Workshop "kraak een billboard" - 22.06.2006 13:13
[English below] Zaterdag 24/06/06, 14u, Amsterdam Tijdens de street art & graffiti tentoonstelling die dit weekend plaatsvindt in de oude filmacademie aan de overtoom 301 in Amsterdam, is er een workshop over het kraken van billboards.  Rotterdamse sleutel  Handleiding A´dam  Voorbeelden uit Toulouse Tijdens de workshop zal er uitgelegd worden hoe je abri's opent. Waarom? De meerderheid van de ruimte voor beeld in onze stedelijke omgeving wordt gemonopoliseerd door reclame. Stickeren, graffiti en andere stedelijke vormen van herovering van de publieke ruimte zien zich beperkt tot de hoekjes van het straatmeubilair. Met behulp van een setje speciale sleutels wordt het echter mogelijk om ook in die mooie abri te hangen. In de workshop zal er uitleg gegeven worden over het maken van sleutels en zal er ook een set van abri posters aanwezig zijn ter verfraaiing door het publiek. Later zullen deze posters weer teruggeplaatst worden in hun natuurlijke habitat. Workshop: Reclaim the Billboard Saturday 14:00-16:00 On this workshop we will explain people how to open billboards. Why? The majority of the space for urban imagery is monopolised by advertising. Stickering, graffiti and other urban art forms are marginalised and legally persecuted. However, with the use of a set of special keys, access to the urban imagery can be made public to everyone. We will bring to the workshop instructions how to make the keys and a set of billboard posters. We hope together we can change the posters into a public street art and graffiti exhibition. Later the posters will be placed back at various places in the city. ************************** “The streets are my canvas…” – International Graffiti/Street Art exhibition Location: OT301, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam Date: 23/24/25 of June 2006 Open Call for all graffiti/street art artists to send their work. The Streets Are Our Canvas Recorded history began as the scribbling on the wall. Graphic expression, as the basis of the process of recorded information, began on the wall. On the wall, so that the eye of all could see. Modern-day wall expression has been able to reclaim the lost purpose of public, communal visual communication. It can be found in every city, in every corner of the world. The Streets Are Our Canvas aims to reflect on such an ephemeral, dynamic and self-imposing free-movement as the art-in-the-street scene is. Graffiti, stencils, stickers, paste-ups, paintings, etchings, canvases…anything goes, anywhere, anytime. Getting up is the word. It has been for over thirty years. So show us what you’ve been up to. Works should be done in any object the artists find in the streets, in whatever shape or size. Doesn't matter if it is a stolen object or not...(although we don’t support such action). Subject is anything you want to express in any type of materials you can lay your hands on. Artists can also send their canvas’. And/or posters/stickers (no size restrictions) for a Peel "n" Stick wall section.... Unfortunately, the organization will not be able to pay absolutely anyone for absolutely anything you might send in. But we will respect all works and give them equal exposure. Please contact us if you want your works to be returned, or if you have any special needs we can help you out with. Contact: Website: |