspectral strategy Our proposal for a transspectral strategy congress already went around a couple of weeks ago. Certainly, many of us have a great need to talk about all the things that happened around Heiligendamm in order to draw consequences for our common political practice for the future. We, the transspectral working module camp as part of the Hannover/Rostock coordination, decided at our last meeting to follow up this proposal by the invitation for the first preparatory meeting. We invite you to come to the first preparatory meeting: as the date, we fixed Sunday, the 23rd of September at 2 o�clock at the �New Yorck 59�, Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2 in Berlin. This date to us seems favourable, since on September 22, there will take place the great demonstration "Freedom instead of fear". One possible date for the second preparatory meeting, we also already have already: October 20 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the framework of the social forum in Cottbus. We already have a proposal for the date of the congress itself as well: December 13-16, 2007 or January 2-6, 2008. To get the discussion moving, we remind you once more of the questions that we mailed around already with the first proposal (continue to consider them suggestions), we should make the questions more concrete only at the first common preparatory meeting). Critical evaluations of different forms of protest and resistance: * do they function only at summit protests, * do they have a lasting effect, * were they possible due to the strong internationalisation of the protests, * or was it the transspectral character that has many things become possible, * did we not agree to gulp down too many frogs in order get this alliance installed in the form of the Hannover circle? * We will have to discuss why some elements in the desired forms of protests, such as Plan B and decentralised actions did not function to the extent contemplated. We remind you furthermore that it would be very helpful if at the numerous local and internal meetings until winter, in the evaluation process of the individual spectres, first proposals were to be worked out: * which strategic elements should be elementary in our struggle, for instance, in 2008 and 2009, * which partial struggles in society should enjoy our special attention, * what are the ideas in order to create a subordinate whole of the various protests, * what rank will the summit protests in Japan 2008 and Sardinia 2009 have for us? A general assembly will bundle the results of the various strings of seminars and workshops. We are, within our working group, somewhat anxious, however, about the concrete shape of the congress: the danger is great that the success, the positive as well as the negative experiences, the various action forms, but also the criticism is talked small at such a congress, and that afterwards, there results nothing more from the congress than the typical appeals: Form gangs! Better organisation! More movement! More action! The whole things will work only, therefore, if enough people participate in the preparation and at the congress itself in order to set up the congress to be as spectre-overarching as possible at which we are not told from above what we have to think or do. Participate! Freedom to all political prisoners! Sincerely yours Camp Working Group -------------------- Openbare emaillijst voor berichten over anti-kapitalistisch protest in Nederland: |