Bij het gerechtshof in Thessaloniki was er zondag een solidariteitsdemonstratie voor de gevangen genomen actievoerders. Er zouden zo'n honderdtal mensen gearresteerd zijn, waarvan er zondag 25 voor de rechter moesten verschijnen. Ondanks eerdere gewonden, heeft de politie nu opnieuw geweld gebruikt tegen de demonstratie.
legal Vijftien activisten werden beschuldigd van "moderately severe offences". Zeven anderen werden beschuldigd van ernstige misdaden, zoals "bankroof" en "poging tot moord". Dit zijn de beschuldigingen die de politie heeft geuit. Voor 14 activisten bleef de zaak vooralsnog onduidelijk. Eerder op de dag lieten mensen duidelijk zien, wat ze hiervan vonden [ foto ] Voor de mensen die nog steeds vastgehouden worden, is de situatie volgens de laatste berichten zeer ernstig. Sommigen werden mishandeld door de politie. Dit bericht werd bevestigd door advocaten en dokters.
Tijdens de lawaaidemo bij het gerechtshof heeft de politie zich weer niet rustig kunnen houden en heeft zij de demonstranten, een paar honderd, in het nauw gedreven [ foto's ] toen er conflicten waren ontstaan tussen een paar activisten, een "stille" (agent in activistenkleding in dit geval) en een journalist. Daarbij werd opnieuw traangas gebruikt. Ooggetuigen melden zwaar geweld van de kant van politie. Twee mensen moesten naar het ziekenhuis. Onbevestigde bericht zegt dat er daarna enkele relletjes her en der in de stad hebben plaatsgevonden.
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Zie overzichtsartikel: Protest in Griekenland tegen een racistisch Europa
A noisedemonstration in solidarity with the activists who are still kept in jail since Saturday, was held at a courthouse in Thessaloniki on Sunday. Sixty people were shouting outside the courthouse and demanded the release of the prisoners. Reports say there were over one hundred arrestes saturday, of whom 25 will appear in front of a judge on Sunday. Currently, there are still twenty to thirty five person in jail, all others have been released. Most of the arrestees are Greek. Still in jail there is also one person from the US, 1 British, 1 from Syria, 2 Spanish and 2 Austrian.
[ legal team update ]
Solidarity Demonstration at courthouse surrounded by police
18:30 Reports say that the noisedemonstration outside the Courthouse is surrounded by police. The police is armed and seems to be prepared to charge and disperse or arrest the activists. Two Spanish activists suffered tortures and beatings, one of them has had a part of his hair removed. Lawyers of yesterday's arrestees have entered the Courthouse.
Update on the Courthouse
18:00 The number protestors in front of the courthouse had grown towards several hundreds. There is yet no sign of the arrested people. They are expected to be carried to the court house at around 19:30 (gmt +2). Hereis a picture taken earlier today outside the Court and here you find the latest update of the legal team.
Court House and Legal Updates
20:00 The situation in front of the court house has become less tensed. Activists are allowed to leave if they like and police put off masks. There are reports of some scuffles earlier in the afternoon between some individual policemen in plainclothes (undercover), riotpolice and activists, with the use of teargass after an assault of a journalist and an undercover cop within the group of activists. Reports from the legal group are mentioning that in the afternoon a further twenty people were arrested in the city, because of their looks. Their whereabouts are not known. A German update on the legal situation says fifteen activists have been accused of minor or moderately severe offences. Seven activists are accused with capital offenses, like bank robbery and attempted murder. With 14 activists the charges are not clear yet. The situation for the ones that are emaining in custody, is said to be alarming. Individual prisoners were maltreated by police. The latter is also confirmed by lawyers and doctors.
update on court house
Up to now at 21:19 Greek time the public prosecutor has not appeared yet. The lawyers and jugdes are present. The press is excluded.
As soon as the public prosecutor will arrive, it will be clarified in an informal conversation if and what charges can be raised at all. At the preliminary conversation representatives of the Republican Lawyers Association from Germany, the European Human Rights Representation and a Catalan Lawyers Association take part. As was discovered in conversations of the arrested with their lawyers that several of the arrested are under age, they requested the exclusion of public, as they don't have any trust in the commercial mainstream media and can protect their mandates best this way. The appointment to review of remand in custody shall be postponed untill tomorrow. Untill now 29 arrested shall be brought in front of the magistrate. Everything else will probably be decided tomorrow.