debat over G8 plannen dinsdag a.s. A SEED Europe - 28.06.2005 15:26
Debat dinsdag 5 juli 11:30 uur, Prins Hendrikkade 189 B Amsterdam De rijkste landen ter wereld: oplossing of probleem voor klimaatveradering en armoede? A SEED Europe en friends of the earth international organiseren komende dinsdag 5 juli een bijeenkomst over de G8 top in Schotland en de belangrijkste thema's van deze top, namelijk schuldenverlichting, armoede en klimaatverandering. Er zijn sprekers uit Indonesie en Nederland. Hieronder de rest van de informatie in het engels. Voertaal van het debat is engels. A Public Debate and Discussion The World_s Richest Countries: Solutions or Problems for Climate Change and Poverty? ISHHS, Amsterdam, Tuesday, July 5, 2005 11:30-13:00 In light of the coming annual gathering of the G8 countries in July 2005, Friends of the Earth International and A SEED Europe would like to draw your attention to some of the crucial issues from G8's agenda this year - debt cancellation, poverty and climate change. A number of speakers from Indonesia and the Netherlands will discuss the issues above from environmental and social point of view. For more info about G8 and actions, please visit: Speakers: 1. Chalid Muhammad and Fara Sofa, WALHI/Friends of the Earth Indonesia 2. Janneke Bruil, Friends of the Earth International 3. Donald Pols, Milieudefensie/Friends of the Earth Netherlands Moderator: Filka Sekulova, A SEED Europe Venue: International School for Humanties and Social Sciences, Prins Hendrikkade 189-B, Amsterdam , Contact: Filka Sekulova: / + 31 6 17182941 Longgena Ginting: / + 31 6 18846365 E-Mail: Website: |