To AKP members of parliament and all AKP DHKC - 11.06.2003 23:24
Last week your party’s management distributed a directive calling on you to take precautions to protect yourselves “against terrorism”. To AKP members of parliament and all AKP province and district directors Statement: 306 Those who use taxis are to get out or enter them at least 50 metres from party buildings… Those who visit party buildings are to be subject to careful searches when entering and leaving them... And then? The next step is to “walk keeping your back to the wall”, “don’t allow people to visit party buildings”, “don’t get into vehicles for mass transportation...”, and “at party meetings, keep the audience at least 10-20 metres away from you”, according to the directive. Are these things actually a solution? These are the methods that all torturing and murdering governments and the General Staff have applied over the past 50 years. Kill, and then build a protective wall around yourself! How far does that go? If you were even slightly linked to the people, if you were a little bit scientific, you would understand the futility of trying to solve the problem in this way. You government is preoccupied with the “consequences” of the problem, not the “reasons” for it; solving the problem depends on dealing with the reasons for it. What is the AKP government doing? The F-Type prisons were placed on the agenda as a project of imperialism in order to change the beliefs (opposition beliefs, of course) held by human beings and to force them to deny their personalities and convictions. In our country, the imperialists caused the F-Type prisons to be set up; America and the European Union both planned and financed them. The DSP-MHP-ANAP government (translator’s note: the previous government coalition in Turkey, consisting of a “left” party, a far-right party and a conservative party) made its mark in history by opening the F-Types, carrying out the December 19-22 massacre and continuing tyrannical practices in these prisons. Your party is continuing the F-Type practices. The F-Types have killed 107 of our people to date. Ten of them have died in the AKP’s period in office. You cannot count these 107 deaths as being of no consequence. To discount them means to continue fascist policies. It is to be the practitioner and the cat’s paw of imperialism’s project for altering the thoughts and beliefs of those who oppose it. It is tyranny to discount those deaths, and those who discount these deaths are tyrants! What did you say when you came to power, and what are you doing in power? You came to power saying, “We are against tyranny.” You came to power saying that “governments are there to solve problems, not create them.” You said, “We will solve our problems through participation and through everyone enjoying the full use of their rights and freedoms”. But what is your government doing now? It is publishing directives on “protecting itself”. Is this how to solve problems? It is the guilty who feel afraid! This directive is an admission that “we have created violence and we are the ones responsible for tyranny”. It is the guilty who feel afraid and who take “precautions”! In actions where our revolutionary movement has demanded a reckoning from the tyrants, it has never targeted those who are not involved in crimes against the people such as torture, executions, massacres and disappearances. The AKP government knows that it is continuing tyranny in the F-Type prisons. The directive it has issued is an expression of the worry and the panic of those who are guilty. But the problem is not solved in this way. Those who think, “I kill, you should remain on my side” are making a mistake. In human history, there has been no such law, no such conception of justice. No religion, no belief system has such a concept of “justice”. No religion says, “Remain on the side of tyranny and profit from it”. But there is a conception of demanding a reckoning. There is a conception of the oppressed resisting tyranny, demanding a reckoning and seeking justice. It has been like this throughout history. You know that too. To think and defend the contrary is peculiar to fascism alone. However, fascism sees itself as having a right to commit massacres and practise tyranny and also think it is “not responsible” for what it does. The solution is to end isolation in the F-Type prisons! The AKP government must abandon its policy of torture and destruction aimed at the prisoners in the F-Type prisons. Every AKP member of parliament, every AKP official who says they oppose tyranny and believe in justice must put this demand to the AKP administration. It is not enough to make a demand; to do this, efforts must be made in all channels Isolation must be ended. This is the solution. Those who use demagogy about terrorism to cause confusion about this demand want to continue the massacre. Otherwise, we are not responsible for what will happen. Massacres do not go unpunished. All we are saying is: find a solution, put an end to isolation. We are not saying anything else! Devrimci Halk Kurtuluş Cephesi (Revolutionary People’s Liberation Front) © DHKC 2002 E-Mail: Website: |