IRAN- Chirac: "Teheran could be completely destroyed" minder jon - 01.02.2007 20:36
In an interview given to journalists today, french president Chirac said: "France can not accept a nuclear armed Iran" and "Teheran could be completely destroyed." source: yahoo news germany link to ) At the moment a relentless and unmistakable American buildup for war against Iran is currently underway. Military preparations are being accompanied by a daily barrage of propaganda against Tehran issuing from US sources and relayed uncritically via a compliant media.  USS Bataan, steamed through the Suez Canal on Tuesday on its way to the Gulf Theres a huge US naval buildup in the Persian Gulf, which, for the first time since the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, will include two aircraft carrier groups. The Jerusalem Post reported that the assault ship, USS Bataan, steamed through the Suez Canal on Tuesday on its way to the Persian Gulf. The seven-vessel battle group includes 2,200 US Marines and sailors, helicopters and Harrier fighter jets. The aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis and its associated warships are due in the region later this month, joining the carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower which is already in the Gulf. In all there will be around 50 warships as well as hundreds of warplanes at his disposal. A comment in the French newspaper Le Figaro on January 27 noted that with the two carrier groups, "the United States now has the ability to conduct an air offensive 24 hours a day for 30 to 40 days. It can rely on Bahrain, the huge al-Udaid airbase in Qatar and its operational command centre, and the Diego Garcia base in the Indian Ocean for supply. The American satellites have reportedly identified 1,500 targets linked to the Iranian nuclear weapon program, distributed over 18 main sites. No one doubts that considerable damage could be inflicted on them. Industrial and oil targets could be added to them." It is difficult to say, if Chiracs latest interview passages are kind of psychological warfare against Iran - or are meant as a serious threat. More reports and discussion on: |