DEADLINE IRAN NOVEMBER 25th ? Foreign Press Foundation - 19.09.2004 23:22
"The ''clock is ticking'' for Iran to stop its activities and cooperate with the IAEA, U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham said today, in Vienna." BUT: "Iran has had more than 800 IAEA inspections in the last year, Hossein Mousavian, head of Iran's delegation to the IAEA, said this week." NOVEMBER 25th - DEADLINE FOR IRAN ? "The U.S. says Iran, site of the world's second-biggest oil reserves, is hiding a nuclear-weapons program and wants UN sanctions imposed on the country." Here below follow two quotes: the first by the US Energy Secretary who wants more war and Iran's oil, and the other quote is by the head of IAEA's Iran delegation. 1) "The ''clock is ticking'' for Iran to stop its activities and cooperate with the IAEA, U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham said today, in Vienna." 2) "Iran has had more than 800 IAEA inspections in the last year, Hossein Mousavian, head of Iran's delegation to the IAEA, said this week." [The figure for this year is not public yet]. The genocidalists of the american Junta apparently do not understand, that all Iraqis and all Iranians, will become as good a pipeline demolition expert as they can be, and will stop the flow of oil immediately and for decades to come. How some evil group of US/Israeli warmongers now again starts spreading the same fake- and spin stories on Iran, als earlier all the lies about Iraq, is clearly shown in this Bloomberg article: Iran Refuses UN Uranium Demand, Is Rebuked by U.S. Sept. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Iran refused a demand by the United Nations' nuclear watchdog to halt all uranium-enrichment activities, prompting a U.S. rebuke as the Islamic Republic faces possible economic sanctions. The U.S. reproached Iran today for refusing an International Atomic Energy Agency resolution urging an immediate halt to Iranian enrichment-related activities. The body, which acknowledged Iran's right to enrich uranium, asked Iran to further open its atomic program to UN inspectors. [More than 800 inspections? HR] ``Iran will drag out negotiations with the IAEA and the Europeans, who are unlikely to agree to sanctions because of their oil interests in Iran,'' Youssef Ibrahim, managing director of the Dubai, United Arab Emirated-based Strategic Energy Investment Group, said in a telephone interview. The U.S. says Iran, site of the world's second-biggest oil reserves, is hiding a nuclear-weapons program and wants UN sanctions imposed on the country. [Iraq sanctions + Albright: ] New sanctions may force European oil companies such as Royal Dutch-Shell Group [ Murder by SHELL: - HR] to stop working in Iran. Iran won't accept any UN demand to halt the enrichment of uranium, Hassan Rowhani, the secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, said in Tehran, the state-run IRNA news agency reported. Iran's nuclear program is peaceful and is only intended to generate energy, he said. Iran has had more than 800 IAEA inspections in the last year, Hossein Mousavian, head of Iran's delegation to the IAEA, said this week. Total SA, Europe's third-largest oil company, OAO Lukoil, Russia's top oil producer, and Norway's Norsk Hydro ASA are among other international oil companies working in Iran. The country is the second-largest oil producer in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries after Saudi Arabia. U.S. Rebuke The ``clock is ticking'' for Iran to stop its activities and cooperate with the IAEA, U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham said today in Vienna. [ Idiot ! - HR ] ``We should all expect that Iran should follow the obligations and cooperate with the IAEA,'' Abraham said at a conference of the Global Threat Reduction Initiative, a movement backed by the U.S., Russia and International Atomic Energy Agency seeking to secure radioactive materials around the world. Iran's suspension of its uranium-enrichment program since October 2003 was voluntary and could be extended, Rowhani said. ``Only dialogue can stop us from resuming (uranium- enrichment) activities,'' Rowhani said. Doubts about Iran's nuclear program are gone now that the country revealed the goals for the activities, he said. The International Atomic Energy Agency's resolution proved that Iran's nuclear program is peaceful, Rowhani said. The U.S. has failed to achieve its goal of seeking a UN Security Council resolution to impose sanctions on Iran, he said. The Iranian official didn't rule out the possibility of resuming nuclear talks with the U.S. The U.S. is pleased the IAEA has set Nov. 25 as a deadline for Iran [ ? HR ] to cease its pursuit of nuclear weapons, Jackie Sanders, the head of the U.S. delegation, said yesterday. Trade Sanctions U.S. companies are prohibited by federal trade sanctions from investing in Iran. The U.S. law, known as the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act, hasn't kept European and Asian companies from operating there. Shell and Spain's Repsol YPF SA signed an accord on Sept. 16 to build a liquefied natural-gas plant in Iran, which may take years to develop. Shell, an Anglo-Dutch oil company, [known to be like the others: killing for profit - HR ] produces oil from two fields in Iran and is bidding to develop more in the country. "The U.S. sanctions haven't hurt Iran and if the U.N. sanctions are imposed I doubt they would be respected," Youssef said. Russia, which is helping Iran develop its nuclear program, has also refused to back out of an $800 million project to build a nuclear unit at Bushehr on the Persian Gulf, Youssef said. Iran recently retested its Shahab-3 missile in the presence of observers to prove it isn't afraid to use force to defend itself from a potential attack, Youssef said. Israel, a U.S. ally in the Middle East, destroyed the Osirak nuclear reactor in neighboring Iraq in 1981. [andend] [ Would Israel strike first at Iran? - - HR ] To contact the reporter on this story: Dania Saadi in the Dubai bureau on To contact the editor responsible for this story: Kimberly Kirner at Url.: - Last Updated: today September 19, 2004 FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars The Netherlands The Dutch author worked for 4 decades for international media as foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism ! ( US Senator Hollings agrees: ) Co-author of the book "Techno-Bandits", on high-tech smuggling [ Houghton Mifflin ]. Guest-lecturer at the Departments of Journalism, at Stockholm University in Sweden, and Aarhus University - Denmark. Evil triumphs when good men, women and journalists remain silent: - - Let's fight today, because tomorrow, it may be too late... Help the troops come home: we need them to fight our 'governments': HR E-Mail: Website: |