Need your solidarity with Angarsk! nn - 26.07.2007 18:20
please send this text to the contacts below if you can thanks to everybody for the solidarity! cops and nazis still put pressure on the activists... the situation there is quite tense.. but people gonna restart the camp on monday. struggle goes on! Appeal to - State Office of Public Prosecutor of Russian Federation - Administration on public relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation - Office of Public Prosecutor of Irkutsk region - Mass-media As we know, on July 21st, 2007 in Angarsk (Irkutsk region) a group of people has attacked the environmental protest camp, that was built to oppose the plan of the development of the nuclear power taken by the Russian government, which includes an unsafe storage of radioactive waste and the expansion of capacities of the enterprise of enrichment of uranium - Angarsk electrolysis chemical industrial complex. As a result of this brutal attack one person was killed, two others received serious wounds. The life of one of the wounded is in danger. The mass media inform that the investigating agencies develop several versions of the event. Among them is an armed assault with the purpose to capture property and an attack, reasoned by personal hostility. Moreover journalists referring to statements of the police, inform that police suspects the participants of the camp in belonging to some political organizations and "are going to investigate", who are those "ecologists" that have gathered under the "pretext" of carrying out the environmental camp in Angarsk. We want you to draw your attention that environmental believes are quite compatible with political ones and, moreover, struggle for the defense of the environment assumes the presence of an active life position, not indifference to social problems, many of which are connected with environment. We consider aversion of neonazis' ideology is natural to any person. It is impossible to be just "ecologist": society but not separate individuals influences the environment. Hundreds of thousands take part in environmental protests all over the world. Nobody tries to find out "true" motives of their activity, a belonging to the organizations and does not suspect them of mercenary interest. We want to remind, that people have a right to unite in groups, organizations, coalitions - both long-term, and aimed to the decision of a concrete problem. Equating the participants of the environmental camp to "youth groupings" (= gangs) on the basis of their age, informality, the absence of the head leader, we consider deliberate and incompetent. Thus, the attack at the camp is represented as banal "clash" between groups of youth. We ask you to not discredit the environmental camp in your public performances and in performances of your representatives. According to the participants of the camp it is known, that attacking people cried out the slogans describing their belonging to the nazi-skinhead movement. We ask not to ignore the political party of the attack, to recognize the presence of neonazi associations in Irkutsk region and to institute proceedings against participants of the attack under the article of "extremism". The reasons of the Angarsk events were the discrimination of foreigners in the Russian Federation, the spread of nationalistic moods, public nationalism of the high rank officials and state parliament (Duma) deputies, soft convictions for the neo-nazis, - and as a consequence – the assurance of the attackers in their impunity We also know, that law enforcement bodies of Angarsk have been put constant pressure on the participants of camp. The illegal arrests of the activists took place on the14th and 20th of July. In both cases the officials of the 3-rd militia station of Angarsk refused to make reports on detentions, but forced the activists to give explanations, took their fingerprints and photos. Also on 14th of July the officials of the 3-rd militia station have seized the personal belongings of the activists (such as books, brochures, CD’s). These things haven’t been given back, while the militia staff refuses to admit, they’ve taken anything. After the camp was attacked the investigating agencies have illegally taken away almost all personal things of the participants of the camp for 3 days under the pretext of the investigation procedures, having paralyzed its work. On 24th of July most of the activists’ stuff were returned, but the authorities still refuse to give back tents (some of them were stored in the bags), rugs and environmental leaflets. The militiamen has been trying to prevent the activists’ communication with mass media, aspiring to avoid publicity of the event. We would like to remind, that every citizen has a right to express their position. Therefore we ask you to provide the safety of the participants of the camp when it will be set up again, and also not to prevent environmental actions in Angarsk and Irkutsk. Date, signature The State Office of Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation Adress: 125993, Russia, Moscow, B. Dmitrovka street, 15a Info: +7 (495) 692-26-82 Info for citizens: +7 (495) 291-60-66 Fax: +7 (495) 692-17-25 The press centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia 119049, Moscow, Jitnaya street, 16 Tel: (495) 239-05-54, (495) 239-54-63 (only for mass media) Online appeals: Fax: +7 (495) 239-57-68 Office of Public Prosecutor of Irkutsk region Adress: 664011, Irkutsk, Volodarskogo street, 5 Tel.(8-3952)259-000 E-mail: +7 (3952) 24-13-08 |