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Dierenbevrijdingsnieuws Dieren Bevrijdings Front - Supporters Groep - 14.04.2004 17:46
DIERENBEVRIJDINGS NIEUWS  trucks in zweden Swedish trucks burned down An animal transport lorry got torched during the easter holliday in Falkenberg, Sweden. The truck is owned by a poltry slaughterhouse and had not been used for days when the fired started. It happened on the night to sunday and the truck is now useless. Two other trucks that was parked close by were also damaged due to the massive heat. First i'd like to change the amount of lorries to 3. This because other newspaper articles have reported that the 2 lorries, next to the totaly destroyed one, has recieved so much damage that they can not be used at this time. The police have found a bottle with flameable liquid under one of the trucks and think that it is a firebomb that didnt go of for some unknowned reason. News from Sweden. Heres a picture:
http://www.aftonbladet.se/vss/nyheter/story/0,2789,461472,00.html Russian ALF ACTIVE April 5th: activists attacked two fur shops. Windows were spray-painted with slogans: ‘Fur is dead’, ‘murderer’ etc. March 29th: ALF attacked 1 meat, 2 hunt and 2 fur shops. Doors and windows had slogans spray-painted in red color. Information in russian language see http://aeliberation.net/ HENS LIBERATED "On the weekend of the 14-15 of february, 19 hens was rescued from a farm in the Samper de Calanda region. In their new home they can walk freely and live a life without restricting metal bars. We left the car behind us. It's black colour allowed it to be invissable in the darkness. We walked towards the farm. We had to make a hole in the fence so we could get closer to the window that we planed to use for our escape later. Unfortunatly the window was protected with strong iron bars that was impossible to remove. Even more dissapointing was to see an alarm system on the batteryfarms front door and a sticker next to it saying "imediate service, direct contact with the security central..." This facing against us, we were still not ready to give up that easily. We continued searching for a way in and discovered the "egg transportation pipe" which came in and out of the farm. Next to it there was a plastic wall that we carved a hole in and, viola! We where in! Once inside we could see a pretty modern machinery, everything seemed to work completely automaticaly. We didn't waste any more time and went straight for the cages. Row after row with four levels of battery cages. It took us some time to open, but once we did, we begun to liberate our sisters from their prision. It was sad, but this time we could only rescue 19 hens. There where 6 of them in each cage and the cages was so tiny that the animals couldn't even change their possition without a big effort. Some of them seemed to have been there for a shorter period then other as they still had some feathers, but most of them only hade a few left and their skin was irritated. It wasn't difficult to get a hold of them. It was almost as they knew that they were only a cartrip away from a new life in freedom. Dogs that was barking far away, the alarm system that had been installed and other problems, forced us to leave early without smashing all their egg production and the machinery. But we are happy to know that thoose 19 hens are living a happy life. We want to dedicate this raid to the hens that we had to leave inside and all the ones that are suffering in the farms all over the world and to all our brother and sister animals that are being tortured, murdered and used only as objects on the whole planet. To all of you anarchists that eat meat. Your diet and lack of action are one of the reasons that makes it possible to abuse the animals, who suffer and feel as we do. You discriminate them just because of the same reasons why the racist disrespect people of other races. Discrimination because of species is similar to the discrimination of race, sex or sexual preferenceses. You can give all the excuses that you want, but in order to be a true anarchist you need to liberate your slaves. We fight for a total liberation of the animals, humans and non humans. But our non human animal brothers are the ones that are recivig the worst pain. They have got no one else and as the slogan goes: we aren't going to leave they alone. The animals can't wait A.L.F. / F.L.A." MINKS RELEASED "On the night of 9th of April we raided a mink farm near Carral, a town of Galicia (Spain). We liberated 6500 female impregnant minks by making a hole in the wall and opening a big door. We also destroyed some of their property of torture and murder. Our action caused aproximately 300,000 euros of damage. Untill all are free! Freedom for animal and earth liberation prisoners!" E-Mail: dbfsgnederland@hotmail.com Website: http://directaction.info |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen |  | onzin | pieter - 14.04.2004 21:40
houd toch op met dat WTO-zeehondenbont-verhaal. Wat is je intentie om non-nieuws te posten?
| Gratis DBF-SG magazine | DBF-SG - 14.04.2004 22:29
Je kunt een gratis DBF-SG magazine aanvragen door even een mailtje te sturen met je gegevens naar
dbfsgnederland@hotmail.com In nr17 lente 2004 Interview Engelse ALF gevangene Dave Blenkinsop, BPRC campagne, How the raid was done, diary of actions, bontacties en veel meer.
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