UK actie aan poort immigration: Stop razzia's asielzoekers stop deportaties - 10.12.2006 12:07
Glasgow vanmorgen vroeg. De immigratie dienst wil razzia's houden. Ongeveer 60 mensen staan er voor de poort waar de wagens van de zgn. "snatch squats" klaar staan om deze morgen twee invallen te doen, en proberen de razzia te verhinderen. Hieronder het bericht van NCADC (english): (wellicht werkt een dergelijke aktie ook in ons o zo gastvrije landje?) Glasgow 6.02 AM SUNDAY 10th December, protestors on the gates More than 60 people are gathered at the gates of the UK Immigration Service at 200 Brand Street, Govan, Glasgow which holds the vehicle compound for immigration 'snatch squads'. The snatch squads are expected to carry out two dawn raids early this morning. Protestors are gathering between 530 am and 8:00 am to persuade the squads to stop terrorising Glasgow's long term asylum seeker community. In the last two weeks four asylum families have been the victims of Sunday morning dawn raids by the Home Office snatch squads who go into family's homes without notice at dawn and remove whole families for deportation. In Glasgow, over 1000 asylum families live in fear of a dawn raid. Children as young as 8 years old are regularly known to stay up from 6am onwards daily in fear of snatch squads visiting their homes. In recent weeks, Scottish tenants have organised daily dawn patrols in communities like Glasgow's Kingsway and Sighthill to Protect their neighbours through peaceful protests. Church ministers, charity workers and council tenants who live alongside Glasgow's asylum seeker families are amongst the protesters. Rev Dr Iain Whyte, a senior Church of Scotland minister and Rev. David McLachlan are amongst the protesters. Rev Dr Whyte, a well known anti apartheid activist, said: "As members of a civilised society, we cannot stand by and allow these inhumane policies to take hold in Scotland." Robina Qureshi, Director, Positive Action in Housing, said: "Three or four dawn raids are now happening every week. It frightens the parents, the children, the neighbours, schoolteachers, everyone. As a result of that policy many families are now going underground with their kids and become invisible from the statutory service and vulnerable to exploitation of every kind. "Scotland has the fastest declining population in western Europe, with 25,000 Scots leaving each year. No use going to Canada or Australia to bring them back. The people that are willing to stay and contribute are asylum seekers. . We can't stand by and allow that lifeblood to be sent back because of a barbaric policy emanating from Westminster. "Many of the 1000 asylum seeker families who could be victims of a dawn raid are long term residents of our communities. The executive and the home office keep making noises about making dawn raids humane and less likely. But nothing has changed in the last fifteen months" Website: |